Feminine archetypes test

You have to finish following quiz, to start this quiz:. You have reached 0 of 0 points, 0. The percentages represent your level of identification with feminine archetypes test feminine archetype.

The Feminine Archetype Workbooks are here! Welcome, goddess! The 7 Feminine Archetypes are a powerful tool to understand who you are on a deeper level. Are you ready to learn more about yourself? I have gone from creating the artwork you see on this page to spending years researching the 7 Feminine Archetypes. Celebrated throughout history and across cultures, these archetypal images provide a framework for personal transformation and embracing your feminine power. They are powerful symbols of different aspects of the divine feminine and can help you to:.

Feminine archetypes test

This book shows you exactly how. Girly Lifestyle. Tea lovin pink pilates princess who is obsessed with girly things, self care and wellness. Feminine archetypes are a set of mythic characters that represent different aspects of the feminine psyche. Understanding these archetypes can provide insight into the complexities of feminine personalities. The concept of personality archetypes can be traced back to the work of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. The idea of feminine archetypes has also been present in mythology and folklore throughout history. For example, the Greek goddesses Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera each represent different aspects of femininity, such as wisdom, beauty, and power. There are 7 primary feminine archetypes, originally formed by Ayesha K Faines which are commonly recognised as: the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the lover. Each archetype represents a different aspect of feminine energy and has its own unique set of qualities.

If you know someone very well, you can probably tell with high accuracy which of the 7 Feminine Archetypes they are. My Choose Your Own Adventure book.

In the fictional world, there are 7 main types of feminine archetypes, and you may find yourself resonating with more than one. So, are you a queen, huntress, maiden, or lover? Take our quiz and answer a few questions about your personality to find out! Have you ever wondered why you may act a certain way or why you act similarly to others? Your archetype may be the reason why! Archetypes are groupings or categories of personality traits and behaviors that follow specific patterns.

Save your score! Log in before you play. Forget glass slippers and damsels in distress. Deep within every woman lies a vibrant tapestry of archetypes, stories woven into the fabric of our souls. Are you a wise Queen or an innocent Maiden? A nurturing Mother or a daring Mystic? This Female Archetype Quiz isn't just a run-of-the-mill personality test — it's a magical map, guiding you towards the core archetype that guides your choices and fuels your passions.

Feminine archetypes test

The Feminine Archetype Workbooks are here! Welcome, goddess! The 7 Feminine Archetypes are a powerful tool to understand who you are on a deeper level.

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My eyes. What qualities do you see in yourself that are reflected in each archetype? Answered Review. What challenges or strengths do you identify with? They have the comfiest bed. When the passion wanes, I lose interest. Find out what your 13 feminine archetype is by taking the quiz. I get a thrill out of risky situations and breaking the rules. I prefer being the young spirit in the relationship. You may resonate with some of the 7 feminine archetypes, and that is completely normal. I am drawn to older, established men with more experience than I. I easily adapt to their moods and tastes.

The female archetypes help you understand yourself more.

I fear being unloved and alone. The 7 Feminine Archetypes can be used as a tool on your path towards self-mastery and serve you to fully develop all aspects of yourself. The presence of these archetypes in our psyches account for the major personality differences among women; they are the inner forces that silently shape the arc of our lives. The Huntress is fierce, highly independent and courageous. She essentially attracts out of fullness. To get started, take some time to explore each archetype and reflect on how it resonates with you. As a child, I played alone for hours. It is difficult to cope with dramatic change or loss—like losing a loved one, a job, or even a relationship. Being amongst a large group of people zaps my energy and feels overwhelming. The Queen archetype reflects the Greek goddess Hera. Photos by Pexels. Do they interact with other characters and the plot in similar ways? The archetype model can provide you with the blueprint.

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