Abdl daddy stories

By ElfyApril 29, in Completed Stories. Well this is a commission from the same person about a prequel to that story. It hopefully answers some of the questions that were left open by the first abdl daddy stories and tell an interesting tale of it's own, abdl daddy stories. Although this part may appear to be a self-contained story in itself, I promise this is just the first part to a three part prequel.

The more time goes on, the harder it is to remember life before Daddy took you into his care. There have been too many bath times, diaper changes and snuggle sessions to count. This story was submitted by … Read the rest. In the first three parts of our story, a new lodger finds himself embarrassed by a wet bed and the need for nappies — but the diapers open up a new level of trust and connection between Andy and Tim. A special thanks to … Read the rest.

Abdl daddy stories

This story involves a sweet little girl and her relationship with her daddy. I slowly opened my eyes to see a toy mobile above my head swinging back and forth. I was cuddling my favorite teddy bear named Yogi. I could feel a lump in the back of my diaper and a cold wet feeling in the front. I whimpered lightly because of the discomfort the mess was giving me. I heard quick footsteps coming down the hall, my door creaked open and Daddy was standing there. He walked in and peered over my crib, he crinkled his nose and smiled down at me. I nodded again and kicked my legs slightly to tell him I needed my diaper off or I was going to throw a fit. Daddy pulled down the bars of the crib, lifted me up from under my armpits. I could see Daddy's strong muscles through his tee. He made me feel so small. He put me on his hip and carried me over to the changing table, laid me down carefully and grabbed the supplies he would need. He handed me my diaper.

The faster he finished the faster him and his Father could get started. Connor nodded again but remained silent. And as someone who's never w

However, I firmly stick by the notion that it is my first and absolute priority in my relationships and play, but if such things happen with the right people at the right time.. I still hate the feeling of sexuality all the time in my play, though. Something quick that I wrote tonight, felt inspired. PS: You can follow us on Twitter now! He put the little girl in her playpen firmly but gently. She pouted. Finish up your milk first.

I finished it in February after almost two years! Life often had its own priorities. When this blog went offline for a bunch of reasons, including pesky hackers , the number one thing I was contacted about was this story. It was so amazing to receive e-mails and messages from the community asking if I had a copy of this story. Reading it again after all this time, I can still remember the love and hope I felt in writing it. For others, the story will be new to you, and I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing it. In which the boy next door has an accident — and our author deals with his feelings of wanting to provide protection. Chapter Two. Chapter Three.

Abdl daddy stories

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. All characters in this story are over the age of 25, the story focuses in part on abdl with the use of diapers, stuffies, a bottle and a paci but all characters retain their age again and do not regress. The items mentioned above are comforts, no age change is suggested or should be deprived from this story. Any honorific's used like daddy and little one are again only honorific's and not suggestive of age play. If this is not your thing please do not read. It's time to get dressed. I put my pull up on and bra on then my plain pink snap crotch bodysuit.

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Throw it out to a year old boy, and he might throw it right back at you with a punch to … Read the rest. Leave a comment Cancel reply. The rest of the guys had a pretty good time getting drunk in the forest. The previously lively party had ground to a halt as everyone, shocked at what they had just witnessed, started whispering to each other. But like I said, this was actually pretty nice. This was a commission. Thank you so much! Connor saw Daddy and a policeman standing nearby with a large stroller and a large crowd of people gathered to gawk at the oversized toddler. Stephen headed to his bedroom. This story is perfect! Go to topic listing.

A good story is like playing with Legos — sometimes you put all the pieces together and you end up with a Lego robot dinosaur, and sometimes you end up with — well, with a bunch of blocks! But as readers of this blog know, Anthony is a writer who knows how to put the blocks together and was the … Read the rest.

He then pulled the syringe out and threw it into the back of the car. Posted May 7, However, I firmly stick by the notion that it is my first and absolute priority in my relationships and play, but if such things happen with the right people at the right time.. It was as he tried to take deep breaths and slow his heart rate down that Connor finally started to smell the awful stench in the air. She knew there was always another time, but Daddy knew how much she hated it, and while she knew that he had to rush the song… She grumbled and gnawed the nipple, sipping occasionally. Posted June 1, No doubt rumours were already starting to circulate. Connor had always been known as a bit of a loose cannon. He let go of my hand and went to the cupboard and grabbed a small jar of applesauce. He patted her bum gently. That was a lot nicer than I expected it to be, to be honest. The bars boxing Connor in made him feel very claustrophobic. Just as Connor considered heading back to his car and driving home, a car pulled up next to him in the road. He realised that he was naked except for an unusually heavy material that was covering his crotch. None of the leather straps budged an inch, he was almost completely helpless.

3 thoughts on “Abdl daddy stories

  1. It is a pity, that now I can not express - it is compelled to leave. But I will be released - I will necessarily write that I think on this question.

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