charlie drake movies and tv shows

Charlie drake movies and tv shows

Charles Edward Springall 19 June nostril piercing bleeding 23 Decemberknown professionally as Charlie Drakewas an English comedian, actor, writer and singer. Charlie drake movies and tv shows his small stature 5 ft 1 in or cm tallcurly red hair and liking for slapstickhe was a popular comedian with children in his early years, becoming nationally known for his "Hello, my darlings! Born Charles Edward Springall in the Elephant and CastleSouthwarkSouth Londonhe took his mother's maiden name for the stage and, later, film and television, achieving success as a comedian.

London-born comedian, singer, writer and actor Charlie Drake enjoyed a long career including his own television series and numerous starring film vehicles. He was particularly successful during the s and 60s, and released many hit novelty singles. Get all the latest news and information in your inbox, with our range of email newsletters to meet all interests. Charlie Drake. Copyright: BBC. All mediums TV Film.

Charlie drake movies and tv shows

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Charlie Drake Actor Writer Soundtrack. He was married to Elaine Bird and Heather Barnes. Add to list. Known for:. The Cracksman. Ernest Wright. Sinderella Live. Baron Hardon. Sands of the Desert. Charlie Sands.

Retrieved 27 May Associated Rediffusion.

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With his diminutive stature, red curly hair and childlike mischievous manner, Charlie Drake was described by one critic as looking like 'a Botticelli cherub. His poverty stricken family of mother, father and six children, of which he was the youngest, were so poor that his mother had to pawn the sheets and pillowcases they slept on every Monday only to retrieve them every Friday so they would be able to enjoy the comfort of them at the weekend. All six children were sent to work as soon as they were able and Charlie contributed by doing a paper round in the morning and selling horse meat for cats in the evening. In Drake got his first taste of showbiz when he was part of the chorus at the South London Palace as support for the music hall singer and comedian Harry Champion. The gig lasted for one week and Drake was paid half-a-crown. It was enough to light the spark that would lead him to pursue a career in entertainment. Upon discharge at the end of the hostilities Drake was confident enough to audition for the famous Windmill Club in the West End of London. In fact, he auditioned unsuccessfully no less than six times. Edwardes, a 6ft 4in comic who had been specialising in pantomime dames, was also rejected by the Windmill, and suggested that the two of them team up as a double act. A short while later, Edwardes was appointed entertainment producer at a holiday camp and promptly booked himself and Drake as the double-act Mick and Montmorency , a clumsy duo set in the Laurel and Hardy mode, with Drake taking most of the pratfalls.

Charlie drake movies and tv shows

Charles Edward Springall 19 June — 23 December , known professionally as Charlie Drake , was an English comedian, actor, writer and singer. With his small stature 5 ft 1 in or cm tall , curly red hair and liking for slapstick , he was a popular comedian with children in his early years, becoming nationally known for his "Hello, my darlings! Born Charles Edward Springall in the Elephant and Castle , Southwark , South London , he took his mother's maiden name for the stage and, later, film and television, achieving success as a comedian. Aged eight, he won a chorus place in a Harry Champion music hall production. He left school and home aged fourteen to become an electrician's mate while attempting to break into showbusiness.

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Other shows included Who Is Sylvia? Related news. Add demo reel with IMDbPro. Baron Hardon. Mr H Is Late. London: Reed International Books Ltd. It referred to a 2-orfoot-tall 0. Elaine Bird - divorced. Tools Tools. All the jobs he embarked upon ended in disaster, sometimes with a burst of classic slapstick, sometimes with a bewildered Drake himself at the centre of incomprehensible actions by the people employing him. Upload your demo reel. Descent to Danger. CN It was not a chart success. Sinderella Live as Baron Hardon.


Spain Germany United States Poland. He then joined his wartime comrade Jack Edwardes to form a double act , named 'Mick and Montmorency'. Elaine Bird - divorced. English comedian, actor, singer and writer — Ernest Wright. The Ed Sullivan Show. Elephant and Castle , Southwark , London , England. Who Is Sylvia? The Plank 7. H Is Late. BCG Pro. Want to rate or add this item to a list? Mental 6. Professor Popper's Problem 7.

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