ed yong wife

Ed yong wife

Liz Neeley is a science communicatorresearcher, and founder of Liminal Creations. She was formerly the Executive Director of The Story Collidera nonprofit organization that focuses on true, personal ed yong wife inspired by science. Neeley received her Bachelor of Arts in Marine Biology in

He became a British citizen in Yong's approach to popular science writing has been described as "the future of science news", [7] and he has received numerous awards for his work. Earlier in his career, Yong created and wrote the now-defunct blog Not Exactly Rocket Science , which was published as part of the National Geographic Phenomena blog network. Yong received the National Academies Communication Award from the National Academy of Sciences in in recognition of his online journalism; in the same year, he received three awards from ResearchBlogging. In September , Yong joined The Atlantic as a science reporter. Yong is married to Liz Neeley , a science communicator.

Ed yong wife

This is Thresholds , a series of conversations with writers about experiences that completely turned them upside down, disoriented them in their lives, changed them, and changed how and why they wanted to write. Subscribe and download the episode , wherever you get your podcasts! Ed Yong: I think exploring those sensory worlds is, like, extremely cool. You know, it is fascinating to me to think about fish that can sense electric fields, migratory birds that can sense the magnetic field of the Earth. The reason why umwelts exists at all is that, firstly, no organism can conceivably tap into all the information there is to perceive. So there are sort of biological limits. Our history, our ancestry, constrains us to this very thin sector of the world, which means that it must be an active choice to learn about the rest. And that, to me, is like a deeply magical and profound idea. That all our life, billions of years of history have left us with this narrow view of the world that is well suited to our needs. But we can choose to go beyond that. I get to think about all of that. I get to know about all of that. And that, to me, it feels like a gift to me to be able to sort of move past the the biological limits of my own senses to think about what other animals are experiencing.

And that, to me, is like a deeply magical and profound idea.

Ed Yong is a British-American science journalist, a Pulitzer winner, and the author of two bestselling books. Ed was a staff writer at the Atlantic from to He regularly does talks and interviews, and his TED talk on mind-controlling parasites has been watched by over 1. His work has appeared in three editions of the Best American Science and Nature Writing anthology, which he then guest-edited in Ed cares deeply about empathetic, accurate, nuanced, and curiosity-driven reporting.

One of our favorite conversations to date has been with Ed Yong and Liz Neeley. Given how much we value Ed Yong — and how straightforward he can make even the most complex science story — we decided to resurface this great conversation from a few years back, about building equity and breaking bias in storytelling. In that story about gender imbalance in his reporting, Ed found that only 24 percent of his last 23 articles quoted sources that were women. And of those stories, 35 percent featured no female voices at all. As Ed shared in his article:.

Ed yong wife

He became a British citizen in Yong's approach to popular science writing has been described as "the future of science news", [7] and he has received numerous awards for his work. Earlier in his career, Yong created and wrote the now-defunct blog Not Exactly Rocket Science , which was published as part of the National Geographic Phenomena blog network. Yong received the National Academies Communication Award from the National Academy of Sciences in in recognition of his online journalism; in the same year, he received three awards from ResearchBlogging. In September , Yong joined The Atlantic as a science reporter. Yong is married to Liz Neeley , a science communicator.

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Curry, Stephn 25 August The organization also trains scientists on how to employ the tools of storytelling to become better communicators. Summarize this article for a 10 year old. S2CID But our future relies on you. BBC Radio 4. Archived from the original on 4 March Scientific American. Ed Yong is a Pulitzer Prize—winning science writer on the staff of The Atlantic , where he also won the George Polk Award for science reporting, among other honors. Following graduate school, she began a career in marine conservation, applying her general subject matter knowledge to science advocacy.


Ed Yong: I think exploring those sensory worlds is, like, extremely cool. He became a British citizen in Archived from the original on Close to the Lithub Daily Thank you for subscribing! Earlier in his career, Yong created and wrote the now-defunct blog Not Exactly Rocket Science , which was published as part of the National Geographic Phenomena blog network. Thresholds Thresholds is a series of intimate, surprising interviews with writers and artists you love about the transformative experiences surprises, crises, existential freakouts, u-turns, breakthroughs that have shaped their work. Retrieved 22 January Liz Neeley is a science communicator , researcher, and founder of Liminal Creations. Archived from the original on 10 April For the Malaysian sports shooter, see Edmund Yong. New Scientist. PLOS Biology. I get to know about all of that. I Contain Multitudes. This is Thresholds , a series of conversations with writers about experiences that completely turned them upside down, disoriented them in their lives, changed them, and changed how and why they wanted to write.

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