discotecas barcelona gay

Discotecas barcelona gay

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Discotecas barcelona gay

Metro Disco ies uno de los clubes pioneros en Barcelona. Para facilitar tu estancia en Barcelona : estos son algunos servicios o ideas de cosas para ver, hacer, descubrir Tenga una buena estancia! Hola buenas noches! Hola ay alguna disco hay q abra domingo??? Gentuza especializada en robar en los cuartos oscuros o en cualquier lugar puede hundirte la fiesta. Am a 40s plus lesbian who will be in Barcelona at end of December. Would like a classy cool lesbian space to be in on saturday night. Hello I am for few days in barcelona and I am looking for a cool man for heaving some good time.. I am french and I hope meet a nice spanish man.. Am coming to study in July till September.. I don't know anyone there.. Love to party, house music, Eivissa etc Este viernes fiesta no oficial de la merce : en la sala atic, este viernes fiesta, con un ambiente gay, con dos salas una house y otra petarda, puedes apuntarte por lista y ver mas informacion agregandome a facebook busca por: fiesta gay elegance. Elige su idioma.

Tables on the mezzanine give a good view of the crowd, discotecas barcelona gay, so you can take your pick before the object of your affections heads off into the night. But I know what you came here for to read. Weekly gay Sunday night in the very center of Barcelona.

Gay clubs in Barcelona usually don't get busy within the first hours of their regular opening hours, then they are often crowded and packed till closing. Note for budget travellers: Entrance fees often include 1 drink of your choice. To save money you could use the voucher for the more expensive drink you plan to have during the night. Gay Barcelona. Other cities. Gay Clubs, Parties and Events in Barcelona Gay clubs in Barcelona usually don't get busy within the first hours of their regular opening hours, then they are often crowded and packed till closing. Friday, 1 March , —

La zona cerca de la Catedral de Barcelona, en particular, cuenta con algunos locales populares. A post shared by EL Cangrejo Raval elcangrejoraval. El Cangrejo , ubicado en Carrer de Montserrat, 9, en El Raval, es un bar gay especial conocido por sus shows de drag queens. Horario: De Domingo a Jueves de Este bar es un lugar popular para los locales y los turistas por igual, y es conocido por su ambiente amigable y acogedor. Horario : De lunes a jueves de

Discotecas barcelona gay

Metro Disco ies uno de los clubes pioneros en Barcelona. Hola buenas noches! Hola ay alguna disco hay q abra domingo??? Gentuza especializada en robar en los cuartos oscuros o en cualquier lugar puede hundirte la fiesta. Am a 40s plus lesbian who will be in Barcelona at end of December. Would like a classy cool lesbian space to be in on saturday night. Hello I am for few days in barcelona and I am looking for a cool man for heaving some good time..

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Busiest after , with lots of pretty guys in their 20s and 30s. Read review. Punto BCN is a Gaixample staple and the first gay bar in town. Saturday night from approx. Dance all freaking night and just have fun with your friends. And they all stay open 'till 6! The three of them have different atmospheres, different music, and it differs every night as well. Arena Classic is right next to Arena Madre. Takes place about twice a month, usually from Sunday afternoon to Monday morning. More gay than straight at least. Ronda Sant Pere Barcelona And you can get a free drink with the entrance card. If their goal was to build a queer haven in the middle of Poble-sec, the Alberts are well on their way. Daily — ; Friday and Saturday night till Tenga una buena estancia!


Baptised with the name of a famous sex worker from 19th century Red Light District, Madame Jasmine is an ode to horror vacui and decorative extravagance, as well as a meeting point for some of the most mythical and rogue inhabitants of the city. House DJs on the main floor downstairs, Pop on the small 2nd dancefloor. Daily — ; Friday and Saturday night till And you can get a free drink with the entrance card. Very popular and packed! Along with good beer and a free tapa with every drink, the place adds a hearty dose of freshness and queer enthusiasm to an already vibrant neighbourhood. These series is all about giving you the ins and outs of the not-so-hidden gay scene in Barcelona. Take the metro to Universitat, take the exit to the plaza. Arena Classic is right next to Arena Madre. La Casa de la Pradera. Busiest after , with lots of pretty guys in their 20s and 30s. Facebook page.

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