Etsy bondage

Butterflies in Bondage is a series of drawings I started in the summer of

Melissa is the owner and creator of the Etsy shop loveswhore. Melissa started her business locally at kink events and then developed into online selling via Etsy. Introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. How did you begin and decide on what to sell on Etsy, and how do you create your products? I'm Melissa Jackson from LovesWhore. I started selling on Etsy a few years ago after receiving great feedback on my products that I was selling at local kink events SinnCityy and various other kink meetups. I basically started designing girly bdsm equipment because there simply wasn't any on the market at the time.

Etsy bondage


How loveswhore got started Introduce your Etsy shop and tell us your story. Learn more Got it.


With a focus on comfort, quality construction, and elegance, we make our restraints to loyally serve and please you for years to come. We continuously study and work with European designers to create bondage gear that provides style and functionality to couples that are beginners or seasoned veterans with the BDSM lifestyle. Every product is lined with suede that hugs the skin gently and softly. As a result, individuals who have sensitive skin find the products to be comfortable and long lasting for periods of time. Additionally, we made sure our products are sturdy by selecting high-quality hardware that is heavy and thick enough to hold up even when things get rough. All our products are available in 14 different colors which gives customers a fun way to express themselves through their bondage-wear. This collection is made of full-grain, vegetable tanned leather with a smooth suede lining on the inside.

Etsy bondage

Our editors independently select the products we recommend. We may earn a commission on items bought through our links. And even if vanilla is your favorite flavor, you may be curious about exploring the pleasure and pain offered by BDSM. Starting A Small Business? While sadists, aka doms, enjoy delivering pain, masochists, aka subs, get pleasure from receiving pain. If you are a beginner, rules, safe words, and consent are the first things you should learn about.

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How do you manage your shop? Handling shipping on Etsy is simple. My favorite items are my various designs of daddy's girl pants, my rose bondage ropes, and my custom rhinestone collars. All orders are made to order, so as soon as an order arrives, I start working on the customers' items that day. Etsy fee calculator. Start with a free account and explore all the features you need to start, run, and grow your Etsy shop. Thank you! Alura Extension. When he returned to Coronado from the Gulf, he said my letters were anxiously awaited by the crew. Google Sites. Since butterflies are fragile, they represent the human life expression.

All products are independently selected by our editors.

The ultimate Etsy SEO guide. What are your favorite items? Keyword Finder. So my designs came out of a need for what I myself was looking for. I spray painted them first and then used acrylic paint with brushes to create the images on the wings. Alura Extension. What tools or services do you use to run your shop and how do you handle fulfillment? I'm Melissa Jackson from LovesWhore. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. See Alura in action. The platform helps sellers easily set up their shipping settings, helping automate the whole process. Alura Team December 14,

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