

To make a donation, visit donations.

Although tithing has been known since ancient times, in the latter days, tithing began after Joseph Smith received section of the Doctrine and Covenants. Church donations are used to help build the Church and further the work of the Lord throughout the world. In recent times, giving these donations to the Church was made simpler with the introduction of online tithing. Now, members can pay their tithes and other offerings anytime, anywhere. Tithing has been known since Old Testament times.


To make a donation, visit donations. For further support, clerks may contact the Global Service Center at Donating online is an alternate method for contributing to the Church, similar to giving your donation to your bishop or branch president. When you donate to the Church online, you can access your donation history in real time, and you can print your donation statements. You can start using online donations to pay your tithing and other offerings by navigating to ChurchofJesusChrist. You will be prompted to use your account username and password to access the system. To make a donation, click in the blank field and enter the donation amounts just as you would on a paper donation slip. Repeat this step for each category in your donation. When you are finished, click Next Step. Missionaries and their families make sacrifices to provide financial support for missionary work.

This option is available only if you entered this screen by clicking the help?

Post by rferrell » Sun Nov 06, pm. Post by kartchnerja » Sun Nov 06, pm. Post by russellhltn » Sun Nov 06, pm. Post by gkdyer » Fri Nov 18, am. Post by russellhltn » Fri Nov 18, am.

Millions of people have benefited from temporal and spiritual assistance through humanitarian and welfare donations. Breakdown of Donations. The following are some of the ways in which Latter-day Saint resources and donations are used. In keeping with the biblical practice of tithes, Latter-day Saints offer one-tenth of their income to the Church. These funds are used to:. Fast Offerings. On the first Sunday of the month, members of the Church in good health are encouraged to fast for two consecutive meals and donate generously to the Church the money they would have spent on food.


The Donations application on ChurchofJesusChrist. To make a donation, visit donations. You can start using the Donations application by navigating to donations.

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You can also check with your ward clerk to see if the wrong donor, such as your spouse, was selected when recording the donation s. To authorize your spouse to view your donations: Click the Allow spouse to view my donations check box in the Preferences box. From the drop-down list, select the name of the missionary, and enter the amount you want to donate. Online donations will allow you to access your donation history in real time as well as print your own donation statements. Where can I donate my tithing and other offerings online? No, completed donations cannot be edited. From the drop-down list, select the name of the missionary. Click Done to finish. To make changes to your name, address, or assigned ward, branch, stake, or district, contact your ward or branch clerk. If I make a fast-offering donation online, will the donation be available to assist those in need in my home ward or branch? Selecting this option will allow your spouse to view your donations when he or she logs in to the Donations page, and it will also generate donor statements for both spouses. The Donations page displays information in the language you set in your Church Account profile. Recurring donations are not allowed online. Otherwise, you have to exit Settings by selecting one of the left menu options.

To make a donation, visit donations.

With updates and general information. No, contributions made for fundraising activities are not considered donations but are considered a payment for goods or services and cannot be completed online. In Category view, you can see and print a list of your donations by donation category for the current or previous year, or you can enter a custom date range. Can I make a donation to the missionary fund of another ward? In the United States, members are required to add their own bank account. To print a statement:. Members are encouraged to use the EFT reimbursement process. In the From field, select the desired day, month, and year from the drop-down lists. Generally, once the reimbursement has been processed by your unit leadership, please allow up to four business days for the funds to appear in your account. No, all online donations require the use of an electronic funds transfer EFT from your checking account or savings account.

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