Create your own american girl doll

Create Your Own is a modern line released by American Girlallowing for a variety of 18" custom dolls and designed outfits through the company directly.

Thanks Lilly! I hope there's someplace where you can save creations for later kind of like what Makies had. I hope so too! Worse comes to worse, we might just have to screenshot the dolls we make and save the image that way. LOL, I may have to go this route someday. I think the pic you have for a Medium skin Josie mold is actually a Sonali mold, isn't it?

Create your own american girl doll

Play now, pay later with Shop Pay Learn more. Bright ideas for spring. Fill a beautiful basket. Hop to our spring shop to find the ultimate Easter gifts. Explore spring shop. Spring styles. Bitty Baby's world. Historical Characters. Each doll stars in an inspirational story from America's past. Girl of the Year. A new doll every year with a story from today's world. Shop Girl of the Year. Truly Me.

Historical Characters.


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Create your own american girl doll

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Thanks for clarifying the options Lilly Maiden! Current Wiki. The example--on the eye color choice screen--shows the Jess Mold in medium skin tone, red wavy medium length hair, freckles, braces, and complete heterochromatic eyes with one light blue and the other blue. There are also some standard graphics that cross between the themes. Best of all, she can hold a guitar A second version of the Let's Celebrate Accessories was also released and replaced the older set before being retired with the outfit. Shop Lila's world. Feeding time fun. I have never looked very closely at the freckle patterns so didn't know! A 6 month subscription to AG's magazine! Outfits and accessories can be mixed and matched; selecting a specific outfit does not limit the purchaser to purchasing the matching accessory set.

Mine sure is, which sent me searching across the internet for the absolute best free patterns to make myself and share with you. All of the links listed below are active and free at the time of publishing.

Orders were not initially available to be shipped to Canada, which was later changed. Shop Bitty Baby. I wondered why the outfit line up at the top of the post was 4 dolls longer. Services and Purchasing. Gift cards. A self-designed Create Your Own doll-sized T-shirt, available through a packaged code, was available until The styles can also be tweaked with hairstyles, adding either a barrette or headband, pulling the hair into a double or single ponytail, or pulling the hair in double pigtails. A shape description was later used, with no lettering; they have since been tweaked. This one is a little too fuwa-fuwa-princessy for my personal taste though I can see it being a hit with little girls. I wonder if it will be similar to what they already have in stores. Sign In Register. So 3 free issues since they're bi-monthly. The themes cannot be mixed and matched; changing themes while designing outfits will reset the outfit back to blank and no changes will be saved.

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