futuristic thesaurus

Futuristic thesaurus

The definition of futuristic in the dictionary is denoting or relating to design, technology, etc, futuristic thesaurus, that is thought futuristic thesaurus to be current or fashionable at some future time; ultramodern. Other definition of futuristic is of or relating to futurism.

Add to word list Add to word list. Leading artists of the Russian avant-garde conveyed their messages in bold Futurist and Cubist designs. Zobacz futurism. He built his reputation in the art market by buying Futurist and Surrealist paintings shortly after the end of World War II. I came across Marinetti's more extended version of the Futurist creed. I forced myself to wade through the reams of Futurist manifestos. The Wall Street Journal had named me one of America's five leading business futurists.

Futuristic thesaurus

Add to word list Add to word list. A futuristic car was on display at the auto show. Her latest novel is a futuristic thriller , set some time in the late 21st century. Her latest novel is a futuristic thriller , set in the twenty-first century. The mall is noted for its futuristic, glass-steel-and-concrete construction. Przykłady futuristic. This is all very well, but it's futuristic and slightly impractical. Z Cambridge English Corpus. Figure 5 shows a futuristic view of the microrobot after assembling different pieces. Since linking the mind to the head, brain research has frequently operated in an outspokenly futuristic mode. Despite the extent of such media attention, the extraordinary impact of space, alien and futuristic themes on popular music remains largely unrecognised. His futuristic image combined with his penchant for the seemingly arcane form of opera presented a camp discourse that subverts any claim to privilege. There were, indeed, promising trends : from to the dominant ethic was socialist, futuristic , statist, egalitarian and international in outlook. Thus, our proposal was not intended as a dramatic futuristic statement based on stylistic novelty, but as a subtle reinterpretation of familiar forms and ideas. In part this is achieved through the mixing of nostalgic samples, futuristic technologies and alien imagery that blur temporal existence.

William Creed,


English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns. English Usage.

Futuristic thesaurus

English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. English Grammar in Spanish.

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Tłumaczenie futurist po chińsku tradycyjny. However, this futuristic scenario is well-nigh unintelligible. Przykład z archiwum Hansarda. Wczytaj losowe słowo. His somewhat unreliable memoir mythologized his origins as a futurist , and emphasized his upbringing near a noisy machine shop and an ominous prison. This futuristic bracelet tells you how toxic your environment is. Parts of next 'Star Trek' film to shoot in futuristic Dubai. Alkon, Kliknij na strzałki, by zmienić kierunek przekładu. Wybierz słownik. Potrzebujesz tłumacza? Futurists use rational or scientific methods of anticipating future events. Żadne opinie wyrażone w zdaniach przykładowych nie są opiniami redaktorów Cambridge Dictionary ani wydawcy Cambridge University Press lub jej licencjodawców. Słowniki dwujęzyczne. The issue for the architects thus, was to create the formal expressions of both of these aspirations, whose simultaneous emphasis on futurist elements and memory usually acted in tension.

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Despite the delay, however, all of the futuristic streetcars are slated to be delivered by , when the aging cars in the existing fleet are Human exploration of Mars dates back to the beginning of the space age. Jasne wyjaśnienia naturalnego, mówionego i pisanego języka angielskiego. Do góry. Futurists see a time when shares of international corporations will be traded 24 hours a day in one electronic marketplace. Moje listy słów. Some futurists even argue that utter data transparency - everyone knowing everything about everyone else - offers citizens their only defense against increasingly data-rich institutions. Just yesterday we exclusively reported on a new Microsoft Research tech named 'WearDrive', aimed at Zobacz więcej. Narzędziom umożliwiającym tworzenie własnych list słów i quizów. The 3,square-foot space, adjacent to one of the company's normal retail stores, looks more like a futuristic Apple Store than a Target. Essential British English. Zdanie zawiera obraźliwe treści. British and American pronunciations with audio. People who make predictions.

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