bg3 book of thay

Bg3 book of thay

As such, the game is filled with fantastical creatures, deadly adversaries, bg3 book of thay, and intriguing quests for Baldur's Gate 3 's players to encounter and overcome. One early quest that can lead to an unexpected outcome is Search the Cellarwhich can be started in Act 1's Blighted Village. Upon reading a journal in the village alchemist's house, players will be given the quest to discover the alchemist's true identity and the contents of his secret cellar below the house.

The Necromancy of Thay in Baldur's Gate 3 is an ancient tome under the Blighted Village that you need a special key to unlock, and even then there's the question: should you open the Necromancy of Thay, or destroy it? There's value to both arguments as you stare down this Evil Dead knock-off, and we'll explain both outcomes in BG3 below - how you can open the book, what happens if you do, and what happens if you choose the righteous path and destroy it instead. Here's everything you need to know about the Necromancy of Thay in Baldur's Gate 3. The Necromancy of Thay in Baldur's Gate 3 needs a key called the Dark Amethyst, a cursed gemstone that can be placed in the mouth of the book to open it. While the Necromancy itself is found in the Baldur's Gate 3 cellar beneath the Blighted Village, the Dark Amethyst is actually somewhere else - though not too far away. To find it, you'll need to do the following:.

Bg3 book of thay

One of the most evil books, the Necromancy of Thay, can be found early in Baldur's Gate 3 's first Act. Any party character can read the book; however, before proceeding, it is important to point out that it contains some dark information. The book can provide a special buff, but to get it, you will need to open the Necromancy of Thay. The only you can open the book is by tracking down another magical object. This magical object happens to be the Dark Amethyst , an object you can find below the Blighted Village. The caves under here act like a dungeon, with multiple spider enemies and a boss named the Matriarch. Once you defeat this creature, you can insert the gem into the book to open it, allowing you to read it at any time from your inventory. When it comes to what to do with the Necromancy of Thay, the best option is to read it. You will need to pass three Wisdom Checks, after which you will get a passive trait called Forbidden Knowledge. Each roll for reading the book is challenging, with the final check requiring a 20 or higher to succeed. However, if your custom character has bonuses for your Wisdom score modifier for these tests, you could unlock it without any issues. Reading the Necromancy of Thay also gives your character the Speak with Dead spell in Baldur's Gate 3 , allowing you to communicate with spirits along your journey.

Turning three pages, regardless of success, grants the Forbidden Knowledge tag and Forbidden Knowledge passive feature. Sign In Help Sign Out.

The Necromancy of Thay key is an item you've got to hunt down in Baldur's Gate 3 if you want to open the mysterious dark magic tome you find in the apothecary's cellar in the Blighted Village. To get to the book itself, you've got to jump through all sorts of hoops, like opening a secret cellar door , tricking a magical talking mirror, and disabling some traps around the book itself. You've also got to open the barred door in front of the book—you can grab the Rusted Key to do this from a shelf in the laboratory's westernmost room. This is right by the lever that lowers the wall, letting you back into the previous area, so it's hard to miss. Even when you have the book, you still have to unlock it, and ultimately decide whether you want to destroy it or take its power. Here's where to find the Necromancy of Thay key, plus what choices you can make.

As such, the game is filled with fantastical creatures, deadly adversaries, and intriguing quests for Baldur's Gate 3 's players to encounter and overcome. One early quest that can lead to an unexpected outcome is Search the Cellar , which can be started in Act 1's Blighted Village. Upon reading a journal in the village alchemist's house, players will be given the quest to discover the alchemist's true identity and the contents of his secret cellar below the house. Updated November 6th, : Players who do a ton of exploring in Baldur's Gate 3 may come across a special area hidden beneath the Blighted Village in Act 1. By sifting thoroughly through the area, players may uncover a special item called the Necromancy of Thay. This powerful book is part of a questline that will help players unlock a powerful ability. Finding the book and the quest itself can be a bit confusing if players aren't sure where to look. To better help players figure out The Necromancy of Thay quest in Baldur's Gate 3 , the following guide now includes a video. Over the course of Search the Cellar , players will discover that the alchemist was actually a Red Wizard of Thay, exiled but continuing his research while posing as a simple villager.

Bg3 book of thay

The Necromancy of Thay key is an item you've got to hunt down in Baldur's Gate 3 if you want to open the mysterious dark magic tome you find in the apothecary's cellar in the Blighted Village. To get to the book itself, you've got to jump through all sorts of hoops, like opening a secret cellar door , tricking a magical talking mirror, and disabling some traps around the book itself. You've also got to open the barred door in front of the book—you can grab the Rusted Key to do this from a shelf in the laboratory's westernmost room. This is right by the lever that lowers the wall, letting you back into the previous area, so it's hard to miss. Even when you have the book, you still have to unlock it, and ultimately decide whether you want to destroy it or take its power. Here's where to find the Necromancy of Thay key, plus what choices you can make. To open and read the Necromancy of Thay, you'll need an item called the Dark Amethyst to unlock it. Luckily, there's one pretty close by in the Whispering Depths underneath the Blighted Village, but you'll need to brave a bunch of Phase Spiders to find it.

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This is a lot easier said than done. And once you find the key, reading what lies inside is no minor challenge either. It's been a long journey, but you've finally learned its secrets. Very few times is it necessary to have them, unlike skeletons and zombies, you can't have them focus on targets, so their low accuracy and damage topples the practical usage of this spell through the ground and into the basement. In a safe location, select the Necromancy of Thay in your inventory and Read it. You may receive interest from either Astarion or Gale about taking the book. Some also invite you to take a step down a perilous road by following in the footsteps of dark magicians of yore. The Necromancy of Thay Story Item. How To Recruit Minsc. Disarm them all. The knowledge they've gained will give the reader a bonus to Wisdom Checks and Saving Throws and the ability to cast Speak With Dead once per Long Rest, allowing them to have it permanently active.

The Necromancy of Thay in Baldur's Gate 3 is an ancient tome under the Blighted Village that you need a special key to unlock, and even then there's the question: should you open the Necromancy of Thay, or destroy it? There's value to both arguments as you stare down this Evil Dead knock-off, and we'll explain both outcomes in BG3 below - how you can open the book, what happens if you do, and what happens if you choose the righteous path and destroy it instead.

In terms of fixing the Tharciate curse, use the Remove Curse spell, and it'll be converted to Tharciate Vigor, which gives you 20 temporary hitpoints once every long rest—pretty good, am I right? Disarm them all. I got the 3 skill checks, unlocked the abilities. If players want to learn more from The Necromancy of Thay, they'll have to wait until they reach Elminster's Vault in Act 3 and discover a book called Tharchiate Vigor. When it comes to what to do with the Necromancy of Thay, the best option is to read it. But now its saying that I need to find a key in order to read the last pages. Getting Started. Giving the book to Astarion or Gale is a good way to build your relationships with them, who both may need the knowledge within the Tome for their reasons. You can either go down via the well in the center of the village, or you can go through the cellar in the blacksmith's forge where you tackled the Finish the Masterwork Weapon side quest. Buyer beware! One comment said they got "Shatter" but my Char is a mage and already had that spell so I don't know if I would've gotten that too. You can also keep a backup save, if need be.

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