

Hey all, 12dp5dt, Im hoping to find 12dp5dt who has gone or going through the same thing as me. I had my second HCG test today 12dp5dt which was

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Images are hidden by default on this community. Learn more. I have continued to test daily however I'm not getting any darker lines. I am guessing it's a chemical but trying to stay hopeful. Awaiting blood results tomorrow but anyone else had a positive outcome with similar progression lines? Hi FirstIVFer. Just keep up with any pescribed medication, Folic Acid and vitamin D, then ten when you test tomorrow, make sure it is with the first urine passed in the morning. Sometimes test sticks can be a bit old or not stored correctly at the pharmacy or supermarket, affecting the dyes. Fingers crossed for tomorrow. How are you doing today? Im hoping bloods show up good for you but dont be paniced if they want to repeat them as they will want to see a trend xx. Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm beyond feelings at this stage, just another blow! So the saga continues

Yes I think maybe the bubbling and nausea I'm having could be the pessaries. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners, 12dp5dt, 12dp5dt. To view profiles and participate in discussions please join or log 12dp5dt.

Feels far too late to be implantation as already getting positive tests. Does anyone have any success stories after the same as i feel like im not going to get good news at my scan which i dont even know when that is yet probably in the next 3 weeks. They will tell you to try not to worry, easy for them to say, I know. I know others who have had theirs increased because of bleeding too. I am continuing progesterone till 12 weeks, but I know frozen transfers you generally use it longer than fresh.

Vitrification is the technology created to rapidly freeze embryos, sperm, or eggs so that they can be preserved for later use. It involves cooling the cells in such a way that damaging ice crystals do not form. Embryos frozen by vitrification are found to have better survival rates and are more… View Full Term. By clicking sign up, you agree to receive emails from FertilitySmarts and agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Days postday transfer DP5DT refers to the number of days that have passed since an embryo that developed for 5 days in a lab was transferred to a uterus during an in vitro fertilization IVF procedure. In this case, a 5-day embryo called a blastocyst is transferred as opposed to a different stage of development. Tracking days post-transfer is done to identify the day that a pregnancy test is most likely to give an accurate result. The multi-step IVF process involves stimulating egg growth, retrieving eggs, fertilizing them in a laboratory with sperm, and allowing any resulting embryos to develop in a lab. Read more detail about the IVF process.


Images are hidden by default on this community. Learn more. I am 12dp5d frozen transfer of 1 PGS normal embryo. I am scared of another chemical pregnancy or a false positive. Tomorrow is my official test day.

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Show 3 Previous Comments. IVFmumma 1 year ago. The darkening tests are certainly reason to be hopeful. FirstIVFer 1 year ago. MyJerseygirl said:. My feed I'm on I'm watching I started. Praying this one is viable but worried. Just keep up with any pescribed medication, Folic Acid and vitamin D, then ten when you test tomorrow, make sure it is with the first urine passed in the morning. You aren't that far off what is ideal doubling which is positive. Conception Follow topic. Reply 1 Report. Hi everyone. Head melted!!!! Thanks for your reply. Report as Inappropriate.

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Thanks for letting us know your symptoms. On my scan they said I had a haematoma from aggressive implantation. I'm 5dp5dt and the wait is so tough. Moved to a new clinic in Greece which was the game changer. Learn more. Pregnancy Brain Moments? It sure was but that's the awful world of fertility treatment eh? Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. Please create an account or log in to access all these features. Feels far too late to be implantation as already getting positive tests. Moderation team See all. I am guessing it's a chemical but trying to stay hopeful. Amazing news on your BFP congratulations! Did you feel like your progression stalled after a while before getting a dye stealer? Sign Up.

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