flies in guinea pig cage

Flies in guinea pig cage

Flies are annoying for people, particularly in the summer months, flies in guinea pig cage. But for our rabbits and guinea pigs some flies present a potentially fatal threat, as they can cause fly strike. While it can be dangerous and life-threatening, fly strike is very easy to prevent if you know how. If your rabbit or guinea pig has fly strike, go directly to the section on 'what to do if my pet has fly strike'.

Whenever we bring a new pig into our home and we have one or more existing pigs in our home already, we have to follow quarantine rules. Hello everyone I need a lot recommendations, advice and help! In December my partner bought me two male guinea pigs. When he purchased the two…. Some of you may remember some drama a little over a year ago after I adopted two adult boars, Blaster and Squeakers. On Sunday morning this week, I….

Flies in guinea pig cage

We all love our guinea pigs, so the last thing we want is to see them suffering with fly strike. This unpleasant illness is potentially fatal, but fortunately fly strike can be easily avoided. Fly strike occurs when blowflies lay eggs on a guinea pig, usually around the bottom area. These eggs hatch into larvae, which then begin to eat the flesh. Some eggs can hatch in as little as 24 hours, so taking preventative measures is the best way to protect your pet. The main cause of fly strike is a dirty or unclean hutch, with the smell from urine and poo being a big draw for flies. While this is the main cause of fly strike, if your guinea pig falls into one of the following categories they could be more at risk:. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Brought to you by Beaphar UK We all love our guinea pigs, so the last thing we want is to see them suffering with fly strike. What is fly strike, and how do guinea pigs get it? While this is the main cause of fly strike, if your guinea pig falls into one of the following categories they could be more at risk: Older, overweight or have dental problems — All three of these issues will make it harder for your pet to clean themselves properly. For older guinea pigs, to avoid fly strike you will need to check and if needed clean their bottoms regularly.

Some of you may remember some drama a little over a year ago after I adopted two adult boars, Blaster and Squeakers. As well as causing fly strike, flies can infect rabbits with myxomatosis.


Like all animals, there are certain health issues that guinea pigs are going to be more susceptible to than others. With the aim of minimizing our pets' chances of suffering and illness wherever possible, it behooves us to take as many preventative measures as we can, as well as regularly observing our guinea pigs and their environments for any signs of potential problems. One very distressing and potentially life-threatening condition that poses a real threat to guinea pigs is flystrike, or myiasis. Flystrike often occurs in areas near animal waste, as flies are drawn to the waste as a food source and breeding ground, so farm animals and small pets can be especially at risk. What is Flystrike in guinea pigs? When myiasis occurs, the flies lay their eggs on or near the animal's skin.

Flies in guinea pig cage

Hot and humid summer days are just around the corner, which means the pesky flies are too. Flies can annoy humans and animals alike as they fly and buzz around obnoxiously. Of course, no one wants flies in their house, which naturally begs the question, do guinea pigs attract flies?

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Reapply Beaphar Fly Guard at the recommended intervals To ensure complete protection for your rabbit or guinea pig, be sure to reapply Beaphar Fly Guard every three months. I cleaned his cage and then they were just flying around my room so I was doing my best to kill as many as I could. Find out more about rabbit nutrition here. Guinea pig in the grassWhat are the signs and symptoms of fly strike in rabbits and guinea pigs? If you have caught fly strike early enough, you may be able to treat your rabbit or guinea pig at home by following the steps below. Ideally, faeces should be cleaned and combed out. Some flies produce maggots that start feeding within 24 hours, so fly strike prevention is essential. Heavily matted fur may need to be carefully cut away with scissors. Log in No account? Older, overweight or longer haired pets may find it harder to clean themselves, so are more likely to need intervention. Your reply will be screened Your IP address will be recorded. The main cause of fly strike is a dirty or unclean hutch, with the smell from urine and poo being a big draw for flies. Step 3 Protect Beaphar Fly GuardTreat your rabbits or guinea pigs with Beaphar Fly Guard A vet strength medicine that contains ivermectin and kills maggots before they can cause damage. If fly strike is only detected at this stage you need to act quickly, as detailed in the next section. Also keep an eye on your pets' faeces, weight and dental health.

Guinea pigs make great pets and are fairly easy to take care of. However, cleaning their cages and keeping them clean in general can be a bit tedious. Flies, whether they be fruit flies or house flies, may seem harmless but are actually riddled with diseases and could cause serious health problems for your pets.

Fly strike is particularly a problem in the summer. Your reply will be screened Your IP address will be recorded. We all love our guinea pigs, so the last thing we want is to see them suffering with fly strike. Reapply Beaphar Fly Guard at the recommended intervals To ensure complete protection for your rabbit or guinea pig, be sure to reapply Beaphar Fly Guard every three months. Guinea pig in the grassWhat are the signs and symptoms of fly strike in rabbits and guinea pigs? A pelleted, high fibre diet with plenty of clean hay and access to grass will mean a healthy diet and cleaner bottom. If fly strike is only detected at this stage you need to act quickly, as detailed in the next section. Ideally, faeces should be cleaned and combed out. Some flies produce maggots that start feeding within 24 hours, so fly strike prevention is essential. While this is the main cause of fly strike, if your guinea pig falls into one of the following categories they could be more at risk:. Fly strike occurs when blowflies lay eggs on a guinea pig, usually around the bottom area. This can lead to diarrhoea or softer faeces, which can get caught around the bottom.

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