basketball mj

Basketball mj

Michael Jeffrey Jordan born February 17, is a former American basketball player. He is widely considered the greatest basketball player of all time, basketball mj. He played for the Chicago Bulls and the Washington Wizards.

Mike, Air Jordan, M. June, G. Born: February 17 , in Brooklyn, New York us. College: UNC. High School: Emsley A. Laney in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Basketball mj

Learn More. See More. Michael Jordan personified greatness on the court, and redefined superstar athlete off it. That shot put Michael on the map and a new era was born. The young superstar began stockpiling NBA hardware. The court was his and the world soon followed. His unmistakable style - the wagging tongue, the baggy shorts, the signature line of sneakers - helped make the time All Star the most recognizable person on the planet. Still his resume lacked an NBA title. Then in , the Jordan-led Bulls launched an all-out assault on the rest of the league winning three straight world championships. Michael won Olympic gold again in and then in abruptly retired from the Bulls to play minor league baseball. He returned to the NBA full-time in and the Bulls promptly won three consecutive titles. Jordan was named Finals MVP each time. In , Jordan made a second improbable comeback and still averaged 20 points per game and appeared in the and All Star Games. Closed Monday.

Jacksonand Mark Wahlberg, basketball mj. But Jordan, who has returned from retirement to breathe life into the left-for-dead Washington Wizards, and Basketball mj, who has quarterbacked the Nets out of the mire of the Meadowlands swamps, are the odds-on favorites. February 14,

Learn More. See More. Michael Jordan personified greatness on the court, and redefined superstar athlete off it. That shot put Michael on the map and a new era was born. The young superstar began stockpiling NBA hardware. The court was his and the world soon followed.

Mike, Air Jordan, M. June, G. Born: February 17 , in Brooklyn, New York us. College: UNC. High School: Emsley A. Laney in Wilmington, North Carolina. Compare Michael Jordan to other players.

Basketball mj

Learn More. See More. Michael Jordan personified greatness on the court, and redefined superstar athlete off it. That shot put Michael on the map and a new era was born.

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Tools Tools. Malone Jordan K. Scottie Pippen Class of Archived December 27, , at the Wayback Machine. April 3, He finally hung up his jersey for good at age 40 on April 16, Archived May 4, , at the Wayback Machine. Archived June 7, , at the Wayback Machine. Archived from the original on August 22, June, G. Us Weekly. Retrieved October 3,

Michael Jordan is a former professional basketball player, American Olympic athlete, businessperson, and actor.

After the second foul shot, the 76ers in-bounded the ball to rookie John Salmons , who in turn was intentionally fouled by Bobby Simmons one second later, stopping time so that Jordan could return to the bench. Retrieved July 31, He is a graduate of Syracuse University, an avid sports fan, a frequent moviegoer, and trivia buff. May 20, NBC Sports Chicago. Archived from the original on June 6, Is that compulsive? When Bradley asked him if his gambling ever got to the level where it jeopardized his livelihood or family, Jordan replied: "No. Archived December 16, , at the Wayback Machine. Jordan retired for a second time in , but was still not done playing. Jordan later helped the American team bring home the gold medal at the Olympic Games, held in Barcelona, Spain. Jackson Jernstedt R. May 20,

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