energy resources bbc bitesize

Energy resources bbc bitesize

They were formed from the remains of living organisms plants and animals millions of years ago.

There are different energy sources in the world and the stores of energy associated with them can contain different amounts of energy. For example, nuclear fuel stores can contain very large amounts of energy, while hydroelectric close hydroelectricity Electricity that is generated by the movement of water. Some energy sources are renewable, which means they can be replenished and will not run out. Other energy sources are non-renewable, which means they will eventually run out when all their reserves have been depleted used up. In this guide. Energy requirements Energy consumption Sources of energy. Sources of energy.

Energy resources bbc bitesize

Some energy resources are renewable close renewable Energy resources that can be easily replenished or are effectively limitless. These resources will not run out by being used. Solar power is an example of a renewable energy resource. This resource will eventually run out because we are using it. Fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are examples of non-renewable energy resources. Much of the energy that is transferred in our homes is supplied by electricity. There are a wide range of energy resources used to generate electricity. Energy resources are systems that can store large amounts of energy. Energy resources can be divided into two categories:. Renewable resources - energy resources that can be replenished. They do not run out although we are using them. Non-renewable resources - energy resources that cannot be replenished. These resources will eventually run out because we are using them. Not all energy resources are available everywhere and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Unlike fossil fuels close fossil fuel Natural, finite fuel formed from the remains of living organisms, eg coal, oil and natural gas. On top of this, it is expensive to build these plants in the first place.

These natural resources are formed from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago. They are used to power everything from planes to gas cookers. This adds to climate change by making the Earth warmer than it should be. Once fossil fuels are gone, they cannot be replaced. Renewable sources of energy are more sustainable, which means they continue to be used.

You might have used electricity to set an alarm clock, or to make breakfast this morning. Electricity powers lighting, most appliances and devices, and sometimes even showers and heating systems. Mobile phones would not work without electricity to charge the battery. Energy powers buildings, industries close industry Often refers to factories, but can mean any form of employment that makes money. This is often electricity close electricity A form of energy used to power buildings and some vehicles. It is delivered by cables and used through plug sockets and light fittings. For example, wood is a fuel as it can be burned to produce heat.

Energy resources bbc bitesize

An explanation of the law of conservation of energy. A group of students explore the conductive properties of metal and polystyrene cups. An investigation into energy efficiency in a leisure centre.


Biofuel Chemical Renewable Transport, heating, electricity generation Medium 'Carbon neutral' - little or no effect on the environment. The turbines look very similar to wind turbines but are specially designed to work under water. A non-renewable energy resource is one with a finite close finite Something that has a limited number of uses before it is depleted. This turbine is powered by the tide going in and out. And our increasing demand for energy means they won't last forever so we need to look for ways to make renewable and sustainable energy resources. Also, when building these plants, the digging to get to the geothermal energy releases greenhouse gases. Some energy resources are renewable close renewable Energy resources that can be easily replenished or are effectively limitless. Examples of renewables include wind, solar, hydroelectric power. Larger arrays of solar cells are used to power road signs in remote areas, and even larger arrays are used to power satellites in orbit around Earth. This is transferred to the kinetic energy store as the water rushes down through tubes inside the dam. Related links. Generating electricity. The steam from these rocks can also be used to power generators in a power station. These resources are made up from the remains of ancient animals and plants that develop over millions and millions of years, deep beneath the ground into what we call fossil fuels. For example, oil is a finite resource.

Nearly everything requires energy close energy The capacity for doing work. Systems that can store large amounts of energy are called energy resources close energy resource Useful supply or store of energy. The major energy resources available to produce electricity are fossil fuels close fossil fuel Natural, finite fuel formed from the remains of living organisms, eg oil, coal and natural gas.

Generating electricity. Energy resource Hydroelectricity Energy store Gravity Renewable or non-renewable Renewable Uses Electricity generation Power output Medium Impact on environment Local habitats are affected by the large areas that need to be flooded to build dams. Fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are examples of non-renewable energy resources. Although a lot of research has been done on how to make nuclear power stations safe, if an accident occurs radioactive material may be released into the environment. Energy resource Sun Energy store Nuclear Renewable or non-renewable Renewable Uses Electricity generation and heating Power output Dependant on the weather and only available during daylight Impact on environment Impact on environment is very low. Big investment is needed to set up geothermal energy projects and some countries cannot afford these. Hydroelectric dams generate electricity by passing huge amounts of water through turbines. Next page. Energy resources can be divided into two categories: Renewable resources - energy resources that can be replenished. These resources are made up from the remains of ancient animals and plants that develop over millions and millions of years, deep beneath the ground into what we call fossil fuels.

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