gay cologne germany

Gay cologne germany

While Berlin might seem like the undisputed king of gay Germany, Cologne is a very serious contender for the title. To be precise, Cologne is home to two gay scenes.

With the sun shining down and cobblestoned streets winding all around, you can almost feel a taste of Southern Europe in Cologne. Part post-war vintage charm, part trendy artisan vibes, this easygoing place has it all — so why not indulge? Let your queer flag fly high in Cologne and experience something truly special. Cologne is the fourth-largest city in Germany and has a rich and storied history as a hub of queer culture and activism. Being gay in Cologne today is a truly remarkable experience. On top of that, Cologne has a rich food world and several historic dishes. This, with its rich museum quarter and historic buildings, makes it a perfect spot to explore and learn.

Gay cologne germany

This proud, confident and fun-loving city has a thriving cultural scene, and is a major hub for media, business and tourism, attracting regular hordes of tourists to the many festivals and events this most liberal of German cities hosts every year. The city has a large and well-established gay scene with many bars , clubs and saunas , concentrated in the city centre. It is also justly famous for its annual gay pride , and Christopher Street Day CSD parade, which is one the biggest and most high-profile in all of Europe. If you are travelling from outside Europe you can fly directly to either Dusseldorf or Frankfurt airports which both have easy access to the city. High-speed trains are a great way to travel around Europe, though can be expensive, so always book online as far in advance of your travel dates as you can to obtain the best value fares. The centre of Cologne is best explored on foot. The landscape is flat and most of the important visitor sites are within a short of walk of each other. For travel beyond the city center use the KVB public transport network. This consists of a subway network underground, which transforms seamlessly into a tram network above ground, and buses, and will get you everywhere efficiently and cheaply. The one and three-day passes are also valid on the local VRS-network trains. Tickets can be bought from vending machines in stations and on board with prices varying depending on the distance you need to travel. There is also a network of regional trains to get you around the wider city area. Cologne City Center is relatively compact so any hotel in the centre area stretching from Rudolfplatz to the central train station is going to be reasonably convenient.

In short, gay couples have nothing in particular to worry about here and can hold hands and kiss without attracting attention. Is this hotel running a credit scheme with their clients? Just terrible!

That is partly because the people in Cologne tend to be more easy-going and approachable than in other German cities. And they love to imitate the Southern European lifestyle — as soon as two rays of sunshine hit the city you will see some tables outside in front of many cafes and bars. Cologne had been extensively destroyed during World War II. For the sight-seeing traveller it hasn't much to offer besides the Cathedral, an UNESCO World Heritage site, a wide range of high quality art galleries and museums, and a few other attractions. But Cologne more than compensates for this with its more friendly and easy-going atmosphere.

Cologne has enjoyed both the river Rhine and the majestic Cathedral of St. Peter and Mary as its main attractions. This city has a truly vibrant cultural scene, and is a major hub for media, business and tourism, attracting regular hordes of tourists to the many festivals and events it hosts every year. This is what makes Cologne a great gay destination, with even more to experience and discover far over its extensive gay scene. The city has a large and well-established gay scene in the city center. It is also famous for its annual pride and Christopher Street Day CSD parade, which is one the biggest and most high profile in all of Europe. Get ready for special tours in this amazing city! Start you incredible LGBT walking tour of Cologne from the Cathedral, which spires tower over Germany's oldest city and its innumerable cultural and historical treasures, world-famous museums and active art scene.

Gay cologne germany

The attendance for this year's Christopher Street Day parade , which marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots in New York, was similar to last year's, which saw 1. Around different groups signed up to march in this year's parade. In contrast to other pride parades in Germany, organizers in Cologne have made their event a political demonstration, purposefully limiting the size of the floats to maintain its protest atmosphere. But the parade was also a celebration of the city itself. Carnival songs were peppered into the parade performances, which wound through Cologne's old town. When asked what makes Cologne's parade so special in Germany, many were quick to answer. In Germany, even if a lesbian couple are married, only the woman who gives birth is recognized as a child's mother. The other partner has to adopt in order to be given the same parental rights.


Go somewhere else if you want to have real good fun! It is close to the riverfront and has a great selection of events catered to its gay clientele along with incredibly friendly bar staff. In addition to their impressive selection of adult toys and gear, the Sex und Gay Center also has an extensive collection of adult films and literature. We found the east to have more traditional bars and clubs, with more mature crowds. This also attracts a lot of gay guys. This massive hotel is perfect for larger groups with options for packages and a wide variety of rooms to choose from. It's sad because we come from a place where we got discriminated against for being gay and now we're being discriminated for our race. This is one of the biggest gay carnival events in the world and certainly the biggest in Europe. With the Come Together Cup, this gets turned around completely as the teams here not only accept diversity, they celebrate it. Despite its long history, Cologne was all but razed to the ground after WW2. Email Destination Page. Admission is free so you can come along just to observe.

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Expect LGBT performances among the street parades and celebrations, and fabulous costume parties in gay bars and clubs across the city. The central station is located near the bay where there are many restaurants. They offer a wide selection of high-quality products, and their knowledgeable staff can help you find the perfect item to suit your needs and desires. Gay marriage and adoption have been legal since , and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender is illegal as is hate speech. Where City name. Bali Jakarta. As one result Cologne became the gay capital of the western part of Germany. Slide 1 of 8. Regardless of how high you hold your musical tastes, you will be up on that dancefloor boogying the night away. So, whether you're looking for a fabulous, expensive city gay getaway, or just passing through whilst backpacking across Europe, Cologne has plenty of options for you. The queues into Exile can be quite long, especially on the weekends, but trust us when we say it's totally worth it!

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