Dataformatter java
DataFormatter contains methods for formatting the value stored in an Cell.
Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of Swing. As of 1. Please see XMLEncoder. Since: 1.
Dataformatter java
The main date-time classes provide two methods - one for formatting, format DateTimeFormatter formatter , and one for parsing, parse CharSequence text, DateTimeFormatter formatter. The withLocale method returns a new formatter that overrides the locale. The locale affects some aspects of formatting and parsing. For example, the ofLocalizedDate provides a formatter that uses the locale specific date format. The withChronology method returns a new formatter that overrides the chronology. If overridden, the date-time value is converted to the chronology before formatting. During parsing the date-time value is converted to the chronology before it is returned. The withZone method returns a new formatter that overrides the zone. If overridden, the date-time value is converted to a ZonedDateTime with the requested ZoneId before formatting. During parsing the ZoneId is applied before the value is returned. The withDecimalStyle method returns a new formatter that overrides the DecimalStyle. The DecimalStyle symbols are used for formatting and parsing.
If the pattern cannot be parsed, return a default pattern. The withResolverFields TemporalField
Therefore the formats used by this class must obey the same pattern rules as these Format subclasses. This means that only legal number pattern characters "0", " ", ". Other characters can be inserted before or after the number pattern to form a prefix or suffix. However the pattern "" is incorrectly formatted by DecimalFormat as "". For Excel formats that are not compatible with DecimalFormat, you can provide your own custom Format implementation via DataFormatter. The following custom formats are already provided by this class:.
Related Classes. File java. InputStream java. Locale org. JSONObject java. Function org. StringUtils org. JSONException java. DecimalFormat java. PrintStream java.
Dataformatter java
Therefore the formats used by this class must obey the same pattern rules as these Format subclasses. This means that only legal number pattern characters "0", " ", ". Other characters can be inserted before or after the number pattern to form a prefix or suffix. However the pattern "" is incorrectly formatted by DecimalFormat as "". For Excel formats that are not compatible with DecimalFormat, you can provide your own custom Format implementation via DataFormatter.
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If the Excel format pattern cannot be parsed successfully, then a default format will be used. Methods inherited from class java. A colon Two digits for the minute-of-hour. Formats a date-time object using this formatter. The smart option is the default. Parameters: pattern - the pattern to use, not null Returns: the formatter based on the pattern, not null Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the pattern is invalid See Also: DateTimeFormatterBuilder. May return null. You can use DateFormatConverter to do some of this localisation if you need it. Otherwise, the sign is output if the pad width is exceeded, as per SignStyle. Gets the locale to be used during formatting. Returns this formatter as a java. There are two situations where this query may return a non-zero period. Format format Sets a default number format to be used when the Excel format cannot be parsed successfully. If an override is added, then any date that is formatted or parsed will be affected. This returns a formatter that will format or parse a date.
Therefore the formats used by this class must obey the same pattern rules as these Format subclasses. This means that only legal number pattern characters "0", " ", ". Other characters can be inserted before or after the number pattern to form a prefix or suffix.
It follows these steps: The chronology is determined. The value run from Monday 1 to Sunday 7. Most applications should use this method for parsing. If no ConditionalFormattingEvaluator is present, no rules apply, or the applied rules do not define a format, the cell's style format is used. If the Excel format pattern cannot be parsed successfully, then a default format will be used. If the second-of-minute is not available then the format is complete. An offset of zero uses "GMT". Format format Sets a default number format to be used when the Excel format cannot be parsed successfully. The returned formatter has no override chronology or zone. Therefore the code in the format method should expect a Number value. If it is less than 9, then the nano-of-second value is truncated, with only the most significant digits being output.
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