effects of the great depression quizlet

Effects of the great depression quizlet

In this famous photograph by Dorothea Lange, a destitute, thirty-two-year-old mother of seven captures the agonies of the Great Depression. Library of Congress. Please click here to improve this chapter. Hard times had hit the United States before, but never had an economic crisis lasted so long or inflicted as much harm as the slump that followed the crash.

Over , businesses shut down between and , contributing to the rise of unemployment. Some had borrowed money to keep going before the crash and could not afford to pay back their loans. Others had been hit by falling demand for goods as people had started to spend less money, especially on goods they did not consider to be essential. Most of the people who initially lost their jobs worked in the older industries, such as coal mining, textiles and steel production. By , other industries, such as banking, domestic services and teaching, were also affected.

Effects of the great depression quizlet


The needy drew down whatever savings they had, turned to their families, and sought out charities for public assistance. In the first chat, Roosevelt described the new banking safeguards and asked the public to place their trust and their savings in banks.


The Great Depression of devastated the U. A third of all banks failed. Housing prices plummeted, international trade collapsed, and deflation soared. It took 25 years for the stock market to recover. While the Great Depression took a huge toll on the U. For example, the New Deal programs installed safeguards to make it less likely that the Depression could happen again. Overall, the Great Depression had a tremendous impact on nine principal areas of the U.

Effects of the great depression quizlet


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Americans responded and deposits outpaced withdrawals across the country. Many farm owners now found themselves employed as poorly paid farm labourers. Migration and the Great Depression VI. The NRA encouraged higher wages and better conditions. He won more counties than any previous candidate in American history. In the course of his rise, in the summer of , Roosevelt suffered a sudden bout of lower-body pain and paralysis. Instead, as the Depression worked its way across the United States, Americans hoped to weather the economic storm as best they could, hoping for some relief from the ever-mounting economic collapse that was strangling so many lives. Herbert Hoover on the New Deal The more fortunate were spared the worst effects, and a few even profited from it, but by the end of , the crisis had become so deep and so widespread that most Americans had suffered directly. Over , businesses shut down between and , contributing to the rise of unemployment. During the s, modernisation of farming, including the use of new fertilisers and farm machinery, had led to overproduction. American suppositions about family structure meant that women suffered disproportionately from the Depression. It was an exodus.


More and more, the well-to-do had no need for the new automobiles, radios, and other consumer goods that fueled gross domestic product GDP growth in the s. By , sociologists were estimating that millions of men were on the roads and rails traveling the country. The more fortunate were spared the worst effects, and a few even profited from it, but by the end of , the crisis had become so deep and so widespread that most Americans had suffered directly. During her assignment as a photographer for the Works Progress Administration WPA , Dorothea Lange documented the movement of migrant families forced from their homes by drought and economic depression. Hard times had hit the United States before, but never had an economic crisis lasted so long or inflicted as much harm as the slump that followed the crash. Washington State Archives. The New Deal slowly receded into the background, outshined by war. Though the unemployment rate dipped from its high in , when Roosevelt was inaugurated, vast numbers remained out of work. Businesses, the thinking went, would willingly limit harmful practice for the greater economic good. More guides on this topic. Already over-extended banks, deprived of income, took savings accounts down with them when they closed. This family was in the process of traveling miles by foot, across Oklahoma, because the father was unable to receive relief or WPA work of his own due to an illness. Its pension program excluded domestic workers and farm workers, for instance, a policy that disproportionately affected African Americans. With so many people out of work and without income, shops sold even less, dropped their prices lower still, and then shed still more workers, creating a vicious downward cycle. Roosevelt, who began his campaign by pledging a New Deal for the American people.

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