Dagobah comics

Master Yoda certainly made quite a few mistakes throughout Star Wars history. Sure, he's a respected elder, Jedi Master and a bastion dagobah comics knowledge. But Yoda and his council on Coruscant grew prideful, and lost sight of the mission.

The Bronze Age of comic books was set roughly between - An age of comics which has lasted from mid's to the present days. A mechanical construct capable of performing tasks by itself. The "galaxy far, far away" in which the Star Wars films and related works take place. The Force is an energy field that binds together all life in the Star Wars universe. Only some have the power to wield it - either as a force for the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:.

Dagobah comics

When fans first met Yoda, he was already on Dagobah during the Galactic Civil War, roughly twenty years after he was forced to live on the swampy, jungle world. At that point, it had been established that the Jedi Order of old was finished, and only the next generation of Jedi could bring it to life in an all-new way. In Star Wars: Yoda 5 by Jody Houser and Luke Ross, Yoda takes a group of padawans to a wild planet untouched by the industrialization of other civilizations within the galaxy. Yoda says that places like these are important for Jedi to visit, as it allows them to be surrounded by nature and truly listen to the universal current of the Force, rather than being distracted by the constant buzz of big cities like Coruscant—which, incidentally, is the location of the Jedi Temple. Yoda went to Dagobah because he needed to be surrounded by nature on a world teeming with life in order to mask his Force signature and effectively hide himself from the Empire. This exile allowed Yoda to remain on a planet that would only make him more connected with the Force which is something he teaches to his padawans in this issue , making Yoda even more capable of teaching Luke Skywalker during the events of Episode V , and helping him become an incredibly powerful Jedi Knight by Episode VI. However, while living on Dagobah ended up being a blessing in disguise, Yoda was still in exile, and the planet was nothing short of his prison.

If Yoda does fight him there and win that duel, this might be why his hope and optimism is restored. This heartbreaking exchange does paint a very human, vulnerable Yoda, dagobah comics.


Some of the planets in the Star Wars universe boast technologically advanced civilizations while some others function as abandoned wastelands. Dagobah might fall in the latter category with its humid swamps and lack of life. But there's much more to the planet than it just being Yoda's home, as it is considered as one of the purest places within the Force. Related franchise material such as comics, novels, and magazines provide more context behind the history of Dagobah. The cave carried negative energies that tapped into people's deepest vulnerabilities such as Luke finding his own face under Darth Vader's mask. However, no explanation was offered as to what exactly dwelled in this cave. One of the chapters of the book is even told from the viewpoint of the "vergence" that is revealed to be a formless entity living in the cave for thousands of years. During this time, it has encountered several Force users and sensed their fears.

Dagobah comics

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Dagobah was a remote, unexplored planet in the Dagobah system , and one of the purest places in the galaxy within the Force. A remote world of swamps and forests , it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile after the destruction of the Jedi Order. Luke Skywalker received advanced training in the ways of the Force under Jedi Master Yoda on Dagobah, and it was later the place of Yoda's death and transformation into the Force. Dagobah was a planet located in the Sluis sector of the Outer Rim Territories.

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However, closure aside, the trial in the ghoulish cave could bring forth something even darker. Comment and Save Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. As cruel as it is, he does have a point, but moving forward, it's clear Obi-Wan will try to advise him that he's not this curse he thinks he is. That's not to say a self-critical, retrospective Yoda can't feel guilty over botching things, but without his mistakes, the new era wouldn't have seen the light. It's poised to kick off in the Cave of Evil on Dagobah. An age of comics which has lasted from mid's to the present days. Only some have the power to wield it - either as a force for the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force. Without Yoda there wouldn't be these three Jedi considered Chosen Ones. Ultimately, it'd illustrate that even someone as sage as Yoda never stops learning, while informing what encouraged him to keep an eye out for Luke. As such, Yoda believes the galaxy would be better off without him, ergo his desire for self-exile.


The message is that the night is darkest before the dawn. This allowed Emperor Palpatine to rise up right under their noses. From what Yoda spills here, Palpatine's also his greatest fear. Concepts Concepts. Interestingly, as Star Wars: Yoda 9 shares insight on Yoda's past, the curtain has finally been dropped on his biggest failure and why he banished himself to Dagobah after Revenge of the Sith. This story ends with Yoda wallowing in his penance and self-pity. At that point, it had been established that the Jedi Order of old was finished, and only the next generation of Jedi could bring it to life in an all-new way. But the solicit text for Star Wars: Yoda 10 teases he'll be facing a massive test that could help him shake this off. Now, while Yoda is in this web of self-loathing and brimming with disappointment, it's worth remembering what eventually happens. A mechanical construct capable of performing tasks by itself. He's even more upset how Palpatine corrupted the Senate and Anakin. Yoda's disgusted how he couldn't sense Palpatine and the Dark Side of the Force when they all worked together. Usually, he's stoic, filled with answers and packed with wisdom.

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