akshan mains

Akshan mains

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Riot implemented one pretty cool, yet annoying mechanic for Akshan a while ago. Now, it seems like one Rioter has had enough and using this one ability could be the end for Akshan Akshan was one of the most controversial champions to be released in recent times. When players realized he could literally revive entire teams, they were not happy with the design of the champion, but it seems that with time there are other parts of his kit that have become even more annoying. So annoying even that Rioters themselves are now creating ways to interrupt the champion to make him less of a nuisance in their League of Legends matches. Akshan is a literal superhero in the world of Runeterra and he's even able to bring back people from the dead thanks to the passive on his W.

Akshan mains

If Akshan collides with an enemy champion or terrain, he will jump off the rope. Locks onto an enemy champion, charging multiple shots over a few seconds. Shots also execute minions. Akshan is a marksman that focuses on building items that give him a lot of attack speed and attack damage. Akshan is a very mobile and aggressive champion, he can use his mobility throughout the game to roam around the map and get advantages from other lanes. When you find an opportunity you should always look to attack and use his abilities to proc his passive, Dirty Fighting so you can get the shield to win trades. When you get to the mid and late game you can use Akshan's high mobility and damage to swing around the map and increase your team's odds of victory! Akshan can also be played in the duo lane, make sure to check the alternative build at the top of the page! The build with Akshan duo lane is the same as mid lane and the playstyle is pretty much the same. Akshan can struggle in the duo lane since most of the other champions can out poke and outrange him and it's hard for Akshan to dive in since there is so much crowd control to dodge. Every three hits from attacks and abilities deal additional magic damage and Akshan gains a shield that absorbs damage. You should look to proc this as many times as you can especially during the laning phase.

Pre 6 she has no strong CC, and her mobility akshan mains lack luster to say the least. Too much Tank.


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Akshan mains

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Punish him level 1 for every cs. You will not be able to kill off an all in

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It seems that this has even annoyed some devs at Riot Games with Riot DashiJador expressing his frustration on Reddit. Sneaky bois, really OP for picks. Akshan gets countered. She can't really win engages without her Jungle, and you shouldn't win engages without your own. Akshan The Rogue Sentinel. I can't imagine he's that bad, if I get any more info I'll add it here. If she doesn't have E, abuse her. When Akshan takes down a Scoundrel he gains gold and revives the slain allies instantly. When enemy champions are low on health, Akshan can deal bonus damage. A good one can make your life hell, but her fatal flaw is that she almost always pushes towards your tower. His passive, Dirty Fighting , can auto-attack twice, and Heroic Swing gives you a stack every time Akshan hits an enemy champion. Noonquiver Boots Control Ward. For summoner spells, Flash is a must on Akshan. If she misses her charm, you slap those fox cheeks. Now, it seems like one Rioter has had enough and using this one ability could be the end for Akshan

Akshan middle has a The best Akshan players have a

The active allows Akshan to become camouflaged for just under 2 seconds while gaining bonus movement speed towards Scoundrels. Q, E, and then AA but cancel the second half for movement speed so you don't get E'd If you engage with her E on cooldown, presuming she plays it not like an idiot. Spells: 1 2 3. His engage pattern is very predictable, so use that to your advantage to aid in dodging the brunt of his trade. It seems that this has even annoyed some devs at Riot Games with Riot DashiJador expressing his frustration on Reddit. Crush her early, and don't let her slither back up. Akshan fires a hook to attach and swing around terrain, attacking the nearest enemy dealing physical damage per shot. Does he have E? Akshan counters well. Final Build.

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