Easy draw peacock

This tutorial easy draw peacock show students how to draw a peacock without getting lost in too many details, easy draw peacock. Those feathers, for instance are incredibly complicated in real life, but a simple petal shape, like those of a flower, do the job just fine. They are radiating out from the peacock body and offer some great radial symmetry drawing practice.

Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Peacock with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. Begin the easy peacock outline by drawing the bird's face. Start with a small circle. Inside it, shade two small ovals for the eyes and draw a small triangle to indicate the beak. Then, draw the feathers on top of the head. Extend two long, curved lines from the head.

Easy draw peacock


Draw the belly. Extend two long, curved lines from the head.


Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Peacock with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. Begin the easy peacock outline by drawing the bird's face. Start with a small circle. Inside it, shade two small ovals for the eyes and draw a small triangle to indicate the beak. Then, draw the feathers on top of the head.

Easy draw peacock

Peacocks are wonderful and beautiful creatures! Explore wonderful peacock drawings and peacock drawing images and even learn how to draw a peacock or a peacock feather. Below are over 50 of the best and most beautiful drawn peacocks, peafowls, peacock feathers, and peacock art.

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Only male peacocks have long, colorful tails. Pin me to your Pinterest Board. Easy Easy Peacock Drawing - Step 2 2. Draw the peacock's leg. Toggle Menu Close. Above the peacock's head, draw a circle inside a circle, and extend a straight, vertical line beneath it. Draw center back feather. Then, use pairs of lines that meet at points to enclose three toes. Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial. The best way to get students off to a good start to any drawing lesson is to show them how to use guides as a reference point. Finish drawing eyespots on the tail. Similar Posts. They are radiating out from the peacock body and offer some great radial symmetry drawing practice.

This page will help you to learn how to draw a peacock, easy and step by step for beginners.

Open Peacock Coloring Page. How to Draw a Flamingo. Learn how to draw a great looking Easy Peacock with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. Draw the second leg. You can do this by clicking the browser reload button. So does that mean students need to get out a ruler to draw a big fat line down the center of their paper before they start? Extend a long curved line from the opposite side, then draw a series of connected "U" shaped lines. Only male peacocks have long, colorful tails. We've been creating high-quality, easy-to-follow drawing tutorials since For each eyespot, draw a circle inside a circle, and extend a straight line toward the bird's body. Time needed: 1 hour. Trace and color with crayons. Previous Previous. Next Continue.

1 thoughts on “Easy draw peacock

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