dubai porta potty celebrities

Dubai porta potty celebrities

In a lalaloopsy logo on her Instagram page, Tonto Dike directed the Chairman of Actors Guild of Nigeria, to concentrate on those actresses and if possible sanction them than directing his needless attention to her because she does not care. Dubai porta potty celebrities mincing words about what some top Nigerian actresses travel to Dubai to do, Tonto Dike wrote on her Instagram page:, dubai porta potty celebrities. I hope this fastens your sanction from your board!! Stupid fool you have not sanctioned the actresses going to Dubai to open their mouths for old men to poop inside or the ones pushing drugs!!

Content warning: This story is about a disgusting trend you may have heard about. Please don't go ahead if mentions of depravity and lows human beings can stoop to can scar you. Instagram is a wonderland. And it's complicated. People go to extraordinary lengths to find an Instagrammable life.

Dubai porta potty celebrities

Fast-forward 3 years, and almost everyone knows what a Dubai Porta Potty is. This article in its original form has gone viral multiple times, amassing millions of views and catching the attention of BBC journalists, various television stations, and more than a few angry commenters. Are the rumours true? What has happened in the world of the Dubai Porta Potty since I originally wrote this article? Have you ever wondered how these girls are able to spend their time in private jets and sunning themselves on super yachts without ever taking on paid promotions or creating any content that requires an actual skill? These girls are not travel influencers or bloggers. They do not work with tourism boards or promote fancy hotels. They STAY in fancy hotels, but they are not being paid to promote them. Well, dear readers, I am here to tell you that if you see a drop dead gorgeous girl with k followers on Instagram drinking cocktails in Dubai, there is a very high probability that she is a Dubai Porta Potty. Since the dawn of time, women and men have been using their bodies to make bank. It is not shocking that hot young women are capitalising on what God gave them in order to travel the world and make 5 figures a night.

Thank you for a fabulous and informative article.


Fast-forward 3 years, and almost everyone knows what a Dubai Porta Potty is. This article in its original form has gone viral multiple times, amassing millions of views and catching the attention of BBC journalists, various television stations, and more than a few angry commenters. Are the rumours true? What has happened in the world of the Dubai Porta Potty since I originally wrote this article? Have you ever wondered how these girls are able to spend their time in private jets and sunning themselves on super yachts without ever taking on paid promotions or creating any content that requires an actual skill?

Dubai porta potty celebrities

Photo by jurien huggins on Unsplash. However there is a disturbing side to this major tourist attraction. The term is not foreign but the meaning attached to it is shocking.

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The bottom line is that you are abusing children and animals, and that is not okay in any country, culture or universe. This whole thing is a hoax. If I could say anything to the women who are doing this, it would be this — think about what you are doing. To those in the know, these pictures are a marketing ploy. Thank you so much for reading and commenting! A dog cannot consent. If a woman wants 30k so bad that she will abuse a child in order to get it, I will call her out for that. But that has never been a story as much as when Dubai gets involved. Thanks for the links too. Knowing this surely one would think this is a power play rather than a more traditional sexual desire or else they would take advantage of the domestic market?

Have you got a story or article for us: send it to us here.

In my opinion, if a woman chooses to work in the industry then more power to her. But you forget the emotional dangers. Thanks for solving the mystery, haha. Including oneself. You have a lovely writing style, its very engaging! I will say that beastiality and what western societies consider under age sex is not necessarily the case in Middle Eastern countries. Surprisingly, hocusbogus2. However, when you bring camels, dogs and children to the table then this is where you lose the right to defend your actions. There are long-standing cultures that consider things like animal sacrifice, bull-fighting, horse racing, cock fighting and dog breeding as intrinsic to them, for example. Or does she have neightmare and wakes up screaming and crying, like the other lady? I think not only about my admittedly impressionable self as a male but also my younger sisters and the effect that this sort of hypocritical marketing. When they are finally released if they go to the police they would go to prison. If sex work is dangerous in every country, what about countries with shocking human rights abuses, repressive laws, very powerful clients and women forced to sign NDAs? You draw the line there because in your country they are criminal.

1 thoughts on “Dubai porta potty celebrities

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