dws invest euro corporate bonds

Dws invest euro corporate bonds

The major part of the portfolio is invested in "investment grade" bonds. The fund is intended for the growth-oriented investor seeking returns higher than those from capital-market interest rates, with capital growth generated primarily through opportunities in the equity and currency markets. Security and liquidity are subordinate to potential high returns. This entails higher equity, interest-rate and currency risks, as well as default risks, all of which can result in loss of capital, dws invest euro corporate bonds.

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Dws invest euro corporate bonds

The aim of the investment policy is to achieve sustainable capital growth that outperforms the benchmark index iBoxx Euro Corporate. To this end, the Fund invests primarily in investment-grade corporate bonds denominated in Euros or hedged against the Euro. The investment universe is among others defined by environmental and social aspects and principles of good corporate governance. The fund is intended for the growth-oriented investor seeking returns higher than those from capital-market interest rates, with capital growth generated primarily through opportunities in the equity and currency markets. Security and liquidity are subordinate to potential high returns. This entails higher equity, interest-rate and currency risks, as well as default risks, all of which can result in loss of capital. Explanations and model calculation Acceptance: An investor would like to purchase units for Euro. Since the fund does not have an issue surcharge, he must pay euros for it. The gross value development BVI method takes into account all costs incurred at fund level, the net value development also takes into account the front-end load; further costs may be incurred at investor level e. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Download whole history. Download history of selected period. The performance refers to the indicated month periods. On days that fall on a holiday or weekend, the price of the previous day and their latest trading price available is used and in these days no conclusion is possible.

The largest underperformers came unsurprisingly from our largest overweights in Telecommunications, Luxury Goods and Utilities. Central banks played a crucial role for credit markets in September: While the U. Full year earnings kick off with the US mega banks on the 12th.

The major part of the portfolio is invested in "investment grade" bonds. The fund is intended for the growth-oriented investor seeking returns higher than those from capital-market interest rates, with capital growth generated primarily through opportunities in the equity and currency markets. Security and liquidity are subordinate to potential high returns. This entails higher equity, interest-rate and currency risks, as well as default risks, all of which can result in loss of capital. Large Medium Small. Value Blend Growth. Explanations and model calculation Acceptance: An investor would like to purchase units for Euro.

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Dws invest euro corporate bonds

If the details are unavailable, the Sub-Fund has not engaged in securities lending transactions during the previous 30 days. As part of the new rules, investment firms are required to identify or review and refine, as the case may be, the target market for each financial instrument they distribute. This means that they have to specify the type s of client for whose needs, characteristics and objectives the financial instrument is compatible. Further, MiFID II introduces new cost disclosure requirements which aim at increasing cost transparency for investors on a quantitative as well as on a qualitative level. Accordingly, investment firms have to disclose all relevant costs to the client; i.

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Since the fund does not have an issue surcharge, he must pay euros for it. Worst performing sector was Real Estate, where we have reduced the UW to near market weight but have avoided adding the more challenged issuers. The reason for this is that the requirements to display ongoing costs and charges at product level pursuant to the new MiFID II regulations go beyond the existing disclosure regulations applicable to the asset management companies under their relevant regulatory frameworks i. To this end, the Fund invests primarily in investment-grade corporate bonds denominated in Euros or hedged against the Euro. Finally, we took profit on 2 outperformers in Technology, but have maintained the Overweight. Bank Lower Tier 2 LT2 was flat, undoubted influenced by the flood of issuance. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Risk indicator SRI 2 of 7. The overall risk in the portfolio was lowered slightly but we did undertake some reallocation in and within our sectors. Show more World link World. Download whole history. Before taking into account any creditable foreign withholding tax.


Expect the usual farce, with a last-minute save. For the whole of , our best non-financial sectors were Industrials, closely followed by Telecommunications. This area is intended to make the same data available to Investors at the same time. Returns was subdued but positive for IG credit during January following the impressive rally which ended Subordinated non-fin continued its super impressive run ending January 10bp tighter whereas senior non-fin was flat. Surprising the second-best sector was Real Estate where we have a sizeable UW. The jobs number on the 8th could be a tone-setter for the remainder of December. But generally, most of our underperformers came from low risk, highly rated non-financials which did not tighten or even went slightly wider during a month of risk compression. What a difference a year makes: Had the FED been outright hawkish in December , the tone after the December FED meeting brought a pivotal change: While central bank rates itself have been kept unchanged, the FED admitted that they might be done with hiking and that should finally bring lower rates. December was again a risk-on month where subordinated debt and cyclical sectors outperformed senior low risk bonds. Non-UK bond Real Estate, where we have been adding to exposure but have avoided the weakest and widest names. Show more Tech link Tech. Only one the major central banks have a meeting scheduled for February.

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