godfather 2 game review

Godfather 2 game review

Even if it were finished, this movie-inspired action game wouldn't be deserving of its prestigious license.

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Godfather 2 game review

Back in the dark days when every other publisher was frantically jumping on the openworld bandwagon, we ended up with the core of a sometimes-quite-good Godfather game. You could rough up the working class, have fun smashing people's heads into inanimate objects and throw crooks off rooftops. Imagine The Punisher in a classic Mafioso setting with kill. It had potential. But this being mid-decade, it was inevitably ruined by some of the worst excesses of cut-and-paste sandbox design: incessant, brain-numbing repetition, needless padding and tedious map-spanning driving. Just to make the feeling of missed-opportunity all the more intense, EA also committed the cardinal sin of completely wasting the contributions of Hollywood legends like Marlon Brando and Robert Duval. Making a better sequel shouldn't have been that difficult for a studio with the resources and experience of EA Redwood Shores. All it really needed was a tighter structure and more memorable and more challenging missions. But while the follow-up undoubtedly has a far better structure, the feeling that you're essentially playing a series of disconnected side-quests persists. It's a game strangely lacking in soul, and consistently fails to make you care about what you're doing and why. From start to finish you'll play on autopilot, shooting all the nasty men unquestioningly in what amounts to the ultimate pissing contest. EA does at least try to make mobster genocide a slightly less tedious process than last time around.

Though it deftly combines action, strategy, and resource management, Godfather II simply never evolves. The actual gameplay amounts to much of what the first game offered—extorting businesses—but with some key differences.

LOW The part where the game tries to explain that killing a drug-addicted prostitute is basically a public service. How bad was that movie? There's no tragedy in the world of North American video games. No pathos, no sadness, no hard choices, no pyrrhic victories, no noble defeats. The bad guys must be annihilated unless a sequel is planned, in which case it's just the immediate villain who winds up completely obliterated, while an overall threat remains to fuel future entries in the franchise.

Get the latest news and videos for this game daily, no spam, no fuss. By signing up, you agree to the our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. Even if it were finished, this movie-inspired action game wouldn't be deserving of its prestigious license. While a little disappointing The Godfather II is not as bad as they want to make it look: You start the game by making your character: Dominic, look as you want, there are enough customization options to make him look Read Full Review. As a gamer I've seen many bad and good games in my time. This is the first game that I've played that has been so bad, that I had to ensure that noone suffers a 60 dollar loss and a waste of time.

Godfather 2 game review

The Godfather II places an interesting spin on the second film in the acclaimed series, adding emphasis on both strategy and action elements to give you a sense of what it's like to create and control your own empire. Multiplayer also puts a creative spin on using your henchmen to gain money and even items for your soldiers. However, players of action or strategy games of any variety will blow through this title thanks to the lack of difficulty in the single player campaign, and probably will only turn to the multiplayer once they've beaten the game, since they won't need to increase their henchmen's skills. It's still fun and has almost all of the elements of a great game, but until a harder difficulty level is added which, fingers crossed, would occur with a future download or patch , The Godfather II falls a tad bit short.

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I repeated this process with every compound thereafter and had the same success. Do you feel lucky, punk? In sharp contrast to the movie, the game's story has no depth or consequence. Rated M for Mature. Apr 17, Last Epoch Review Apart from the standard Team Deathmatch, there are class specific modes like Demolition Assault, which requires a demo expert to destroy objectives on the map, Fire Starter, which tasks your arsonists with setting blazes to score bonus points, and Safecracker, which obviously involves breaking into a number of safes arrayed around the map. Daniel Weissenberger. Doing so involves diving periodically into the new Don's-eye-view map, flicking through a few menus and commanding troops to do your bidding. This is compounded by the fact that Dominic acts as if he's only met Tom once or twice, even though the player has seen Tom's face dozens of times at this point. The former can create shortcuts through walls and blow up buildings, but like most of the crew abilities, these can be used in only very specific locations. Page 1 of 2.

Summary After being promoted by Michael Corleone to Don of New York, players expand to new cities, as they build up their families through extorting businesses, monopolizing illegal crime rings and defeating new families in an effort to become the most powerful mob family in America. To help players manage their empire, The Godfather II introduc Read More.

Like you, each family has a structure of a don, underboss, capo, and made men that require special kill conditions like a sniper shot or melee kill to permanently remove them from the game. Read Full Review. This creates something of a problem when trying to adapt other media into a video game, since things like novels and films often use elements such as those to create complex drama, and multi-faceted narratives, whose grey-shaded morality can get in the way of the shiny feelings people are supposed to have when the Strogg orbital super-weapon explodes and the credits roll. It's like the game's very own mob market, and so wonderfully broken. Platinum games. The front door was locked. The favours system is a decent concept in theory, but the way the game presents them to you is utterly comic, and symptomatic of some of the lazy design compromises. Serhii Recommended. Blissfully unaware of the evidence on the roof, Dominic fled from the scene of his latest hit-and-run. Even looking past these anomalies, all you're going to find is repetitive, unsatisfying gameplay in an illogical, inconsistent world.

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