depression albums

Depression albums

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This may not be a complete discography for Depression. This listing only shows those albums by this artist that appear in at least one chart on this site. If an album is 'missing' that you think deserves to be here, you can include it in your own chart from the My Charts page! Please log in or register if you want to be able to leave a rating. Please log in or register if you want to be able to add a favourite. Be the first to add a comment for this artist - add your comment! Please log in or register if you want to be able to add a comment.

Depression albums

Movies, books, and the finales of your favorite TV shows all might do the job in their own rights, but nothing conjures tears quite like a sad song. Thanks to touching melodies, rich textures, and tearjerking extended outros, the record lives up to its ominous name. Over lush, funky production, the Chicago rapper opens up with raw, emotional lyrics delving into depression and anxiety. Instead, his conversational flow keeps his songs relatable enough to allow people to see their own struggles through a different lens and experience catharsis along with him. Certain albums transport you with a vivid sense of place. Sure, there have been many singer-songwriters who have crafted heavier songs about death, despair, and impermanence. But rarely have these songs been counterbalanced by biting wit and gallows humor like they do on this record. Before fleets of pop-punk bands would scream their own swan songs of their teen angst, American Football believably made growing up sound like the most painful experience in the world. Filtered through the lens of Black depression and the never-ending anxieties of the queer community and people of color, Negro Swan effortlessly mixes together funk, soul, blues, and even psych-pop into a sound that only Dev Hynes can only create. Filled to the brim with vulnerability, the pensive songwriting tells stories of love, loss, and trauma, yet manages to bring hope to marginalized people in the process. Experience both emotions through the record and emerge on the other side better off for it.

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New roots music albums have been coming at us full blast this year — who could ever keep up? We can! As we pass the midpoint of the year, we wanted to take a breath and pause to appreciate some of the great albums that have hit our ears so far. You can click each album title heading to read the full review or story, and we hope you find something new to add to your own list of favorites. Oladokun is almost a throwback to a pre-internet era of big-tent pop-rock, with a tempered balance of self-doubt and affirmation delivered with a voice that can convey warm affability and stadium-filling uplift. It came out of a lot of pain, a lot of trying to push up through the cracks and figure out how my little flower was going to emerge and survive. Stories From a Rock N Roll Heart is music made by an artist who feels she still has something to prove. The question facing any artist is: How do you keep the music sounding fresh and vital? Marty Stuart and His Fabulous Superlatives have figured it out. Throughout Anarchist Gospel , Sunny War embraces paradoxes more ably than ever, speaking into various difficulties and advocating a hard-won optimism.

Depression albums

In a year where people were mostly kept apart by the ongoing COVID pandemic, music brought us together. By summer, we were venturing out to see live shows, mostly outdoors, often at a distance still, but all through , recorded albums brought solace and strength, even if we were just dancing alone in our living rooms. And while chicken wings and cream cheese and semiconductors may have been in short supply, good albums absolutely were not. We asked No Depression readers to share their favorite roots music albums of , and this list is the result. Tune in next week for the results of our Critics Poll — a list of the roots music albums that captured the hearts and minds of No Depression staff and contributors. We reviewed most of the rest of the list too —use the search function at the top of the page to find those.

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Kendrick Lamar. A protest against all forms of life voiced through works of pain and isolation. Sure, there have been many singer-songwriters who have crafted heavier songs about death, despair, and impermanence. A lot of hard work happens in the background to keep BEA running, and it's especially difficult to do this when we can't pay our hosting fees : We work very hard to ensure our site is as fast and FREE! Jimi Hendrix. I Am Rotten Inside Led Zeppelin. Saudade The Beatles. Bandcamp Daily your guide to the world of Bandcamp. This album is unapologetically itself in being, and I, more than anything, am left sorry. Features Lists. But rarely have these songs been counterbalanced by biting wit and gallows humor like they do on this record.

We all are. We want to thank the staff and contributors who participated in this poll — their hard work all year long puts these and other great albums on our radar and allows us to think deeply about the music we love.

Rating Num. He might not have known it at the time, but Sufjan Stevens endured more trauma in the first few years of his life than many do in their lifetimes. Neil Young. Ratings Release Date Title. Going There with Dr. I Am Rotten Inside Bob Dylan. Claudia You can review the changes here. Joseph Baron. Bandcamp Daily your guide to the world of Bandcamp. A protest against all forms of life voiced through works of pain and isolation. Kendrick Lamar.

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