Classroom timer

A simple classroom utility timer that can be used to time very short tasks of less than a minute using seconds mode. For longer activities use the minutes mode and classroom timer times of up to an hour.

Have the time of your life with this classroom timer! Watch your students either gnaw on their fingernails or count down to zero excitedly and cheer as the timer rings. A classroom timer or online timer helps teachers and students keep track of time. Giving a visual that shows the time lapsed and time remaining, a classroom timer helps students manage their time. The classroom timer can be programmed for the amount of time you need, making it a versatile and useful tool.

Classroom timer


That way, they can watch the shape slowly fill. This can make sure that starter activity doesn't begin to eat into the actual lesson classroom timer. For example the timer can be set to 40 seconds at the start of the class.


A simple classroom utility timer that can be used to time very short tasks of less than a minute using seconds mode. For longer activities use the minutes mode and select times of up to an hour. Use the duration slider to set the exact time you want. To keep starters and pleanaries focused and in a set time use the timer. This can make sure that starter activity doesn't begin to eat into the actual lesson time. Timers can be quite effective in helping children to focus and get organized. For example the timer can be set to 40 seconds at the start of the class. Give the instruction that every child has their pen, pencil, ruler, books etcs ready by the time the count down has completed. For motivation, for example setting a task such as completing ten sums in two minutes. Children will jump to get started when they see the countdown begin.

Classroom timer

The other day we were roasting carrots. We had olive oil, salt, pepper, but at the last minute we realized we had run out of thyme! Bad jokes aside, the Toolkit Timer will keep your class ontrack and conscious of the remaining activity time. Simply select the increment of time and the countdown will be projected in front of your students. It really helps students and me! You can access the Timer from the top of the main ClassDojo page, next to the clock icon.

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Clean-up : Challenge your students to complete clean-up and organization tasks even faster than last time…can they beat the timer? During this time, students can do jumping jacks, dance to a song, try some yoga, or something else. Give the instruction that every child has their pen, pencil, ruler, books etcs ready by the time the count down has completed. That way, students can hear the timer and quickly clean up and move on to the next center. Here are some suggestions for making the most of this classroom-friendly online timer:. Solve that problem by setting up the classroom timer. A classroom timer or online timer helps teachers and students keep track of time. By continuing to browse the website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. You can also use the online timer to give students a goal for transitions such as cleaning up and lining up for lunch or starting a new activity. Settings Full Screen. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. This can make sure that starter activity doesn't begin to eat into the actual lesson time. What is a Classroom Timer? Watching the classroom timer can help students learn time management skills! For motivation, for example setting a task such as completing ten sums in two minutes.

Have the time of your life with this classroom timer! Watch your students either gnaw on their fingernails or count down to zero excitedly and cheer as the timer rings. A classroom timer or online timer helps teachers and students keep track of time.

Here are some suggestions for making the most of this classroom-friendly online timer: Quizzes : When you have a timed activity such as a test or quiz, students may have a hard time estimating how much time they have left to work. That way, students can hear the timer and quickly clean up and move on to the next center. Classroom Timer. During this time, students can do jumping jacks, dance to a song, try some yoga, or something else. You can also use the online timer to give students a goal for transitions such as cleaning up and lining up for lunch or starting a new activity. That way, they can watch the shape slowly fill. Clean-up : Challenge your students to complete clean-up and organization tasks even faster than last time…can they beat the timer? For example the timer can be set to 40 seconds at the start of the class. Moving on to more advanced clock activity which can be used to teach how to tell the time, or even just show the current time in the classroom. We hope you enjoy using the online timer. Learn More. Brain Break : Everyone needs a break sometimes!

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