alatreon mhw

Alatreon mhw

This guide explains everything about Alatreon's weaknesses, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it.

Now, as someone who went against the original Alatreon and even soloed it in Monster Hunter Tri multiple times, the legendary Black Dragon is one of my favorite creatures in the series. Heaven help us all. All Alatreon fights have the same, specific flow, which ideally can be summarized into three steps: deal enough elemental damage, break a horn, heal through Escaton Judgement. Of course, each of those steps has its own nuances. Dragon Active will always be the second form.

Alatreon mhw

With those goals checked off, head back to Seliana and you should see the Third Fleet Master by the entrance with a quest marker above her head. Though its elemental properties change throughout the fight, exploiting the weakness of its first phase can delay its switch into another, giving you more time to deal optimum damage. It always starts in the same elemental state, though this could change each day. As a bonus, with the horns broken, Alatreon should be frequently locked out of its other Active form, lowering the threat of having your weapons or armor suddenly feel like butter to a knife. Astera Jerky should be all you will need to heal through a properly mitigated supernova. Nulberries are a must given how often Dragonblight can cut off your elemental damage output. Gemming for blight resistance can save time. If Alatreon is proving too difficult, one sure-fire way to craft the new weapons and armor is to spam the quest with a Plunder Blade-equipped Palico. Save your potions and just focus on picking up whatever your feline companion can pluck from the dangerous dragon. The below numbers are based on its appearance in past Monster Hunter games and should only be used a guideline until concrete data is pulled from its official release:. This remains mostly true as it switches between elements. The only thing Alatreon is immune to on this front is Exhaust, so Hammer users still clinging onto Stamina Thief gems should use this opportunity to switch to increased element damage. Poison, Sleep, KO, and Paralysis are all fair game. Even though it switches between only three distinct elemental phases Fire Active, Ice Active, and Dragon Active , it will regularly use Thunder and Water-attuned attacks as well.

Of course, each of those steps has its own nuances.

Palico Overview Palico Gadgets. Monster Hunter: World Monsters Alatreon. Known as a symbol of destruction, it's rumored to harness the full force of nature, but no records remain. Low Rank. Alatreon Great Sword.

Alatreon is infamous for instilling fear in hunters as a symbol of destruction. Known for its elemental mastery, Alatreon is the focal point of quests such as Blazing Black Twilight and The Evening Star , displaying immediate hostility towards hunters. Known as a symbol of destruction, people fear even uttering its name. Alatreon appears in two Special Assignments and two Event Quests. Alatreon can use attack from any element in any form, though he tends to prioritize the ones that corresponds to his active state.

Alatreon mhw

This guide explains everything about Alatreon's weaknesses, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available. List of Contents. Alatreon's attribute at the beginning of the hunt will depend on which quest you took.

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You're gonna need it. Load more. Thank you for participating in our survey! I'm not gonna use them of course, it ruins the whole point of the game. I have defense btw. Elder Dragons. Alatreon is an Elder Dragon introduced in Monster Hunter 3. Loading Speed. Alatreon Metamorph. I choose the lance despite its poor damage output because with guard up and max guard skill you can block any attack with only chip damage can still die to chip damage if you're not carefull tho, having the healthsteal augment greatly helps and learning when to counter gave me way more chances to deal damage.

Alatreon is an Elder Dragon introduced in Monster Hunter 3. Alatreon is a large quadrupedal dragon completely covered in backwards-facing, razor-sharp black scales, along with a more prominent spiked patch on its chest area. It has large wings, a muscular tail, a beaklike mouth, and two large, serrated horns on its head, which are essential for its control over its elemental powers.

Personally I'm loving this progression. Confident gunners can target the head, which is especially helpful in Dragon Active mode when the part becomes vulnerable to breaking. Depending on which elements it is actively using, Alatreon's scales may glow in different colors. We could not find the message board you were looking for. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Save your potions and just focus on picking up whatever your feline companion can pluck from the dangerous dragon. Keep in mind however that Alatreon can quickly cut your health bar in half with most attacks. When in Fire Active, Alatreon is weak to Ice. Font Size. Fanged Beast. Alatreon start with ice so im using fire weapon, then he switch to dragon state so i just broke his horn and pass his ele dps, but after escaton he just switch to ice. Elemental blights of all kinds, a one shot if an invisible elemental dps check is not met, which in and of itself made elemental builds mandatory.. Well, it's not as good as not having to worry about dragonblight at all but hey, better than nothing! Having a dragon resistance of 20 or more will prevent him from inflicting Dragonblight, but you still will be hit by other blights, which in turn will proc Coalescence.

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