controller grip claw

Controller grip claw

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Esports Healthcare disclaims controller grip claw liability for the decisions you make based on this information. The information contained on this website does not establish, nor does it imply, controller grip claw, doctor-patient relationship. Esports Healthcare does not offer this information for diagnostic purposes.

The claw grip originated from the early days of esports in Halo 2, where infamous players like Walshy handled the controller in such a unique manner that it soon became notorious. So why is there such bad press around this grip? Why do people associate pain with it? And how the hell are we going to fix it?! For me, as an avid online competitive gamer since the days of Halo 3, the claw grip always had a sense of wonder about it, with pros wielding such a grip being touted as THE best such as the likes of FearItSelf or Walshy.

Controller grip claw

When it comes to gaming controllers, research has found that ease of use is key. Each console generation introduces new controller variants, leaving players to try and determine the most optimal hand positions to get as much out of gaming as possible. Most gamers are familiar with the "standard" grip, which involves placing the index fingers on the left and right trigger buttons while your thumbs move back and forth between directional pads and thumbsticks. However, for some, this causes a bit of an issue — if your thumb is on the thumbstick and your index finger is on the trigger, you have no usable fingers free for all those directional buttons on the top right of your controller. So, they've figured out a solution that has become as natural for some players as it is uncomfortable for others. The "claw" grip adds another finger into the equation. Your thumbs remain on the thumbsticks, while your most agile finger, the index finger, is reserved for the directional buttons. Your middle finger or ring finger is drafted into action to play the trigger buttons. Although publications like the Journal of Ergonomics have published research on the ways video game controllers have become more comfortable and ergonomic over the years, most of these studies have not looked at variances in grip. Yet, that doesn't mean the gaming industry has failed to take notice of the claw. In fact, Scuf Gaming 's Duncan Ironmonger has stated the company dew inspiration from the style when developing its under-controller paddles. That's the concept behind Scuf controllers, which are often referenced when people talk about the claw grip. There don't appear to be any studies focused on whether the claw grip is good or bad for your hands. However, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that it can lead to pain and overuse injuries.

Here are a few exercises to prioritize.


A claw grip controller is a gaming technique where the player positions their hand in a way that resembles a claw-like shape. Unlike the traditional palm grip, where the entire hand rests on the controller, the claw grip involves arching the fingers, allowing for quick and precise movements. This grip style is particularly popular among gamers who play fast-paced and competitive games, such as first-person shooters and fighting games. In this blog post, we will delve into what exactly a claw grip controller is, how it differs from other grip styles, and provide tips for using it effectively. This increased speed can be a significant advantage in competitive gaming scenarios. Enhanced Precision: By arching the fingers and using the tips to press the buttons, gamers can achieve greater accuracy and precision in their movements. This can be particularly beneficial when aiming or executing complex combos in fighting games.

Controller grip claw

Hypergraze may earn a commission from purchases made through our links, at no extra cost to you. We only recommend products we trust. For more information, visit my disclaimer page. Chances are you found this article because you were wondering about different ways on how to hold a controller correctly and play using the claw controller grip. Believe it or not, the way you hold a controller has a direct impact on your performance. I used to play with a regular grip before I knew of all the benefits you get from playing claw.

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We must first condition our bodies so that we do not suffer injuries long-term. For the claw grip, this muscle will be active to allow your index finger to reach Y and B on Xbox or Triangle and Circle on Playstation. So, if you weigh lbs, you should drink 60 fl. For those who continue to stick with the traditional button layout, a large population of gamers have turned to use the claw grip for controller mastery. Also, drink plenty of water. Table of Contents. James Wright February 17, pm One Comment. Generally, the recommendation for fluid intake is half your body weight measured in pounds in fluid ounces per day. Our warm-up routine is comprehensive to include all muscles and joints involved in your gaming sessions, including the first dorsal interosseous. We must rest our body and let it repair itself. As chiropractors and providers who are not established as your doctor, we cannot and do not recommend anti-inflammatory medication. A similar process happens when we train the body for exercise.

By Alex Mercer. December 7, Claw grip is a unique grip gamers use to maximize their button input on console games.

There don't appear to be any studies focused on whether the claw grip is good or bad for your hands. The claw grip originated from the early days of esports in Halo 2, where infamous players like Walshy handled the controller in such a unique manner that it soon became notorious. Be mindful of the compression that may occur—known as cubital tunnel syndrome —as this may lead to more rapid fatigue, pain, and injury of the FDI muscle. Here are a few exercises to prioritize. When agonist prime mover muscle actions occur too frequently without the counterbalance of their antagonist opposing the primary movement , there is imbalance in the strength and tension on the joints involved. This technique prevents the need to sacrifice even a split second of aim in order to tap a button for an attack, defense, or other game mechanic. These muscles include:. Agonist action of the FDI, exactly like its concentric action, is constant because all three major actions of the claw grip are initiated by the same muscle. In life, there is not one single thing more valuable to your health than your sleep. That's why they came out with Scufs, man. Fortunately, these issues are all avoidable! This leads nicely to the second point. Xbox controller risk still exists, but PS4 gamers using claw grip will likely experience more significant issues.

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