Funny programming jokes

Can be super esoteric or super generalized, I love it when I get them, or when I just learn something new.

Need a laugh? Only geeks will appreciate some of these hilarious coding jokes. Kate is mom of two rambunctious boys and a self-proclaimed super nerd. With a background in neuroscience, she is passionate about sharing her love of all things STEM with her kids. She loves to find creative ways to teach kids computer science and geek out about coding and math. She has authored several books on coding for kids which can be found at Hachette UK.

Funny programming jokes


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Funny programming jokes

Most of these jokes have been sourced from StackOverflow and Reddit , with many of them sent to me by other programmers in my career. If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program. The rest of them will write Perl programs. A Cobol programmer made so much money doing Y2K remediation that he was able to have himself cryogenically frozen when he died. One day in the future, he was unexpectedly resurrected.

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Is this an antijoke or did I just need to know where it's going, like the bartender? Clarke's first published short story Travel by Wire! Do you have any examples to point to? She walks into the bar. He tells her that in a few minutes, after his friend has returned, he will call her over and ask her a question. Very creative. With a union type I can specify that it could be any of these but they fill the same purpose. Well, the joke is a play on those gender stereotypes, the blonde waitress clearly knows much more then even the optimistic mathematician expects. I don't get it : Did she know the answer? The physicist chose the wheel, which gave humanity the power over space.

Being a programmer is fun and, sometimes just sometimes frustrating: accidents, bugs features may happen and we need to learn make fun of them. For your amusement, I've compiled a list of programming puns and jokes that only programmers will get. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing this article!

The programmer replies, "It's going great! Satan only shows up in chapter 3. Great book! I feel like that was the most hilarious part, and the joke could have ended there as like an anti-joke of sorts. Could change it like that: A mathematician, a physicist and a biologist are flying in a air balloon and are lost. BerislavLopac on Jan 21, root parent prev next [—] I thought all programmers are firefighters The programmer is suitably impressed. It's weird how some people admit they still test code by hand. That was completely unhelpful but also hilarious. And because now it's a line class half of which is defunct, but good luck figuring out which half , nobody has time to read through it and figure out that it should have been a single assignment statement. This is an oldie I first heard it in the 80s but is one of my all time favorites.

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