cortes bob rapados

Cortes bob rapados

This site is for Male Haircut Stories and Comments only.

This site is for Male Haircut Stories and Comments only. Archive Search for : in Title Author Story Year Any Search Results. The School Barber by Abhishel on 12 Oct Glue by aells on 23 Jan My Type by aells on 22 Feb Revenge is Sweet

Cortes bob rapados


Mind what you say by Cleanshaven on 02 Nov


Es un tipo de corte que no aburre, ya que engloba muchos estilos dentro del mismo. Lograr un bonito peinado liso es muy sencillo. Luego secar con secador mientras se peina con cepillo redondo hacia adentro. Suelen cortarse con navaja. Al tener muchas capas, brindan mucha versatilidad a la hora de crear diferentes peinados, creando diferentes formas y texturas con la ayuda de gel o mousse. Crea un marco para el rostro, ya que las puntas se van hacia adentro. La moda apuesta a varios estilos de cortes de pelo corto.

Cortes bob rapados


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College Heashave by Chris on 09 Mar Trabajo Sorpresa by El Pelao on 31 Dec Faking Deaf by cut. The physiotherapist p5 : Basic training by thadeusz on 19 Oct The Bully - Reposted So, You Want a Flattop? Mark Joins the Navy by Shant on 05 Apr Guy's story by Storyteller on 29 Oct Conversations, September Pt 1 by Archon 2 on 24 Oct First Flattop Part 1 by htflatnc on 24 Aug Brandon by mjhalvorson on 05 Jul Young man washed by old lady! Three steps towards Hell, part 5 and end by thadeusz on 23 Apr


Not expected by James Archie on 06 Jan I needed a head shave Cheryl's Uncle haircut and face shave by Kenny Christie on 06 Jul My boyfriends haircut through my eyes Independence Day - Part 1 by htflatnc on 25 Dec I Should Have Kept Quiet! Summer Headshave by Ishan on 17 Apr Marine against his will by thadeusz on 01 Mar The Cabin In The Woods. First Flattop Part 1 by htflatnc on 24 Aug

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