Gay tony stark

Mentioned it to my friend and he agreed. How rad would it have been if he had done the voice for Tony?

That said, I think my comic tabula rasa gave me a unique advantage when I went to see The Avengers last weekend because I could look at the characters objectively. To me, they are just characters on the screen, probably representing certain ideas or themes, just like any other character in any other movie. No doubt, Tony Stark is, indeed, an alpha male. He is not the strongest, toughest, or most muscular male character, yet he is the one who seems to command the most respect well, maybe second to Hulk — but only out of fear. His muscles and barrel chest are difficult to miss I tried to look away, but, alas, I could not. Like you?

Gay tony stark


Log In Sign Up. Home Annotated Bibliography: Jerome S. Your take on Tony Stark is fascinating, gay tony stark, and while I am fighting the urge to use my nearly gay tony stark knowledge of the Tony Stark I know and love in the actual comic books, the film version certainly does espouse a very different view of masculinity than the more traditional Captain America.


The comics are well ahead of the MCU to this point. However, with the Loki variant in the recent MCU Loki series, the screen franchise is beginning to catch up. There are many more opportunities to do so both in live-action and with some important characters in the comics. Marvel continues to make strides in this area, celebrating Pride Month with a slate of variant covers and the introduction of new characters. But there are many characters, some of whom are iconic, who remain unacknowledged in the eyes of fans. Many characters like Magik have been read as bisexual for decades and fans would love to see them finally have their day as Tim Drake has. In , Kitty Pryde was confirmed as bisexual in Marauders 12 when she shared a kiss with another woman. Those readings were challenged by decades of relationships with characters like Colossus and Star-Lord. But now it seems the door is open for Kitty and possibly her chief romantic partners in fan circles, both of whom remain unconfirmed at this point.

Gay tony stark

When historians look back and write the story of the career of Robert Downey, Jr. You can't fully blame them, as there has been no greater definition of a comeback in recent history than RDJ going from a former drug addict has been to one of the biggest stars on the planet. His ongoing act as the poster boy of the MCU for 11 years brought him everything you'd yearn for as an actor: a secure job, a new generation of fans, and, most importantly, dump trucks of money. But that doesn't tell the complete story, as people often skip over the fact that Downey, Jr. After being mistaken for an actor, a New York thief is sent to Hollywood to train under a private eye for a potential movie role, but the duo are thrown together with a struggling actress into a murder mystery. From the mind of Shane Black , Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is the culmination of a man who spent his career writing action bonanzas that answered the question, "what if Joss Whedon wrote movies for adults? He made a name for himself for his sense of intensely snarky humor, usually built around pithy dialogue being exchanged between hardened characters who can barely tolerate each other. Evoking the crime novel writers he no doubt grew up idolizing, Black's sense of a golden heart lurking underneath all the black comedy makes him the perfect person to skewer the genres he plays in, as you can't properly make fun of something unless you understand it first. Even Black's one-time dalliance with the MCU, Iron Man 3 , showed that he had enough of a sense of superhero movies to know how to poke the right holes in them while still keeping it a sincere story.

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I think it's the glasses. Big man in a suit of armor. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Win or take a dive? Stark continues in this fashion throughout much the movie, using his intelligence and wit to one-up the patriotic soldier at every turn. Browse More Questions. I found Captain America kinda boring. Replay levels? His muscles and barrel chest are difficult to miss I tried to look away, but, alas, I could not. How do you do the dancing properly at the nightclubs? Leave a comment Cancel reply.

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Private Policy and Terms of Use. Marvel stans can't help but ship these same-sex pairings!

I think its the gayness they both have. Rishi says:. Email Address:. I actually enjoyed the movie very much. Cap on the other hand seems to be the picture of repressed. That said, is a different standard of masculinity the equivalent to being gay? May 24, at pm. Email Address: Sign me up! What do you need help on? How do you do the dancing properly at the nightclubs? W1ngZero 14 years ago 1. Robert Downey Jr in Iron Man? GTALoco 14 years ago 6.

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