chiss ships

Chiss ships

They rapidly repair hull damage but only enough to make the ship functional. The Saracen is the most powerful ship to ever be put in production under the Chiss Chiss ships, so expensive that only two could be made. The Saracen is heavily armed with more than a thousand armaments installed on its hull, including plasma cannons and mass drivers for devastating affect.

Hello there! We know little to nothing about the Chiss ships. Timothy Zahn has quite cleverly written the books barely describing their ships overall design so future writers and designers can fill in the gaps without being too restricted. We know a lot about Chiss weapons, shields and how they work, with them showing favour towards munitions like breacher missiles and plasma spheres while using weaker shields compared to the Republic. I have also placed it in the Imperial faction as that is the faction they have the closest link to. From the descriptions and the single image we have, the Chiss Warship seems to depend on broadside attacks as the bulk of the breacher and plasma sphere launchers are on the side of the ship. But for my design I kept their shields light, this is countered with their relatively tough hull.

Chiss ships

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When it is fired it must keep a steady stream for a small amount of time, chiss ships. Section of Site: Starships D6. Related wiki Force Pact.

Its complement of 48 fighters usually consisted of a mix of Advanced Clawcraft, Nssis-class Clawcraft, Chiss Heavy Fighters and Chiss Recon Fighters, and also carried compliments of AirStraeker atmospheric assault craft and troop landing craft. These weapons are a mix of energy and particle damage, and unlike laser weapons that only burn upon impact, masers also exert physical force when they impact upon a target. When a maser weapon hits a target it may push them in the opposite direction, especially in combat with vehicles and starships in atmosphere or space. The target can use a defensive action to make a piloting skill roll against Moderate Difficulty to negate this. Yet, Grand Admiral Thrawn did procure and use a working model of cloaking device when he undertook his campaign against the New Republic.

The Chiss Star Destroyer somewhat resembled the m Victory -class Star Destroyer design still being used by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances , but its gray hull was slightly longer and slimmer, giving it an aggressive, needle-shaped appearance. One distinct difference from most Star Destroyers was that the type lacked any obvious command superstructure, apparently in an attempt to deny attackers easy and visible targets. The most prominent feature was a large dome amidships, thought by Alliance observers to house cloaking equipment, but for the most part the planes of the armored hull were as blank as an expanse of duracrete, interrupted only by recessed weapons mountings. Like most Star Destroyer designs, the Chiss capital ships were powerful, but were also vulnerable to a concerted starfighter assault. Their precise capabilities are unknown, but the ships of the class were outfitted with Chiss versions of the range of equipment found aboard a typical Star Destroyer. The ships were outfitted with tractor beams projectors, ray shields , and particle shields , the last of which were capable of stopping a few kamikaze dartships but not an entire swarm on a suicide run. The launch complex of a Chiss Star Destroyer included capture bays to impound suspicious ships, and hangars supporting squadrons of Nssis -class Clawcraft. Although precise troop complement is unknown, it is likely that they could serve as platforms for the landing craft, AirStraekers and heavy surface equipment which Chiss fleets deployed from orbit during the Swarm War, and they could also enter a planetary atmosphere themselves to operate alongside surface troops.

Chiss ships

In a galaxy filled with beings and civilizations , their mystery has endured for years—and across two iterations of Star Wars canon. Part of the reason the Chiss are such a mystery to both us as Star Wars fans and the denizens of the galaxy far, far away is that their vast society exists in a region of the universe that is, for the most part, cut off from the reaches of the core worlds and the outer rim territories. Csilla, the heart of the Ascendancy and the homeworld of the Chiss, sits in the Unknown Regions: an area of space largely separated from what we know as the Star Wars galaxy by volatile spatial anomalies that made traversing there all but impossible for most ships. Even within the Unknown Regions, space travel and navigation were a risky business. Sky-walkers only usually have a career that lasts between the ages of around 8 and 13 before their ability to sense is almost entirely faded. Chiss society, aka the Ascendancy, is ruled by two main bodies: the Aristocra and the Military.

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With a fully functioning Salvator, a Chiss army group can sustain operations for up to two years. Two concussion missiles give it standoff capability to hit-and-run larger targets. Armaments: Ultra-Heavy Megamaser Cannons 20; turreted, triple barrel rotary configuration; ten dorsal, ten ventral , Heavy Megamaser Cannons ; single barrel, concealed beneath retractable armor plating , Megamaser Cannons ; single barrel, concealed beneath retractable armor plating , Maser Cannons 80; quad barrel, concealed beneath retractable armor plating; allocated to point defense , Light Maser Cannons 60; turreted, single barrel; allocated to point defense , Heavy Concussion Missile Launchers 24; twelve located in the bow, six starboard, six port; missiles held in ammunition storage , Heavy Military Grade Shield Generators multiple. In order to disappear from most ship's sensors, the ship has to fly at a constant speed below attack speed, with few variations in flight pattern. Usually carrier-based, but can easily conduct multi-system operations with its long range capability. With the Release of 2. My design allows you to become undetectable as long as you activate it before coming in range except at close range. The Hammerhead-Class Dreadnought serves as one of the deadliest ships in the Chiss Ascendancy military. Chiss Breacher Warship: When it is fired it must keep a steady stream for a small amount of time. These panels also make a full power shunt possible, which involves all six emergency power generators and the main reactor itself redirecting power from weaponry, engines, and other such systems to boost the shields far beyond their normal capacity. Thank you all for reading,. I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. This site was designed with the. Thus, it usually is escorted by several frigates or placed in the center of a fleet.

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you?

Saracen-class Dreadnaught. The stealth cruiser has a similar function to the Achilles-Class Carrier Destroyer, in deploying itself in an orbital mode like that of a space station, fully functioning as a cloak to the fleet. Another weakness is its limited long range capability and anti-capital ship ability. External ones are deployed in swarms to repair damage randomly across the ship, while the internal ones are deployed in groups which are assigned to specific sections. Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos. Their precise capabilities are unknown, but the ships of the class were outfitted with Chiss versions of the range of equipment found aboard a typical Star Destroyer. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Extremely maneuverable and faster then its namesake, only the most skilled pilots of the Chiss Ascendancy are pilots of this craft, as it is all to easy to crash even when not at maximum speed. With a fully functioning Salvator, a Chiss army group can sustain operations for up to two years. Although precise troop complement is unknown, it is likely that they could serve as platforms for the landing craft, AirStraekers and heavy surface equipment which Chiss fleets deployed from orbit during the Swarm War, and they could also enter a planetary atmosphere themselves to operate alongside surface troops.

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