Bitefight items

User guide.

Bitefight is a free of charge browser game in which you compete against thousands of other players. The only thing you need to play Bitefight is a regular browser e. Internet Explorer or Firefox , downloads or installations are not necessary. As soon as you log in for the first time, you can decide if you want to slip into the role of a vampire or of a werewolf to proceed into the battle. When you register, please enter a valid e-mail address since you will immediately be sent an e-mail including a link to activate your account.

Bitefight items


If a decision, is not in Priorities or BlackList this number's priority is lower than numbers from Priorities but higher that bitefight items from BlackList. After you press this button, bitefight items, it will popup a new window with lots of buttons and textboxes.


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Bitefight items

What equipment do you recommend for a lvl char? Active ,passive skills? Values for stats?

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TrainOrder is a list with skills you want to be added when enough Gold is acquired. Challenge players in higher levels to get experience, you wouldn't get anything if their levels are lower than yours. Leveling 1 If you want to level up fast, you must use the two hours of man hunting time. You can find this code on main page of the program: After you've done this, press the button Buy Now and you will be redirected yo PayPal page where you will finish the payment. If your HP is lower than 25, you can't hunt. Bot will choose 54 because it has a higher priority in Priorities list. So people can't attack you. The amount of slots for items. It increases your HP regeneration rate. Conclusion Thank you for your interest, for any question, send an e-mail at contact bitefight-bot. As mention on Story if there are players with special characters, select Show me all characters. Adding CHA will decrease your chance of appearing on other people's random search.

I've been playing bitefight for quite some time now and I really enjoy playing PvP at low levels and creating characters with insane stats.

How to buy. Gold and Action Points. Second, Min Life , is the minimum life, that you must have, so the Bot continue playing Story. If this is selected, then when your life is less that minimum you entered on feature you use Story, Pvp, etc then it will use Church to recover the life and continue playing. So if Bot will have to choose between only BlackListed numbers will look in Priorities for a higher priority number. Conclusion Thank you for your interest, for any question, send an e-mail at contact bitefight-bot. You can also delete a profile by selecting the item to be deleted and the press Delete button. So people can't attack you. For example, in the next image, I created a list to add two points of Strength , one of Defense , two of Strength , one of Defense , and so on:. After you set up the Bot and linked with your account, you will see information about your account on the main page of the Bot gold, ap, fragments, level, etc. Stats Management According to the experienced players, regardless of the level, DEX seems to be the most important stat. The other issues are for TW server only, thus they're not included. Try not to do anything that will give you experience, like manhunt, or graveyad work. Double hit. Decreases the chance of appearing on other people's random search.

2 thoughts on “Bitefight items

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