Acoustic guitar forum

The Acoustic Guitar Forum. Today AM. Handbuilt and unique custom guitars from professional luthiers, small builders, and individuals. Hatcher Studio '

Last Page. Today AM by personatech. Shubb partial Capos. Today AM by nikpearson. Medium-sized plectrums?

Acoustic guitar forum

We've updated our Privacy Policy and by continuing you're agreeing to the updated terms. The Unofficial Martin Guitar Forum. Forums Topics Posts Last post. The D28 Lounge Discussion directly related to Martin. Technical Info Repair, setup, etc. The Vintage Corner Vintage discussion, all brands. General Musical Topics Anything else music related. The Log Cabin A place to talk about wood! The String Cafe Any 12 string instrument. The Four-String Farmhouse Uke, tenor, mandolin, etc. Classical Gas Gut or nylon strings, all brands. The Guitar Gallery Your collection and builder threads. The Lost or Stolen Guitar Registry. Technique and Players.

Grayson mystery guitars velomont Aug 17, 2. Today AM by douglasfan1.

In total there is 1 user online :: 1 registered, 0 hidden and 0 guests based on users active over the past 5 minutes Most users ever online was on Sat Dec 31, pm. Administration Messages Announcement of planned service downtime or other notes I would like to send to the group. Construction logs Show us how your current project is progressing. Gallery Post a few pictures of your "completed" project. Adhesives Glue choices -- types and preferences. Specialized Guitar making tools and fixtures Ideas for DIY shop made tools -- save money and add to the enjoyment. Materials Suitable for Acoustic Guitar Construction Wood selection sound-boards, backs, sides, necks and trim.

The Acoustic Guitar Forum is the world's largest and most active acoustic guitar community bringing communication, realtime discussion, and relevant information to acoustic guitar enthusiasts, artists, guitar builders, manufacturers, and retailers. On the web at: www. This app has been updated by Apple to display the Apple Watch app icon. Refreshed app. I was very happy to discover this app. I spend a lot of time on the acoustic guitar forum and it so great to be able to view it in an app versus Safari.

Acoustic guitar forum

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Feeling Blue. Page 1 of Jan 23, by Steadfastly. Grayson mystery guitars velomont Aug 17, 2. Remember Me? Yesterday PM by justonemore. Feb 19, by GTRJeremy. Events and New Releases Announce upcoming events of interest to acoustic guitar players, new music releases, jams, and relevant, music-related kickstarters. Yesterday PM by Powderfinger. The Last of the GE Reveal LLE preamp problems by nicemd » Tue Apr 16, am.

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Today AM by Wade Hampton. The D28 Lounge Discussion directly related to Martin. SOLD dogdog Martin Reimagined GeorgeMich 2d ago. D28 Lounge Archives. Tools that help with grammar and spelling are fine, Grammarly for example, Ai-generated content is not allowed. Yesterday PM by Guitars44me. Today AM by Kh Sound Reinforcement and Recording. Who is online In total there is 1 user online :: 1 registered, 0 hidden and 0 guests based on users active over the past 5 minutes Most users ever online was on Sat Dec 31, pm. Open Mic Discussions that are of interest to our community and not necessarily related to acoustic guitars or music. Yamaha LL16 12 advice! Harp Guitar A place to discuss harp guitars. Yesterday PM by 29er. Pick-ups and amplification Thoughts -- Experience.

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