fear glitchtale

Fear glitchtale

It's a question that I think about alot! And I know what your thinking, "It's Determinationovivously! Gaster might of said that only Determination can defeat Fearbut he didn't even catch on to Betty's soul color when he looked at her eye color, fear glitchtale, and he works with that kind of stuff, so what does he know?! What i'd like to fear glitchtale is that kindness is one of the only things that can defeat Fear.

During her temporary acquaintance with Jessica Grey , they both were responsible for framing Papyrus and the murder of Sans. However, in her final fight against W. Before she existed, her soul resided in Agate Lightvale. When Agate and Copper began to argue over the barrier, their tempers flared, and they fought, while Amber watched. At the end of the battle, Agate lost, humiliated; thus, she lost her trait and fled.

Fear glitchtale


Later, when FriskAsgoreand Toriel came to the arena, Bete decided to "go say hi". She said that she was going to fight Frisk, but Asgore and Toriel would get to fight somebody, fear glitchtale turned out to be their son, Asriel Dreemurr, fear glitchtale.


This track plays during the intro segment of the episode. This track was composed by Nevan Dove. This track plays when Chara wakes up after "passing out". This track was composed by NyxTheShield. This track plays when Gaster attempts to make monster soul essence absorb determination. This track plays when Ronan and Undyne meet each other. The track was composed by NyxTheShield. This track plays when Ronan confronts Rave Rutrow. The track plays when Jessica answers Ronan's call. The track plays when Gaster starts to show his insanity towards Papyrus.

Fear glitchtale

These are pages that describe the different souls in Glitchtale. On a general aspect, there are two literal types, Human Souls and Monster Souls , one belonging to humans and the other to the latter. Human souls have a certain uniqueness in the sense that their magic is derived into many traits, all of which have different types of magic styles. In any one soul, there exists a combination of all of these traits yet in different percentages, thus, their soul is colored by the trait with the highest percentage which is considered the dominant trait. Yet in rare circumstances, a human soul can host more than one dominant trait which is well shown in dual-traited souls, and when a Determination soul comes to exist due to a perfect balance of the traits. On the other hand, monster souls are slightly different. These souls do not have traits, but rather allow for different types of monsters all with varying degrees of magical potential. Such monster souls can be so potent, they are capable of being just as powerful as a human wizard, as shown with chroma monsters. On the other hand, boss monsters such as Asriel , just as in the game Undertale have their souls persist just a bit after death, allowing for a human to take it and become a very powerful being. Glitchtale Wiki Explore.

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The resulting blast disintegrated Bete's back and lower body; however, Akumu is unharmed as Bete took the brunt of the explosion. Jessica shot Bete, temporarily incapacitating her, after which Alphys gave Jessica a cyan artifact, allowing her to teleport back home with Gaster. Bete tries to attack Gaster and Papyrus by sending an arrow projectile at them, but Gaster blocks it. Undyne entered the room. She charged up Rhabdophobia and used it on Undyne's spears. And you know what Betty is? Betty also seemingly has no patience but that's just a side note, her being cruel is more important. Sans then could only obey Bete's commands. Bete using Rhabdophobia on Undyne 's spears. She simply walks through it, showing no struggle, and launches an energy arrow at him. She comments on how he ran out of energy and smiles at his broken body. As he gets distracted by the rocks, she launches a spear at him, wounding his shoulder. Bete makes a small cameo near the ending of the episode. After he succeeded at moving the crane above the building's ceiling, the illusion that looked similar to Agate commanded him to push a button, resulting in him unintentionally dropping the steel.

Explore Wikis Community Central. Don't have an account? Glitchtale is a captivating universe that originated from a series of animations by Camila Cuevas on YouTube, based on the popular video game Undertale.

Bete first appears when the humans seal a barrier to protect civilians. She fires all of them at Sans, but Gaster uses his hands to protect Sans from the incoming fire. During the demonstration, however, a pink blob-like creature popped out of Bete. When she refused, Akumu brutally grabbed her by her neck and slammed her against the wall. Its color changes to pink or tinted pink. Because Sans exerted so much of his magic into the attack, he eventually turns into Dust and dies. At the end of the battle, Agate lost, humiliated; thus, she lost her trait and fled. He hoped to kill her himself, and, if he failed, Alphys would activate the nullifier room, which she hoped would kill her once and for all. Bete tries to attack Gaster and Papyrus by sending an arrow projectile at them, but Gaster blocks it. She makes Asriel hallucinate into seeing Chara , causing him to freeze in his tracks. However, due to her immense Determination, Undyne transformed into Undyne the Undying. Bete wickedly smiling, as seen from an image from Frisk 's imagination. Season 1 Megalomaniac Yet Darker Determination. When the episode began, Bete was furious about the fact that people were supposed to fear her while she has repeatedly been forced to retreat instead. After some time, she destroys the spotlight and launches at Mettaton.

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