baldurs gate 3 save the refugees

Baldurs gate 3 save the refugees

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There are multiple paths to complete the quest, some with more bloodshed than others, but our walkthrough will guide you through all your options to let you pick the best path. A fight with goblins plus a bugbear and a warg will ensue, but luckily you have a few allies to help. Follow it down the steps until you come across another altercation, this time between some tieflings and druids. It seems that a little girl is in trouble for attempting to steal a sacred druid relic. You can offer to help , or not, but either way follow the steps further into the clearing. This is what was preventing the lift from being usable earlier.

Baldurs gate 3 save the refugees

The tieflings are being forced out of Druid Grove by the Druid leader Kagha, however, there is a way to save the refugees and bring peace between them. The coordinates to the entrance to the Druid Grove is X: , Y: This will be a battle between goblins and the refugees on the outside. Take out the group of goblins, and when the battle is over, speak with Zevlor. Depending on your character, your party and, how you handle this fight, the battle should not be that tough. If Zevlor perishes during the battle, you will have to start all of this over. You need certain characters alive throughout the quest to ensure your success. Proceed into the area past the druids guarding the entrance. It is very important that you do not have Astarion in your party when going through the entrance. Otherwise, you will end up triggering hostility from the druid guards and enter combat. Doing this will mess up any chance you have of rescuing the refugees, so try to have a party with characters like Gale , Shadowheart , or Wyll instead. Go through the gate and look for a stone entrance on the right side, which will take you to the chamber where Kagha resides. Kagha will tell you to go speak with Zevlor once again. But before you do, talk to her companion Rath , who is sitting nearby.

I believe when you go back to the Grove everything resolves itself. On your way to the Goblin Camp, you will encounter other Goblins.

The party discovers a group of tiefling refugees at the Emerald Grove who are trying to reach Baldur's Gate, but have been waylaid by goblin raiders. While exploring the Emerald Grove, the player will discover a group of tiefling refugees taking shelter in the grove, who are attempting to reach Baldur's gate after being exiled from Elturel. However, with goblin raiders searching and launching attacks on the grove, the local druids are attempting to perform the Rite of Thorns and close themselves off to the outside world and leaving the tieflings vulnerable. The ritual can be stopped by either by killing the Goblin Camp leaders in the quest Defeat the Goblins , or dealing with Kagha and the Shadow Druids in the quest Investigate Kagha. However, in order to ensure safe passage for the tieflings, the goblins must be defeated. After killing the goblin leaders, the tieflings will be ready to leave for Baldur's Gate. Before they depart, they will join the party at their camp for a celebration.

There are multiple paths to complete the quest, some with more bloodshed than others, but our walkthrough will guide you through all your options to let you pick the best path. A fight with goblins plus a bugbear and a warg will ensue, but luckily you have a few allies to help. Follow it down the steps until you come across another altercation, this time between some tieflings and druids. It seems that a little girl is in trouble for attempting to steal a sacred druid relic. You can offer to help , or not, but either way follow the steps further into the clearing.

Baldurs gate 3 save the refugees

Although the tieflings you meet at the beginning of the game are guests of the druids, they are in mortal danger when the First Druid decides to kick them out. Whether the druids have the right to do it or not, players might not like the idea of letting the tieflings risk their lives moving somewhere else. After successfully defending The Hollow from the goblin attack, talk to Tiefling Zevlor, who will inform you about their predicament with the Druids of Emerald Grove. Head to the Druid Grove and have a conversation with Kagha. She will express her desire to close the grove and remove the Tiefling refugees to protect against goblin attacks. Go back to Zevlor, who has now relocated to the southeastern side of The Hollow behind the Stone Door.

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That's it: that's how you complete the Save the Refugees quest in Baldur's Gate 3. If Zevlor isn't ready to talk and you don't see the scout, then the scout must be stuck somewhere and is unable to path to Zevlor. Your character will automatically roll a Perception Check. Simply take a long rest, and get ready to Save the Refugees in Baldur's Gate 3. There are many pivotal moments in Baldur's Gate 3. Succeed and your character will automatically roll an Insight Check. Lastly, the eastern side i. Published: Jan 10, pm. Save the Refugees is a Quest in Baldur's Gate 3. This is the toughest of the possible solutions, because you'll have to eliminate 3 powerful opponents, but if you're trying to play the hero and do the "right thing" it's the best choice. If we want to save the tieflings, we need to get back to the grove to protect it - and fast. It's important to keep backup saves in case you need to reload due to unsuccessful rolls or misses.

The party discovers a group of tiefling refugees at the Emerald Grove who are trying to reach Baldur's Gate, but have been waylaid by goblin raiders. While exploring the Emerald Grove, the player will discover a group of tiefling refugees taking shelter in the grove, who are attempting to reach Baldur's gate after being exiled from Elturel. However, with goblin raiders searching and launching attacks on the grove, the local druids are attempting to perform the Rite of Thorns and close themselves off to the outside world and leaving the tieflings vulnerable.

If Zevlor perishes during the battle, you will have to start all of this over. Showing 1 - 15 of 20 comments. When you're ready, commence with the fight by interacting with the war horn. Afterward, make your way outside the area and back toward the north section of the grove, where you can enter a stone door and speak with Zevlor in a chamber. Next to the large tree base in the middle of this island, you'll find a Wooden Chest. He's imprisoned in bear form, but you can bust him out. Doing this will mess up any chance you have of rescuing the refugees, so try to have a party with characters like Gale , Shadowheart , or Wyll instead. The explosion and successive flame effect should kill many units. Or should I save Haslin first? Wyll wants to defeat the Goblin leaders to give the tieflings a chance once they're back on the road. Kagha died before the tieflings were forced out of the grove.

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