gone with the blast wave

Gone with the blast wave

Sniper seems to be the more trained and organised of the two protagonists and often will point out how illogical any suggested plans are, but nonetheless ends up going along with them. While more sane and practical than his counterparthe still like most of the soldiers in the city has a pessimistic, sarcastic attitude, and will sometimes do reckless things out of boredom. Still, for the most part, he is fairly cautious and is definitely gone with the blast wave.

It follows a group of soldiers fighting for reasons they're more than a little hazy about in a ruined city of a post-apocalyptic world. It "is not a very serious comic", having a lot of Black Comedy - the author advises you to "think of it as some kind of a parody" of more serious post-apocalyptic settings. Compare Romantically Apocalyptic. It doesn't update very often at all, but not so much because of Schedule Slip as because the author has decided not to try for a schedule - it's a side-project, and the update arrangements are unashamedly on a "whenever-I-feel-like-it" basis. Was on a hiatus for almost a year, returned with the author promising an update once a month, twice a month if the readers bribe him, then slipped back into hiatus with few sporadic strips since.

Gone with the blast wave

Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Buy on Amazon. Rate this book. Gone with the Blastwave, Vol. Kimmo Lemetti. Nuclear war is here. The human race is finally killing itself, and the remaining three airmies - The Reds, the Blues, and the Yellows - are locked in a desperate battle over whatever is left of the planet. Follow the story of two soldiers of the Reds trying to cope in the ruthless, but darkly humorous world of Gone With The Blastwave. Loading interface About the author. Kimmo Lemetti 2 books 4 followers. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews.

Each of the three armies has its own design. It was previously believed that Sniper's name is Porter, as seen in Issue 22, however that is false, as the story is not told from Pyro's perspective, and you can see Sniper asking the storyteller if he was sure he knew what he was talking about.


Sniper seems to be the more trained and organised of the two protagonists and often will point out how illogical any suggested plans are, but nonetheless ends up going along with them. While more sane and practical than his counterpart , he still like most of the soldiers in the city has a pessimistic, sarcastic attitude, and will sometimes do reckless things out of boredom. Still, for the most part, he is fairly cautious and is definitely intelligent. He even shows some concern for the lives of other Reds, getting angry at Pyro when it looked like he was being careless with lives of his squad Issue 36 and Issue While he seems more empathetic than Pyro he kills for the "challenge" and openly laughs at a crushed Blue soldier in Issue

Gone with the blast wave

Why do we fight? Bored: Sniper gets bored and kills a Blue trooper by shooting his respirator and a nearby gas canister. Pyro beats Snipers 1 min 27 secs by 2 seconds, winning his next lunch.

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Girl on Girl Is Hot : Used in a joke page. We don't call them Sniper and Pyro because that would just cause confusion. If you'd like to read, you'll have to go to the Gone with the Blastwave website, which, as the creator begrudgingly admitted updates "never" so it's a pretty short read which is really the only bad thing that can be said about the comic. Tempting Fate : In Depths 2 , Crosshair mentions that "at least the yellows won't follow us here. Let's go! Despite the synopsis this book is a dark comedy by one of the creators that work on romantically apocalyptic. Crosshairs looks upset but he's actually just contemplating stealing the rifle Everything's Deader with Zombies : Lampshaded; the zombies are just civilians in makeup and tattered clothing. Somewhat averted because as Crosshairs and the other reds in the next strip note "There is a war on" Dope Slap And Dope Gunbutt : strips 40 and 46, respectively. Austin McDuffee. However, it was done only as a stupid bet out of boredom.

It follows a group of soldiers fighting for reasons they're more than a little hazy about in a ruined city of a post-apocalyptic world. It "is not a very serious comic", having a lot of Black Comedy - the author advises you to "think of it as some kind of a parody" of more serious post-apocalyptic settings. Compare Romantically Apocalyptic.

The wonderful art to go alongside the morbid humor is perfect. Personality [ ] Sniper seems to be the more trained and organised of the two protagonists and often will point out how illogical any suggested plans are, but nonetheless ends up going along with them. Wasted People: A Perspective Flip featuring a blue soldier writing in his journal. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! So pathetically short, but amazing artwork, and very cynical humor make this a must-read. And themselves. Sign In Register. Popular pages. Nuclear war is here. Cute Kitten : This joke page. In Issue 7, he shoots a Blue fighter plane pilot in the head as he was flying, causing the plane to crash into the Blues on the ground though even the Sniper seemed impressed with himself this time. Kimmo Lemetti. Shell-Shocked Veteran : Pretty much everyone who appears in panel long enough to achieve Mauve Shirt status is suffering from this one way or another.

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