first hokage

First hokage

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Though there are several candidates for the strongest ninja in the world of Naruto , it's undeniable that the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju , is a top contender. Despite his strength, however, he died at a young age, with no explanation given in the series. It's likely that he died in the First Shinobi World War, which leaves a question: who could have killed someone labeled "the Shinobi God? Hashirama was the heir of the Senju, one of the most powerful clans during the Warring States Period, when the constant conflict between countries forced even the children of the mercenary shinobi clans to go to war. At a young age, Hashirama met a member of the most powerful rival clan, Madara Uchiha, and the two started dreaming of a way to end the conflict. They founded Konohagakure, the first of the shinobi Hidden Villages, and unified the Senju, Uchiha, and their affiliated clans, starting a brief era of peaceful coexistence. Hashirama became the First Hokage, but Madara grew disillusioned with their dream and started attacking Konoha.

First hokage

He himself was hailed as the "God of Shinobi" for his unmatched ninja prowess. Hashirama sought peace for the shinobi world, and to that end founded Konohagakure with his clan, his childhood friend and rival: Madara Uchiha and the Uchiha clan. Although he was not able to achieve peace during his lifetime, his legacy and vision for the world would continue to shape the village and the entire shinobi world even after his death. Hashirama and his brothers grew up on the battlefield waging constant war with the Senju's rivals: the Uchiha. During his infrequent downtime, Hashirama met a boy his own age named Madara. The two quickly developed a friendly rivalry, be it skipping stones or urinating in rivers, with Hashirama typically winning their contests. After the deaths of their brothers, Kawarama and later Itama , Hashirama and his remaining brother, Tobirama , decided a new shinobi system would need to be implemented to end the cycle of child deaths, a system that would require an alliance between the Senju and Uchiha. Like Hashirama, Madara was also a shinobi who had lost brothers on the battlefield. Together they imagined a world where children like themselves wouldn't need to fight and where their brothers would be safe from harm. Hashirama set this duty aside, unwilling to take his friend's life. Madara, however, decided their dreams of a peaceful world were impossible, and therefore ended their friendship so that they could kill each other without reservation. Over the following years Hashirama and Madara continued to meet in combat. Hashirama could never bring himself to kill someone he still considered a friend, and Madara could never defeat Hashirama's superior abilities. In time, both Madara and Hashirama became leaders of their respective clans.

Hashirama could perform powerful seals first hokage bind targets, even those as large as the Ten-Tails. As a Senju, Hashirama is trained in a variety of shinobi skills. After saying hello to his granddaughter, first hokage, the clone relays his message and implores them not to give.

Hashirama Senju is one of the most powerful characters to ever live in the Naruto universe. He was tremendously powerful and an exceptionally rare ninja, being one of the very few capable of using the fabled Wood Release. Hashirama is also known to have been an exceptionally good user of the Sage Mode. This technique amplified his abilities to a whole different level and he might be one of the very best users of it seen in the entire Naruto series. Sage Mode is a heightened state that only a handful of people in the world of Naruto can access. This ability requires the user to become one with nature itself and understand it completely.

Top 25 Strongest Naruto Characters. Hide Ads Login Sign Up. Edit Character Information. Remove from Favorites Add to Favorites. Details Clubs Pictures. Hashirama Senju. Top 25 Strongest Naruto Characters The Naruto franchise is host to a lot of ridiculously powerful ninja that can annihilate entire landscapes with ease, and even bring people back to life. It has good-looking characters, too! Featuring 10 hot male characters from Naruto Shippuuden, this list shares important details about each guy along with an attractive image of them. Enjoy the eye candy!

First hokage

Throughout his lifetime, Tobirama would work tirelessly to achieve political stability and implement the institutions that made the village system work, thus ensuring Konoha's continuity and prosperity. Tobirama was born during the Warring States Period , and was the second of Butsuma Senju 's four sons. He and his brothers grew up on the battlefield waging constant war with their rivalling clans especially the Uchiha. After the deaths of their brothers: Kawarama and later Itama , Tobirama and his older brother, Hashirama , decided a new shinobi system would need to be implemented to end the cycle of child deaths — a system that would require an alliance between the warring clans. From tracking Hashirama, Tobirama discovered that he was meeting with a boy named Madara : a young Uchiha. After Tobirama reported this to their father, Butsuma pressured Hashirama to lead Madara into an ambush to be carried out by himself and Tobirama. Upon springing the trap, however, they were met by Madara's family — who had similar plans and while their fathers clashed — Tobirama fought Izuna Uchiha : Madara's younger brother. In the years following their families would continue to clash, Hashirama against Madara and Tobirama against Izuna. On one occasion Tobirama eventually mortally wounded Izuna. Hashirama, by then the leader of the Senju, tried to use Izuna's fate to broker peace between their clans, but Madara — at Izuna's behest — refused.

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Although worried by Madara's current plans, Hashirama is at the same time curious how Madara managed to survive their last encounter and looks forward to seeing him. What Is Sage Mode? It is very likely that the death of Hashirama Senju will remain one of Naruto 's biggest mysteries for good, unless the sequel Boruto addresses it at some point. Hashirama could completely change the landscape with his constructs. The Springtime of Youth wiki has an article about this topic: Hashirama Senju. October Naruto Mobile. His two younger brothers, Kawarama and Itama were both killed by the Uchiha Clan despite of their young age. Debut manga type. He always gave people the benefit of the doubt witnessed when he proposed a truce with the Uchiha, considering them allies immediately, even when Madara attacked the village, Hashirama did not allow this to colour his view of the other Uchiha in the village even still considered Madara a brother. Like Hashirama, Madara was also a shinobi who had lost brothers on the battlefield. He is also adept at using barrier ninjutsu, capable of erecting a Kage-calibre barrier powerful enough to trap the Ten-Tails.

Telling his new acquaintance that he needed to put more feeling into his attempts, Hashirama introduced himself to the young man as his rival in skipping stones and noted that at this point in time, he was leading.

This ability was apparently exclusive to him as no one else has naturally acquired this power; any replications are noticeably pale in comparison to Hashirama's capabilities. While not everything has been revealed about his life, quite a lot of interesting stuff has been shown about the First Hokage. What Is Sage Mode? Before he leaves, Madara notes that the plan for peace he mentioned to Hashirama so long ago is about to be achieved. As Orochimaru undone the Reaper Death Seal and regained his arms, Hashirama and his fellow Hokage was summoned to stop the war before he was greeted by Minato Namikaze the Fourth Hokage who died and sealed away earlier than Sarutobi the Third Hokage and learned his granddaughter is the Fifth Hokage. This was displayed after he was reincarnated a second time with his personality left intact as he was barely able to contain his excitement upon learning that there was a Fourth Hokage, taking it as a sign of his village's longevity, and later when he actually saw the village once again. Hashirama had a lifelong friendship and rivalry with Madara Uchiha, eventually considering him a brother. Fantasy Naruto. Hashirama was arguably most famous for his unique Wood Release techniques, a kekkei genkai formed through simultaneous use of earth and water-natured chakra. He approaches Hashirama and absorbs his senjutsu chakra so that he can find targets based on their chakra signatures. As Sasuke is about to go after Madara, Hashirama, still unable to move, offers to give him a jutsu that can be used to cancel out the senjutsu chakra Madara has taken. Hashirama has grandchildren the future Fifth Hokage Tsunade and Nawaki. This ability appeared to be. He also had more ingenious usages such as making wood clones that are nearly indistinguishable from himself. Undoubtedly, Hashirama's Sage Mode made him one of the most overpowered characters in the entire series.

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