amharic movies

Amharic movies

Ezega Entertainment is a vast section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Our Ethiopian video collection has new Ethiopian music, Ethiopian news, Ethiopian comedy, Ethiopian drama, amharic movies, Ethiopian film, etc.

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Amharic movies


Amharic movies Ethiopian video collection has new Ethiopian music, amharic movies, Ethiopian news, Ethiopian comedy, Ethiopian drama, Ethiopian film, etc. A young lawyer travels to an Ethiopian village to represent Hirut, a year-old girl who shot her would-be husband as he and others were practicing one of the nation's oldest traditions: abduction into marriage. It follows the fascinating work of Ramadan, a young farmer; Jarso, a successful merchant; and Amir, a young religious leader with a passion for long chewing sessions and traditional Sufi chants, amharic movies.


Ezega Entertainment is a vast section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Our Ethiopian video collection has new Ethiopian music, Ethiopian news, Ethiopian comedy, Ethiopian drama, Ethiopian film, etc. And our Ezega Blogs section has various articles written by experts that may be of interest to you. They deal with health and beauty, career and employment, business, and real estate, to name a few. Ezega Entertainment brings you high quality, individually selected entertainment videos for you to view from the comfort of your home. Here, you will find Ethiopian Videos for Ethiopia music, current news, drama, comedy, movies, films, etc. To check out our latest collection, please click here to go to Ethiopian Music Ethiopian Movies Ethiopian Videos page. Ethiopia has more than 80 languages and ethnic groups. New Ethiopian music is also as diverse as its cultures and languages.

Amharic movies

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Drifting in unplanned tours through the urban landscape of contemporary Addis Ababa, this film is shaped by encounters, dialogues and collaborations with musicians and other inhabitants of the city. A drama about two Ethiopians who enter a marriage of convenience and struggle to maintain traditional values as they strive toward their dreams. A Walk to Beautiful. Please click each of these categories and see what we have for you. When an Ethiopian boy moves in with distant relatives he takes his pet sheep with him but the upcoming holidays spell danger for his beloved friend. This is a story of young female Ethiopians who fled to Arab Worlds to work as a maid and struggle to stay safe, a heart warming and sad story. In fact, young Ethiopian music artists have started blending Ethiopia music with western music to create a hybrid Western-Ethiopian music. Ezega Entertainment is a vast section that includes thousands of Ethiopian videos, Blog articles, Forums, and Events page, among other things. Yesuf Ababa. Matko 42 is released from prison 15 years after murdering his wife. Title name. We focus on the interaction between the staff and the children, the relationships among the children themselves, their perception of otherness, as well as the overpowering influence that religion has on daily life and education in this special "home" away from home. Set in , in a season of hot Political turmoil that started the downfall of the Emperor and the mass executions of top officials, Abraham Gezahagn tells us about a child's struggle to cope with societal ignorance of moral crime. Western music has also been popular for decades in Ethiopia music scene.


The film explores the complex character of this unique community, based solely on observation, without the aid of commentary or interviews. Some are about Ethiopian news today, some are Ethiopian documentaries, and others are promotional video types. Yetsehay Mewcha Lijoch. Advanced search. She joins Kevret, a young and idealistic, head of the tenants' committee, to lead the neighborhood residents. The Wild Frontier. A widowed father struggles to save his daughter when she becomes a victim of sexual assault. The solace that the memories of his youth provide is quickly replaced by the competing forces of military and rebelling factions. A young lawyer travels to an Ethiopian village to represent Hirut, a year-old girl who shot her would-be husband as he and others were practicing one of the nation's oldest traditions: abduction into marriage. Ethiopian news agencies, Ethiopian government agencies, individual Ethiopian artists, Ethiopian promoters, and Ethiopian websites of various types post Ethiopian videos of different varieties. Music in Addis is present in actions and sounds spread out on differentiated spaces, it is an expression of the everyday urban life and its processes of transformation and adaptation in the city. Nardos, an Azmari singer from Addis Ababa, dreams of telling stories about the lives of ordinary people through her music. Ethiopian Videos Ezega Entertainment brings you high quality, individually selected entertainment videos for you to view from the comfort of your home.

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