Diana counter

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Diana jungle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Diana jungle counters against jungle champions with a minimum of games. Diana wins against Ivern After normalising both champions win rates Diana wins against Ivern 5. The average opponent winrate against Ivernis Diana wins against Xin Zhao After normalising both champions win rates Diana wins against Xin Zhao 5.

Diana counter

Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Diana Jungler, Mid. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Diana wins lane against Name Gold diff Aurelion Sol Mid. Kassadin Mid.

Lucian the Purifier. Urgot Top.


Diana jungle on Patch Below is a detailed breakdown of Diana jungle counters against jungle champions with a minimum of games. Diana wins against Ivern After normalising both champions win rates Diana wins against Ivern 4. The average opponent winrate against Ivernis Diana wins against Taliyah After normalising both champions win rates Diana wins against Taliyah 5. The average opponent winrate against Taliyahis Diana wins against Skarner

Diana counter

Even if these Diana counter picks are not picked opposite your position, it's not a good idea to play her into any of these matchups. They will very likely crush Diana. Be extra cautious when going up against Diana when she reaches level three and beyond, as her burst damage can lead to her gaining an early lead. Especially at Level 6, Diana's Ultimate R provides a lot of burst damage and crowd control, making her a formidable opponent. Diana excels in team fights, but she can be mitigated by proper warding. Take advantage of this by ensuring your team has good vision control. This might potentially hamper her ability to make powerful flanking moves during team fights. While Diana can out-duel many enemy champions, her success heavily relies on landing her Q.

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After normalising both champions win rates Diana wins against Brand 1. Diana wins against Briar Land your full combo on her and you will outdamage her in lane. After normalising both champions win rates Diana wins against Zed 1. Dodge her Ult. You'll have to bait her Q out if you want to win trades. Dashes across the screen and will make you cry. Page generated in 0. Milio Support. If she doesn't hit her Q she will deal significantly less damage. Senna the Redeemer. You have more or less the same clear speed.

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Patch 8. Mid-late game you want to focus on 1 shotting enemy back line so they cant follow up on Diana's R engage. Zed Mid. After the pull press W to block the damage. Irelia Top. Post-6 be careful especially if it's the burst diana build. Diana 's level 2 is dangerous. Camille Top. Shen the Eye of Twilight. Naafiri the Hound of a Hundred Bites. When she all-ins you, Ult her away as soon as she Ults you; you will push her away and not get hit by the 2nd part of her Ult. IN by resetwice Talon Player. GankPlank by Unfortunate 7 Gangplank Player. Get an Abyssal if not ahead in early game.

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