Eddsworld hot tom

Eddsworld Beyond [1] also known as EWBeyond [2] refers to the third and most recent era of Eddsworld. It is directed by Matt Hargreaves.

Requested by: a lot actually Tord is an Alpha and Tom is of course an Omega. I look down on Tom as I just finished tying his arms up. I heard his breath sharpened,. I'm sorry I didn't mean to--". And then he and Matt left. Well if you're smart you could've notice that sooner.

Eddsworld hot tom

Tom was lying on the couch one leg hanging off, and drinking Smirnoff. Edd was getting Matt ready for bed, and Tord was doing something in his room. Edd had told Tom he couldn't go to the bar alone, and Edd couldn't go with him. Edd had told Tom if he wanted to go he had to bring Tord. There was no way that was happening so he was stuck on the couch drinking, and watching cat videos on his phone. Edd had put Matt in bed and told Tom he was going to go to bed himself, reminding Tom to turn off the lights before going to bed. About twenty minutes later Tord came out of his room only wearing boxers, and his hoodie. He hadn't expected anyone to be awake at this time, but when he saw Tom was awake he slightly blushed. Thankfully Tom was looking the other way, and Tord was able to go to the kitchen unnoticed. He stole one of Edd's colas, and opened it taking a long drink chugging half of it. Tom stood up to go to the bathroom and the world around him spun making him feel like he would be sick. He stood still for a moment trying to steady himself a hand against the wall. That's when he saw Tord who was trying to walk back to his room unnoticed, but unluckily for him Tom saw him.

Thankfully Tom was looking the other way, and Tord was able to go to the kitchen unnoticed. He stole one of Edd's colas, and opened it taking a long drink chugging half of it. Painful truth high school au, eddsworld hot tom.


For everyone who has watched Eddsworld on YouTube, you have shipped at least a few people, Tom x Tord, Matt x Edd, so here's the place to read them all! A little bit of Paul x Patryk, And I absolutely love Edd so nothing against him for this chapter A little bit of smut Word count: Tom's POV. I was watching TV when I hear the door open. I look and see Tord stagger into the room.

Eddsworld hot tom

Tom is here to make his Youtooz debut and to do some…uhh…fishing? Standing at 5. Raising up a fist victoriously, he wears a simple blue hoodie, grey and pants and checkered black and white shoes as a small brown Tomee Bear sits at his feet.

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Try Premium. I suddenly felt a twist inside me.. New Reading List. Tom's a naughty boy part two. Tord didn't mind, accept when he wanted to read hentai and he couldn't because of his house mate. A not so secret Boyfriend 2. I looked down at Tom who wore a very beautiful lewd look on his face. Who is this part 3. You're the tear in my heart part 1. It's you that I want. His juices tasted good.. List of Admins. Discover now.

Try Premium. Log in Sign Up. Tom wakes up in a strange room unable to move and with no memory.

I slowly pulled out and watched my cum gushing out of his anus and dripping down his tights. A Bed Time Story. Sleepless nights. Tom put a hand against the wall at the beginning of the hallway leaning against it and stopping Tord from going back to his room. Start a Wiki. All Tord wanted was to go back to his room and look through his hentai magazines. The slapping sound that our skin was making when it meets with each other was making me more aroused. He stood still for a moment trying to steady himself a hand against the wall. Tasting his sweet sweat and kissing his skin. Last Time. I lifted his blue shirt up and left a kiss mark on his chest before digging my teeth into his skin. Fanart for Experiment On July 31, , the Eddsworld intro song was posted to the show's official Instagram story with no context. When they got to Tom's room Tord pinned Tom to the bed as though he was going to kiss him then tightly swaddled Tom in the blanket. Best Birthday Ever.

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