9 sınıf ingilizce çalışma kitabı cevapları

9 sınıf ingilizce çalışma kitabı cevapları

Match the speech bubbles with the party types. Think about the party types. Choose the odd one out.

Fiil in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Henna 1 come from Germany. She 2 live with her family in a flat. In winter, it 3 get dark very early and it 4 snow a lot. Most people 5 love skiing there. Children 6 learn to ski at a very young age. In summer, they 7 ride bikes and 8 spend most of the day outdoors.

9 sınıf ingilizce çalışma kitabı cevapları


True 4.


Please speak slowly. I am not English. They sometimes ride their bikes. CEVAP 1. Bazen bisikletlerine binerler. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the verbs below. One is extra. Matt gets dressed for the school before breakfast every morning.

9 sınıf ingilizce çalışma kitabı cevapları

Read the text and complete the table below. On March 11 , an earthquake hit Japan. The local time was 2. Its magnitude was 8. A great tsunami hit the country after this povverful earthquake. Both the earthquake and the tsunami caused a big damage. Unfortunately, thousands of people lost their lives. When I was a child, it hit our city because of a heawy rain.

Fraction calculator with whole numbers

Look at the table below. Choose the odd one out. He is a good writer. I am going to throw a surprise party. Is there any cheese in the fridge? Next week, we are going to celebrate the first harvest of cherries. Please try to come. She feels very excited about her new age. We need a lot of oranges to make juice. You can try a ride in a boat here. I am looking for a big teddy bear. We are going to eat cake and pie. I need your help. Are Janet and Tom going to play music?


I am going to play games. True 5. Matilda is a beautiful dancer. Have you got any fruit juice? After the party, we are going to dance and sing karaoke. Write questions and answers. Are Janet and Tom going to give a barbecue party? Are Janet and Tom going to do the cleaning after the party? A : Hmm. We are going to eat cake and pie.

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