apeirophobia level 14

Apeirophobia level 14

Level 14 appears to be an expansive complex of thin brick hallways and electrical machinery. Countless randomly segmented rooms are present across the level in no particular pattern.

After completing Level 13 and escaping the chaos of the Funrooms, you'll move on to one of the most difficult of the Chapter 1 levels: Level 14, the Electrical Station. While the puzzle isn't too complex, this location is one of the largest and most maze-like places you'll encounter in Apeirophobia. Keep reading below for a step-by-step on how to get through it as seamlessly as possible. The main concept of this level is to track down two missing tools: the screwdriver and the wire cutters. Using these tools, you can open the electrical box at the entrance and unlock the door beside it. Both tools can be hidden anywhere around the map and spawn in random locations during each playthrough. The easiest way to get through Level 14 is to make sure you have at least one friend to help you.

Apeirophobia level 14

Welcome to the Apeirophobia Wiki! Please read the Wiki Rules and take a look at the Wiki Templates before contributing to get a better understanding of what content is allowed on our wiki and how to display it properly. Level 14 the fifteenth Level is gigantic, a fact which ranks it as one of the largest Levels in the game, and it is a complete headache to navigate. The Level starts inside a hallway. Walking forward and turning left will present you with another hallway, which itself divides into a few other hallways. The start of this Level is a long hallway with yellow tiled walls, a dark gray tiled floor, yellow lights on the top of the left wall, pipes on the ceiling and at the end of this very hallway there is an opened gate that you can go through, going through will reveal a series of long hallways and rooms, but will also reveal a Locked Room which contains the Computer needed to escape, the Locked Room's door is an Electric Door that will only open once the Electric Box next to it is messed with, this is described more in the Mechanics section. These hallways will still have the same yellow tiled walls and dark gray tiled floor as the last hallway, pipes on the ceiling, long bars on the floor, arrows pointing to a direction, and chairs and sometimes they will be stacked or lying on the floor, small bins and they will also contain yellow lights on the top of a random side on walls, going to the left after the long hallway you will find a room with a chair, a bin behind the chair, a shelf with boxes on it and this room you will be able to find on random parts of the map, they can be entered without a door, just a hole in the wall. Going further to the left you will find a smaller hallway compared to the ones on this Level, leading you to a big room containing 5 generators, 2 having a red tint and the other 3 having a blue tint, this room also contains long bars on the floor, a ladder on the floor and chairs with some lying on the floor, fans on the walls, shelves with boxes on them, two shelves that have fallen which also had the boxes fall onto the floor, some boxes are either wooden and painted white or wooden and painted red or plastic and painted green or plastic and painted with the color of olive and all them are empty, the most important part about this room is the levers, there will be a big arrow pointing to 3 levers and they are essential to this level, the use of the levers is explained more in the Mechanics section on this page. Each room has the same yellow tiled walls, and dark gray tiled floor but no pipes on the ceiling the ceiling is gray and there will still be lights on the top of a side of the room. There is also a part in this Level that has white tiled walls, the same dark gray tiled floor and the same pipes on the ceiling but from the other part it has white lights instead, the start of this part also has the exit at the right of the part's entrance after going further the walls will go back to yellow tiled walls, the floor will stay the same and so will the pipes but the lights are now back to yellow. Once you figure out the puzzle and insert "y" on the Computer in the Locked Room, a gate will open up at the second part with white tiled walls, this gate will reveal a long hallway with white tiled walls, the same dark gray tiled floor, white lights on the top of the left wall and the same pipes on the ceiling, this hallway will contain a stack of boxes at the start and a ladder in the middle and then it will lead you to a big door that shows you only darkness, the darkness is your exit. There is a locked electric door at the end of the first hallway, which has a gray electric box on the wall with black screws on each corner of the box, this box is on the right of the door and you will require a Screwdriver to remove the screws on each corner of the box, and then once you have opened the box, it will reveal 10 different colored wires which will have you need Bolt Cutters to be able to cut the right wire, cutting a wrong wire will trigger the alarm so if that happens just start cutting all of the wires, once you did cut the right wire the alarm will turn off and the electric door will open revealing a room with a turned on Computer , on this Computer you will be able to insert "y" and open the exit. Every time that the entity of this Level the Stalker jumpscares you, the alarms will turn on and the lights will start blinking red with an annoyingly loud sound along with it, once the alarms go on you will have to make your way to the Lever Room and flip all 3 levers, if you do so on the next jumpscare you will not die, but if you do not flip the levers in time and get jump scared, you will die and get 1 life taken away. The Stalker will give you 2 chances, if he gets you without the alarm on, he will turn the alarm on and not kill you, but if he gets you again with the alarm on, he will kill you wasting 1 of your lives. Each time the alarm is reset, the Stalker 's Chances will go back to its original number.

Welcome to the Apeirophobia Wiki! Going to the left further at the end of the first hallway will lead to a second Note, this Note is very messy but you can see that the player is walking in a hallway and then a monster shows up and scares the player this monster is most likely the Stalkerafter that jumpscare, the alarms go "wee woo" meaning that they have been turned on, apeirophobia level 14, the Note then shows that if the player flipped down 3 levers, they would be safe from dying on the second jumpscare but then wiflix download Note also shows that if the player didn't flip any levers, on the second jumpscare the player apeirophobia level 14 drop dead.


Level 14 appears to be an expansive complex of thin brick hallways and electrical machinery. Countless randomly segmented rooms are present across the level in no particular pattern. It contains storage rooms, boiler rooms, break rooms, and a main room with levers. There is a gate at the start which you go through to see the rest of the level. There are a lot of objects scattered around the hallways and rooms. It has almost a maze like structure to it, leading to a bunch of dead ends, loops and doors. The foggy yellow lights and repeating doors can allow you to get lost through the map. There is also an alarm system, much like Level 6.

Apeirophobia level 14

Welcome to the Apeirophobia Wiki! Please read the Wiki Rules and take a look at the Wiki Templates before contributing to get a better understanding of what content is allowed on our wiki and how to display it properly. Level 14 the fifteenth Level is gigantic, a fact which ranks it as one of the largest Levels in the game, and it is a complete headache to navigate. The Level starts inside a hallway. Walking forward and turning left will present you with another hallway, which itself divides into a few other hallways. The start of this Level is a long hallway with yellow tiled walls, a dark gray tiled floor, yellow lights on the top of the left wall, pipes on the ceiling and at the end of this very hallway there is an opened gate that you can go through, going through will reveal a series of long hallways and rooms, but will also reveal a Locked Room which contains the Computer needed to escape, the Locked Room's door is an Electric Door that will only open once the Electric Box next to it is messed with, this is described more in the Mechanics section.

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She likes to spend her free time binge-watching Netflix, reading all genres of novels, and playing all the best new video games. Once you have both tools, head back to the entrance where the locked door and electrical box are. Typical Fortnite Down Time. Welcome to the Apeirophobia Wiki! Paulalee Nyfroxal Issue Problems. After you cut the correct wire, go into the room that just opened and type "y" on the computer and the gate will open. Screenshot by Pro Game Guides. The exit should now be unlocked. This makes the level much easier to complete. The main concept of this level is to track down two missing tools: the screwdriver and the wire cutters. You'll still have to be quick about turning off the alarm to avoid being killed.

It's not very often that the Roblox platform offers a truly terrifying experience for players to take part in, which explains why Apeirophobia has skyrocketed to extreme popularity since its release.

Best Sweaty Fortnite Names March Current Wiki. The start of this Level is a long hallway with yellow tiled walls, a dark gray tiled floor, yellow lights on the top of the left wall, pipes on the ceiling and at the end of this very hallway there is an opened gate that you can go through, going through will reveal a series of long hallways and rooms, but will also reveal a Locked Room which contains the Computer needed to escape, the Locked Room's door is an Electric Door that will only open once the Electric Box next to it is messed with, this is described more in the Mechanics section. Interact with the computer, type Y into the input textbox, and press confirm. You will have a few minutes to turn off the alarm to keep yourself from getting killed. Sign In Register. There are a lot of objects scattered around the hallways and rooms. Released Entities. Click on the electrical box to open it with the screwdriver, revealing a set of wires inside. General Flashlight Camera. There is one particular room at the end of a hall which has pitch dark walls and a skinny corridor, at the end of the corridor is a folding chair with a camera sitting on-top.

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