face split diving video

Face split diving video

Adam Bruton. Split Face Diving Accident Face split diving video : Ina professional diver took on a challenging dive that ended in a catastrophic tragedy, leaving him with a severe facial injury. The shocking video footage of this face-splitting mishap quickly spread like wildfire across social media platforms, captivating viewers from all corners of the globe.

An unsettling and unsettling video depicting the infamous Split Face Diving tragedy has resurfaced unexpectedly. The distressing footage of this tragic occurrence, originally unfolding in , has once again emerged across various social media platforms, provoking a strong reaction of shock and sorrow among viewers. This deeply disturbing video, now commonly referred to as the Split Face Diving incident, has abruptly seized the focus of social media users, particularly those engaged on platforms like Twitter and Reddit, despite lying dormant for more than a decade. In the upcoming sections, we delve deeply into the specifics of this harrowing event, urging you to persist in your reading to gain a comprehensive grasp of the situation. For further information, continue scrolling downward. Initially, the striking video of the Split Face Diving incident was posted on Reddit by a user going by the moniker Zombiedub.

Face split diving video

Log in. Sign up. JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. DO NOT watch it if you have a weak stomach. Its amazing this kid actually survives this. The slip causes him to miss the ocean and instead hit the concrete slab below where fishermen fish. He hits the concrete face first, then goes into the ocean. In a short while, the ocean for yards around has turned red with blood. There are people and boats in the water trying to help the guy, and girls are screaming all over the place. The scene then shifts to a hospital where the poor guy is being overseen by a team of doctors and nurses. His face has been split clear in two down the middle vertically! He is still alive and conscious, he's still breathing, and his tongue is still moving around.

Its amazing this kid actually survives this. Still this makes me believe in natural selection a bit.

This is so heartbreaking, being the mother of two sons I an only imagine how this boys parents and family must feel. My heart goes out to them. How amazing that he was still alive at that stage after so much damage to his skull. What a tragedy! Anon, it's not fake. The diving scene is real and he didn't die until 2 days later. The hospital scene is real footage too.

Face Split Incident , also known as the Face Split Accident or Diving Face Split Video , is a viral gore video in which a man dives off a bridge aiming for the water but instead splits open his face vertically. The jump video is then followed by footage of the man in the ER, showing that he's still conscious as a doctor pushes his face back together that's split down the middle. It was purportedly filmed in Beruit, Lebanon sometime in June It gained infamy online during the late s after it was posted to Reddit , potentially first surfacing on the now defunct website Liveleak. The video later gained increased awareness in and , via newfound notoriety on TikTok as a form of shock media. Very Graphic!! The video was later removed by the subreddit screencap shown below. In the comment section of the Reddit [1] post, Redditor YourHumbleNarrator left a long-form comment [2] that outlined the purported background of the video. Lindsay then shifted as to whether or not the video was real or fake, citing rumored speculation about the secondary ER video being unrelated to the first diving video, writing:. As of July , the contents of Robert Lindsay's blog [3] are unconfirmed.

Face split diving video

Published: 2 months ago. The lure of the deep blue is undeniable. Diving, a sport that combines the allure of the unknown with the thrill of exploration, captures the hearts of many. However, beneath the serene surface lies potential peril—a reality grimly illustrated by a video that has haunted viewers across the internet.

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I'm not saying Robert is one, I'm just asking for people to consider this and have understanding. The doctor takes the sides of his face and pushes them together a couple of times to make a whole face again. Like with so many things in life, the truth about this video may just remain somewhat mysterious. At the very least, the photos he shows are nothing like this although they are still equally gory and caused by a multitude of weapons. The doctor supposedly says, "Where do I begin? Bottom line is, First aid staff here normally knows about spine stabilisation procedures and have the necessary equipment for treating people in heavy car accidents. In this case very bad. LOL hey Robert, me again, you are absolutely right about Glendale. Alley do you remember the saying "blood is thicker than water"? I must admit the hospital scene was kinda funny, in a dark sense of the word :P.

Growing up with the internet , a lot of young people were exposed to shock videos that fall under the dreadful category of gore. Whether it was your older brother or an edgy friend at school showing you, many Zoomers and Millennials have seen the infamous "Face Split Incident " video at least once. If you didn't see it against your will in a middle school locker room, chances are you've now heard of it on YouTube and TikTok in the same vein that creepypastas are often discussed and immortalized.

Entrance Exam. I shot my self in the face with a shot gun and it looks nothing like this. Fucking sociopaths. That is not a way to die. And something to all you people making fun of this boy think if it was you. It seems to be the same incident. Is American Actor Married? The hilarity ensues while inside the hospital, the doctors have no idea where to begin with this two faced dipshit. So I decided to make some searches to find some additionnal information in order to help me make some kind of mourning for this boy and for my phychology. I tried to put lots of warnings on the page, though.

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