Cainer libra

Inyou'll find ways to change the way you relate to the world so that your life has greater joy, passion and meaning. The Celestial Archer enables you to find magic in the mundane and art in the everyday. These game-changing events bring the cainer libra to change how and in whom you invest your energy, cainer libra.

Art, music, beauty and quality control. These are the areas that Librans are supposed to excel in. And they do. You've also, though, got an impressive ability to ask questions that can't be answered in all areas. Others say 'that's the way it is. You amble through life's options and alternatives, collecting ideas and strategies which turn out to be of immense value.

Cainer libra

The Moon comes in and out of Libra once a month. The Sun visits once a year. Mercury and Venus are also annual guests and Mars turns up for a couple of months, once every couple of years. The key to the decade is not their precise schedule but the movements of the slower moving planets. Jupiter will be in Libra from September till October Saturn has recently entered your sign and will remain apart from a brief break between this April and July till October Other than that, we're a bit short of big boosts. If, indeed, we can consider the presence of Saturn in Libra to be a boost. It's certainly a benefit. It will help you sort out a mess. It may also, though, render you settled and stable, just in time to withstand a cosmic challenge. Between and , there'll be 'Uranian activity' in your opposite sign.

Mars and Jupiter indicate that growth comes in fits cainer libra starts; and is found in the unexpected. But as Venus opposes Saturn restriction and hard workshould we be preparing for difficult tests? Sometimes we work hard for answers, cainer libra.

The Myth: On the one hand, Librans cannot make their minds up about anything. On the other, they are extremely decisive. Or then again, perhaps not. It all depends on how you cut the cake. The traditional expectation though, is that Librans will cut that cake into exactly equal pieces and then share it generously with their friends. Or will they? The Truth: Thankfully, Librans are not the dithering scatterbrains that some astrologers paint them as.

The equinox this week is offering you a chance to do what you do best. This moment in the year when day and night are equal has a way of bringing things naturally back into a better balance. Energy levels are boosted and renewed. So too, is our creative power, something you have much more of than you often realise. This week, as the Moon waxes through Leo, there will be much clamouring of voices declaring themselves as very important.

Cainer libra

In , you'll find ways to change the way you relate to the world so that your life has greater joy, passion and meaning. The Celestial Archer enables you to find magic in the mundane and art in the everyday. These game-changing events bring the insight to change how and in whom you invest your energy. There is a different way of doing things that gives you a greater say in the direction your life is headed. You'll be motivated about the journey ahead. As Jupiter changes signs May , your newfound sense of empowerment helps you explore experiences that once seemed out of reach. You're more confident about making the most of opportunities and developing the way you engage with people. The enthusiasm generated will be inspirational: which is just what The Archer requires to direct its transformational energy your way. As we head towards your birthday season, and your ruler's influence on The Archer increases, your developing skills and talents change the nature of your work; as you discover how different life can be, you start to find more beauty and meaning in your day-to-day life. October's Super Moon Grand Cross will be revolutionary.

Magician of chaos deck

It is though, a bit of an affectation. She uses her success to highlight issues of race and inequality. THE planet of love, Venus, is moving forwards again. Redeem a Voucher. Features What's my sign? How can you stay focused and happy? This page is not fully supported on Internet Explorer. She deserves to celebrate, and be celebrated in style. The traditional expectation though, is that Librans will cut that cake into exactly equal pieces and then share it generously with their friends. This weekend, as Mars links with Uranus, we can use inspiration to initiate change in our own lives. THE connection between Mercury communication and expansive Jupiter encourages us to share ideas we carry close to our hearts. It's as if they're so familiar with the beauty of a flower that they think it would be better if its petals were differently shaped. It's rare to have that degree of clarity. Email Pass.. Redeem a Voucher.

I love writing your daily horoscopes, but I will be taking a short break over December and January to focus on some exciting new projects with cainer. I am thrilled to finally unveil a special collaboration that my late father, Jonathan, and I created — Cainer Oracle Cards! Before he passed, we carefully curated his abundant wisdom into a beautiful deck of oracle cards.

The Myth: On the one hand, Librans cannot make their minds up about anything. As the length of the days change, attitudes shift. It enables you to see how past insecurities no longer prevent you from realising your dreams. The current cosmic climate encourages you to let go of an anxious mindset. Cainer — Your Stars. Oscar Cainer is the Mail's amazingly perceptive astrologer, and the nephew of former Mail astrologer Jonathan Cainer. You know how to make folk feel better about themselves, even when you're pointing out flaws that ought to concern them. And the best ideas improve the lives of others as well as ourselves. So, even if our current situation remains less-than-perfect, there are reasons to be hopeful. Your Zodiac Sign, the Truth. Being ready and willing to improvise is key. Redeem a Voucher.

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