fallout shelter wiki

Fallout shelter wiki

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The game was released on the iOS App Store the same day, after the conference ended. The game allows the player to create their own vault and thereby become an overseer of its inhabitants. It is the seventh overall game in the Fallout series. On October 11, , as part of the Fallout 25th Anniversary , the mobile version of the game received a content update for the first time in over four years. The content update has a new quest line featuring new enemies, more weapons and Dwellers, and a new celebration room theme.

Fallout shelter wiki

Fallout Shelter is a Free-to-Play, mobile and PC, base building game, in which the player builds their own Vault and takes the role of Overseer. In the game you expand your Vault and try to keep the citizens who dwell within happy. Along with the port, new items, characters, weapons and enemies would be launching for both the mobile and PC versions of the game. The player takes the role of the Overseer and focuses on expanding the Vault and keeping its Dwellers happy. Vault Dwellers level up and can eventually reproduce to create more dwellers within the Vault. The Overseer can send Dwellers out into the Wasteland to accomplish various tasks, go on quests and search for items. Random events occur within the Vault and Dwellers need to defend their home against Raiders , Radroach infestations, fires and other dangers that attempt to disrupt the Vault. DeathClaws became the most powerful and aggressive enemy after this update. Survival Guide. Vault Rooms. Weapons and Outfits. Vault Dwellers. Each day the player recieves a rating based on their performance and survival.

In Fallout Shelterplayers build and manage fallout shelter wiki Vault as an Overseer, its leader and coordinator. Some weapons and outfits can only be obtained via crafting. Critics enjoyed the game's extension of the Fallout universe, the core gameplay, and its visual style.

Fallout Shelter is a free-to-play construction and management simulation video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios , with assistance by Behaviour Interactive , and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game is also available on Tesla vehicles. The game tasks the player with building and effectively managing their own Vault, a fallout shelter. Upon release, Fallout Shelter received mostly positive reviews. Critics enjoyed the game's extension of the Fallout universe, the core gameplay, and its visual style.

Starting a new Vault when you begin playing Fallout Shelter can be a bit confusing. These tips however will give you the best concrete information for getting started in making your Vault productive and thrive in the Wasteland. After you name your Vault and go through the tutorial, you will be able to start creating rooms and placing Dwellers into specific jobs. Here's what you should know as you begin Its very important to note which room a Dweller is best suited to be placed in. Try to move Dwellers into areas where they will level up the fastest and obtain the most resources for your Vault. When you create a room that can gather resources for your Vault, you have the option to cause your Dwellers to Rush while working in it. This comes with both positive and negative effects that can greatly influence your Vault. Rushing can help speed up the time it takes to produce valuable resources for your Vault, especially if you need to boost up a specific resource to prevent anything bad from happening. This also allows your Dwellers to gain experience and level up a bit more, but this all comes with bad price if you Rush your Dwellers constantly.

Fallout shelter wiki

Fallout Shelter is a vault management game, designed for mobile platforms, developed by Behavior Interactive and Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. The game was released after Bethesda's first E3 showcase, on June 14, Fallout Shelter is free to play, with in-app purchases. In the game, you are put in the role of the Overseer of a Vault of your choosing the number is selected by you , and the goal is to successfully lead generations of Vault Dwellers to survive and thrive in post-nuclear America. Your duties will include acquisition and distribution of resources, development of the Vault complex, multiplying the population, preventing crises such as fires and raider attacks , and other similar activities. The game is focused on balancing the needs of your Dwellers while providing them with the best quality of life, as well as defending it from threats. There is no end goal in the game, save building the biggest, best Vault you can. Managing resources and dwellers is essential, as is keeping them happy. According to Bethesda's Todd Howard , several early designs of Fallout games for iOS have been pitched, but were rejected.

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Create a free Fandom account and verify your email address. Gamer Network Ltd. Update 1. Retrieved July 20, Each day the player recieves a rating based on their performance and survival. Both Carmack and Bethesda's Todd Howard are fans of the platform and any iPhone game based on Bethesda's IP will likely be made as a joint project between id and Bethesda. Up Next: Survival Guide Previous. All dwellers have their own individual S. Also, a dweller will automatically return to the vault if they have collected items. All rooms can have a limited number of dwellers assigned to it and each production room requires at least one dweller to run it. Want to get involved?

The game was released on the iOS App Store the same day, after the conference ended. The game allows the player to create their own vault and thereby become an overseer of its inhabitants.

Rate this game. In a suit filed in a Maryland U. Todd Howard. Digital Trends. Balancing resources such as food, water, and power is an important aspect of the game. Nukastaff Account management Discord Vault Academy. Fallout RPGs and add-ons. Fallout Shelter. Mister Handy can collect resources, be sent into the wasteland to collect loot, and serve as a defender of the vault against creatures and disasters, including all new deathclaw and mole rat infestations. Game Rant, LLC. Welcome to Nukapedia the Fallout Wiki. Our admins and moderators are always there to help!

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