adhd meme funny

Adhd meme funny

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Welcome, fellow voyagers in the wonderfully diverse ADHD universe! Being prone to distraction, we find ADHD memes engaging3 and helpful medium to remember and retain content. That being said, all credit goes to the brilliant, exceptional and creative ADHD minds behind these ideas. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, for driving awareness and for building understanding that benefits the entire ADHD community! All of them. Still, "getting overexcited and freaking them out" sounds quite appealing. Planners are great.

Adhd meme funny


Saving Up. We are consistently bombarded with ideas.


Visualize and assess 25 ADHD traits and understand how they affect your life. I could not find the original creator of this meme at this time to credit them, if you do please let me know! Memes are media in the form of images, text, or videos that are humorous in nature and spread rapidly on the internet. Depending on how people relate to it, memes can have several variations. For instance, a similar image can be used as a meme for introverts and adults with ADHD.

Adhd meme funny

Welcome, fellow voyagers in the wonderfully diverse ADHD universe! Being prone to distraction, we find ADHD memes engaging3 and helpful medium to remember and retain content. That being said, all credit goes to the brilliant, exceptional and creative ADHD minds behind these ideas. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, for driving awareness and for building understanding that benefits the entire ADHD community! All of them.

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ADHD is real, and it isn't something you outgrow. All confirmed! The Clutter Problem. An ADHD body doubling app to get more done solo, not alone! Putting things off to the last minute creates an emergency-type situation, inducing an adrenaline and dopamine hit and a state of hyperfocus that can propel someone with ADHD to complete tasks. Sometimes ADHD is feeling like an underachiever and an overachiever and swinging between the two. ADHD and sleep often go hand in hand. Deadlines, anxiety, and stressful situations induce adrenaline and dopamine release and can help people with ADHD feel in control and in the zone. Anxiety, depression or ADHD? And if you are struggling to focus, task initation or getting things done, try the Deepwrk ADHD body doubling app. I have ADHD. Our ADHD brains love novelty and learning, so we might find ourselves constantly analysing and dissecting new information. Creating an anxiety-fuelled dopamine rush can propel us to complete tasks Having ADHD and taking medication is nothing to be ashamed of. Gabor Mate also argues that while ADHD might have a genetic component, it is determined by our environment and the impact of trauma and stress in particular.


Sometimes ADHD is feeling like an underachiever and an overachiever and swinging between the two. ADHD and sleep often go hand in hand. Join us for a deep work focus session and let's get more done together. Beat it Bozo! It's much more complex than having trouble focusing. Cleaning the dishes, folding laundry, filling in forms Wow Homie It's all a farce. Use the form here. The 5 Neurodivergent Love Languages. Anxiety, depression or ADHD? When the brain refuses to fall asleep and brains too much. Misdiagnosis is particularly common for women and girls due to symptom misconceptions.

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