

Celestialsapien are a species of "transcendent aliens" who inhabit a dimension known as the Forge of Creation. Celestialsapiens are silhouette-like humanoids that can manifest themselves on any size, celestialsapien.

Celestialsapiens are a race of immensely powerful reality warping beings [note 1] native to the Forge of Creation. Celestialsapiens are silhouette-like humanoids that can range from any size. Their bodies are black with white outlines and have white star-like dots scattered inside them. As of Omniverse , their heads can possess either a black flaming tip with stars inside, two long horns on the sides of their head, or three trident-like horns on their forehead. Their face only consists of white pupil-less eyes, but occasionally they can sport facial hair colored the same as their bodies such as a beard.


Celestialsapiens are a race of immensely powerful reality warping beings [note 1] native to the Forge of Creation. Celestialsapiens are silhouette-like humanoids that can range from any size. Their bodies are black with white outlines and have white star-like dots scattered inside them. As of Omniverse , their heads can possess either a black flaming tip with stars inside, two long horns on the sides of their head, or three trident-like horns on their forehead. Their face only consists of white pupil-less eyes, but occasionally they can sport facial hair colored the same as their bodies such as a beard. Celestialsapiens tend to have a rather large size. Infant Celestialsapiens have the body shape of a human baby, male Celestialsapiens have the body of a muscular male adult human, and female Celestialsapiens have the shape of a thin female adult human. During Ultimate Alien , Celestialsapiens have shown to have no clothing, while Omniverse showed them to have an attire of bluish-metallic gladiator armor and bandages. The design of the armor depends on the Celestialsapien who wears it. Celestialsapiens prefer their shrouded existence at the Forge of Creation , as opposed to being involved with the "petty going-ons" of the rest of existence. Both of a Celestialsapien's personalities have to agree with each other for the Celestialsapien to perform any sort of action. However, due to their contrasting personalities, this hardly ever happens. Alien X is a somewhat unique case, as he has three personalities.

Celestialsapiens are the most powerful species in the universe, celestialsapien capable of controlling reality, space and time, celestialsapien. At some point early on, they realized how dangerous their powers could be.


If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Celestialsapiens are silhouette-like humanoids that can range from any size. Their bodies are black with white outlines and have white star-like dots scattered inside them. As of Omniverse, their heads can possess either a black flaming tip with stars inside, two long horns on the sides of their head, or three trident-like horns on their forehead. Their face only consists of white pupil-less eyes, but occasionally they can sport facial hair colored the same as their bodies such as a beard. Celestialsapiens tend to have a rather large size. Infant Celestialsapiens have the body shape of a human baby, male Celestialsapiens have the body of a muscular male adult human, and female Celestialsapiens have the shape of a thin female adult human. During Ultimate Alien, Celestialsapiens have shown to have no clothing, while its successor showed them to have an attire of bluish-metallic gladiator armor and bandages.


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Celestialsapiens tend to have a rather large size. Debates on a subject can last for eons, and even then end in stalemate or be set aside for later discussion. Celestialsapiens are apparently immortal, or at least extremely long-lived, as they can live for tens of thousands of years before even being considered "mature". There also appears to be a limit to their cognitive dexterity, as they can be overwhelmed by multiple enemy attacks happening at once that they cannot react fast enough. This article belongs to the Classic Continuity. Energy Vortex Generation. They mostly will follow the rules of galactic social norms whenever they are outside their own space. Celestialsapiens are capable of generating miniature black holes, as demonstrated by Atomic-X. Current Wiki. In short, Celestialsapiens can do anything with a single thought. During Ultimate Alien , Celestialsapiens have shown to have no clothing, while Omniverse showed them to have an attire of bluish-metallic gladiator armor and bandages. However, they will not gain the Celestialsapiens' cosmic powers in any form or way. Celestialsapiens can create and recreate an entire universe at will. It is for this reason that Ultimate Aggregor tried to absorb the powers of a baby Celestialsapien rather than an adult - by doing so, he would gain the alien's tremendous power without the debilitating multiple personalities.

Celestialsapiens are a race of immensely powerful reality warping beings [note 1] native to the Forge of Creation.

If a female Celestialsapien is pregnant, a white orb containing a developing baby will grow on the palms of her hands. Click here to see the Reboot Continuity version of this article. Cyber Squids Vilgax Attacks. Because they cannot move their mouths very easily, Celestialsapiens are either resistant or immune to the ventriloquism abilities of Ventrilosquid's Species. The weaknesses mentioned ahead are, firstly, crew statements, i. Try our affiliated browser extension - redirect to BreezeWiki automatically! This article belongs to the Classic Continuity Click here to see the Reboot Continuity version of this article Celestialsapiens are a race of immensely powerful reality warping beings [note 1] native to the Forge of Creation. Celestialsapiens are vulnerable to being possessed by an Ectonurite. Celestialsapiens are the most powerful species in the universe, being capable of controlling reality, space and time. Alien X is a somewhat unique case, as he has three personalities. Celestialsapiens can alter their size to something larger than a gas giant. Both of a Celestialsapien's personalities must agree on something for any actions to take place. Celestialsapiens tend to have a rather large size. They spend all their time in unending debates, both in parliament and internally. Despite being unaffected by the destruction of a universe, Celestialsapiens are unable to survive the destruction of a multiverse or even the Omniverse unless they were to combine their powers in advance.

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