final fantasy memes

Final fantasy memes

Didn't you hear Yoshi-P? He said we're outta free trials! Being a tank-bustingly popular online game, it's no surprise that Final Fantasy XIV has racked up quite the veritable list of memes over its runtime, enough final fantasy memes have its own standalone page from the main franchise's index.

It was not the first time I played the game however. Back in the day we used to hang out and not even play games together. She would either play stuff and I would watch, or vice versa. It was pretty fun despite us not being to complete it due to a bad bug. Weird gameplay situations aside, I was blown away for more reasons than I could count. First of all the graphics were mind blowing.

Final fantasy memes

We checked! You know, that teeth-crunchingly popular series that everyone who actually plays video games has, at the absolute least, heard of? If it's that popular, with the release of each game, you know that it'll spawn memes. When adding to this page, please write the meme, then add the explanation of the meme inside a labelnote titled "Explanation. Final Fantasy XIV has its own page. Final Fantasy I "I, Garland, will knock you all down! It even made it into Dissidia the reboot, that is as an actual line of Garland's in-game and is also referenced with his Lv. It's notably associated with the above meme due to Fighter conversing with the guards who keep saying it. Final Fantasy II Rebel curs! Explanation In Fynn, one of the game's early towns, there are enemy Captains prowling the area. Talking to them prompts them to exclaim " Rebel curs! It's easily one of the most iconic parts of the already Nintendo Hard game's first act.

Bunny boys Explanation The announcement that the very highly requested male Viera race would be debuting in Endwalker was met with universally positive reception from the player base, who promptly gave them this affectionate nickname similar to male Miqo'te being final fantasy memes "cat boys". Explanation Due to how long the dungeon is, players have either joked, final fantasy memes, or actually tried to find ways of shaving off as much time as possible to get the dungeon over with faster. It's easily one of the most iconic parts of the already Nintendo Hard game's first act.


The Final Fantasy series has been an absolute roller coaster for fans. One minute the franchise is going in bold and new directions and the next players are slogging through a meaningless game of social activities with very little fighting. Through it all the fan base has been churning out a massive collection of memes. This is an entertaining meme that makes fun of the character Noctis. Every other character in the circle is decked out in some form of armor or intricate uniform to provide them protection in battle or display their station, yet Noctis stands out for his simple outfit. Not a loose fitting jacket and no mask to cover his face. The entire job of a white mage is to be the healer of the party, the one who keeps others alive no matter how close they are to the brink of death or what ails them. Should anyone come down with some terrible ailment the white mage is able to reverse it.

Final fantasy memes

Final Fantasy is one of the most well-known Japanese role playing game franchises of all time, garnering international success and a die-hard following. Spanning across 15 main titles with multiple successful spin-off titles like Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy Type-0, Worlds of Final Fantasy , and more, the series has had tremendous success and is Square Enix's most well-known intellectual property. Since then, it has had titles released on every Sony console and many Nintendo consoles. The franchise has sparked an anime titled Final Fantasy Unlimited and four movies, two of them based on Final Fantasy 7, perhaps the most famous and highly acclaimed game in the series to date. Final Fantasy is revered for it's amazing soundtracks, gameplay mechanics [except for FF13? Whose heart didn't break when Sephiroth's blade went through Aerith's back? Who wasn't surprised and angered by the betrayal of Ramza's brothers in Final Fantasy Tactics? In a lot of ways the stories and lessons in the Final Fantasy series changed many lives and the quirks, jokes, and stumbles of the franchise have inspired the hilarious memes on this list. As of , the game had reportedly sold over 11 million copies worldwide.

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Noodles Explanation The unashamed advertisement of Nissin noodles both in and out of game and Gladio's bizarre enthusiasm for them stands out, to say the least. Fourchenault must die! It's also an unlockable secret voice once you get Golbez to Level Guy speak beaver. Explanation spoilers! Overall, fans were NOT impressed and treated this broadcast as a funeral for the game. Yes, you can indeed pet the doggo. This also happens to be the one point in the game where Guy is relevant. Its also common for fans to tease that rather than focusing their thoughts on recreating Titan, the Warrior of Light is too distracted with wanting to play Mario Kart instead. Explanation The Endwalker trailer shows Y'shtola talking to Fourchenault in the center of a spiral of desks. She gets more and more annoyed and embarrassed each time she says it. This joke grew to even bigger heights after the class's lore was released, revealing that Reapers were in fact originally Garlean farmers who were driven from their homes and made pacts with voidsent to get revenge on those who drove them from their lands.

We checked! You know, that teeth-crunchingly popular series that everyone who actually plays video games has, at the absolute least, heard of? If it's that popular, with the release of each game, you know that it'll spawn memes.

Doubly so if it's a punny reference to pop culture. Explanation A phrase used to describe the journey that many players and content creators alike have taken. As with Chaosposting, fans quickly latched onto the line, using it to either mock him for being super edgy or to claim he eats darkness Explanation The game has been noted for the number of Mr. Please no Mora. Everyone sees through his bad acting, and things end up happening that prevent him from dying as planned. The top of her dress is perfectly cut. Noodles Explanation The unashamed advertisement of Nissin noodles both in and out of game and Gladio's bizarre enthusiasm for them stands out, to say the least. Explanation Gau is the only character who has the Charm ability, which will make an enemy attack its allies until one of them dies or Gau casts Charm on somebody else. Midway through, he makes a call to the squad he's operating with, stating his name. When Emet Selch asks Elidibus of he knew why Azem was so interested in saving the island, Elidibus said that he was told Azem wanted to save the island's grapes.

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