Bacterial capsule slideshare

Bacterial capsules are composed bacterial capsule slideshare polysaccharides or other polymers that surround the cell wall. Capsules help bacteria resist phagocytosis and play a role in pathogenicity. Various staining methods can be used to visualize capsules, which are difficult to stain due to their non-ionic nature. Anthony's capsule stain uses crystal violet and copper sulfate to differentially stain the cell wall purple and leave the decolorized capsule appearing blue against the background, bacterial capsule slideshare.

This document discusses capsule staining, which is a technique used to identify the presence of bacterial capsules under a light microscope. It begins by defining bacterial capsules and explaining their functions, which include helping bacteria resist phagocytosis and providing protection. It then discusses the principle of capsule staining, which uses a negative stain to contrast the unstained capsule against stained bacterial cells. The procedure involves smearing a bacterial culture onto a slide with negative stain, staining with a counterstain like crystal violet, and examining under a microscope for unstained capsules surrounding stained cells. Examples of capsule-containing bacteria that can be identified this way include Klebsiella pneumoniae and Bacillus anthracis. Read less. AI-enhanced description.

Bacterial capsule slideshare

Download Now Download to read offline. Recommended Bacterial capsule. Bacterial capsule Mohit Hinsu. Flagella Microbiology. Bacterial cell wall. Bacterial cell wall Ashfaq Ahmad. Spirochaetes Bruno Mmassy. Flagella microbiology Notes. Flagella Arunima Sur. Spirochaetes Alia Najiha. Streptococcus pyogenes. Streptococcus pyogenes ajith joseph. More Related Content What's hot Morphology of bacteria. Morphology of bacteria Snehal Patel. Corynebacterium diptheriae.

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Capsule of bacteria , composition ,function of capsule etc. Read less. Download Now Download to read offline. Recommended Bacterial cell wall. Bacterial cell wall Ashfaq Ahmad. Fimbriae and pili.

Capsule of bacteria , composition ,function of capsule etc. Read less. Download Now Download to read offline. Recommended Bacterial cell wall. Bacterial cell wall Ashfaq Ahmad. Morphology of bacteria.

Bacterial capsule slideshare

Some bacterial cells are surrounded by a viscous substance forming a covering layer or envelope around the cell wall, called a capsule. Bacterial capsules can be visualized by light microscopy using special staining methods. If the layer is too thin to be seen by light microscopy, it is termed a microcapsule. It is called the slime layer if it is so abundant that many cells are embedded in a common matrix. Capsule also known as K antigen is a major virulence factor of bacteria. The principal pathogens that cause pneumonia and meningitis include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria meningitidis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, and group B streptococci have polysaccharide capsules on their surface.

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Ultrastructure and characterstic features of bacteria. Special stains Dr. Bacterial spore. Chapter1 cell structure of bacteria. More Related Content What's hot Direct microscope method. Meteorological satellites and their types Vasudevar M. It begins by defining bacterial capsules and explaining their functions, which include helping bacteria resist phagocytosis and providing protection. Structure of bacterial cell. Capsule staining reveals structures important for bacterial virulence and survival. Employability presentation for PSP3 module mattellis Similar to Capsule staining. While the rings named S and M are common to both, the rings names P and L are found only in gram negative bacteria. During conjugation, a pilus emerging from the donor bacterium ensnares the recipient bacterium, draws it in close, and eventually triggers the formation of a mating bridge, which establishes direct contact and the formation of a controlled pore that allows transfer of DNA from the donor to the recipient.

What have we learned so far, in terms of cell layers? All cells have a cell membrane.

Detergents 6. Negative staining Mohit Hinsu. Effect of growth phase and capsule properties of the bacteria". Rasa Theory Introduction by Bharat Muni. Nagendra P. Download Now Download to read offline. BMC Microbiology. E coli lab types and laboratory diagnosis Devlop Shrestha. Project report on Fasciola hepatica. Introduction to streptococcus and a brief review on its species Bandita Panigrahi. Culture media Namdeo Shinde. Retrieved India Ink — the capsules is displayed as clear halo between the stained cells and the background. Short hairpin rna Nagendra P. Why Capsule Staining?

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