good decks for arena 6

Good decks for arena 6

This is the second guide in the Arena Rush series, good decks for arena 6. This is where the Meta begins to take an effect on decksso you might like to unlock all the cards available now before you progress ahead. Best Arena 6 Decks has numerous win decks. The win condition is the main damage dealer in the deck.

All of the decks listed will contain cards that must be unlocked by reaching Arena 6. You may not have access to some cards if you are unable to enter the Builder's Workshop. This deck has a high average Elixir cost, but this isn't something that make's the deck useless. The Elixir Collector will allow you to gain more Elixir every 10 seconds to play powerful cards, rather than have you overspend and wait a long time to recharge. During the later half of a match, Elixir Collector is great since you have a lot more Elixir being charged up than your opponent.

Good decks for arena 6

Clash Royale players will face tougher opponents and unlock new cards as they move further down the ladder. This gives players the opportunity to develop decks that fit their playstyle and allows them to play without having to depend on popular cards that they may or may not enjoy playing. The decks below will help players struggling to make it out of Arena 6. Hog Rider is a fast and easy win condition to build around and support. The main point of this deck is to get as many hits on the opposing towers with the Goblin Barrel while distracting the tower and opposing troops with the Hog Rider and giving them reliable support with Musketeer and the Fire Spirit for ground and air swarming troops. Fireball and Zap are some of the great spell combinations possible that can clean up after any failed pushes, with the Inferno Tower having great use for defense. This deck is a defensive powerhouse with cards that have the versatility to be played against many decks that can be thrown its way. The Giant can soak up plenty of damage and give troops behind it the leeway to rain down plenty of damage with the security of not being targeted by enemy troops and towers. Arrows and Fireball are great for supporting the Giant on offense, while Tombstone is key because, with proper placement, it can buy time for other troops to clean up on defense. Battle Ram deals significant damage when connecting to any building or tower. Building around this with a good cycle of cheap defensive troops like Minions and Knight to soak up damage makes this deck able to play very fast and aggressively on offense and defense. Goblin Cage is a great counter to building targeting troops with other cheap troops that can come in and clean up on defense, clearing the way again for the Battle Ram. This great defensive deck can give the opponent a tough time dealing with the Goblin Barrel. The Skeleton Army and Fire Spirit are useful in baiting out spells that can counter the Goblin Barrel, while cards like the Valkyrie, Musketeer, and Inferno Tower can really shine on defense. Related Clash Royale: How to Get and Use Trade Tokens Trade Tokens allow players to get the cards they would like while replacing them with the ones they don't: here is how to get them.

Related Guides. Android iPhone. If the Inferno Tower is deployed late, it will lock on to the Skelly Barrel, which will decimate the Inferno as it switches targets.


All of the decks listed will contain cards that must be unlocked by reaching Arena 6. You may not have access to some cards if you are unable to enter the Builder's Workshop. This deck has a high average Elixir cost, but this isn't something that make's the deck useless. The Elixir Collector will allow you to gain more Elixir every 10 seconds to play powerful cards, rather than have you overspend and wait a long time to recharge. During the later half of a match, Elixir Collector is great since you have a lot more Elixir being charged up than your opponent. This will allow you to play a Golem faster and counter more frequently. The Golem is the main focus of this deck. It is powerful against almost any unit and will deal massive damage to Towers, so you want to have it out when it counts. At the same time, you need to protect it against counters from your opponent, such as Minion Hordes or other group cards like Barbarians or Goblins.

Good decks for arena 6

Congratulations for making it to Arena 6! Luckily, this article is here to help you get out of Arena 6 as quickly as possible by providing the best decks for you to win with! It may be harder to get your hands on these legendaries but if you do this deck is a quick way to chip away at the enemy! What is great about this deck:. A classic but with a few more twists to make it work for Arena 6 What is great about this deck:. Skip to main content. Level up. Earn rewards.

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Contents hide. Goblin Cage is a great counter to building targeting troops with other cheap troops that can come in and clean up on defense, clearing the way again for the Battle Ram. A maxed Golem has health, a little less than the level 13 King Tower. To destroy big pushes, you have Lightning and Minions. Battle Ram deals significant damage when connecting to any building or tower. A highly offensive deck. A rock solid defense. The main point of this deck is to get as many hits on the opposing towers with the Goblin Barrel while distracting the tower and opposing troops with the Hog Rider and giving them reliable support with Musketeer and the Fire Spirit for ground and air swarming troops. Spear Goblins and Archers are great ranged attackers against units that would threaten your Golem. This will allow you to play a Golem faster and counter more frequently.

This is the second guide in the Arena Rush series.

Solid, very tanky, and with the added benefit of death damage, Arena 6 Golem decks are easier to play than Balloon. Contents hide. It may be helpful to wait until you have full Elixir so you can play another card afterwards as a counter or distraction. Tesla is a great defense card here that can keep your opponent at bay. He is a Rare and therefore easy to level up. Battle Ram deals significant damage when connecting to any building or tower. This gives players the opportunity to develop decks that fit their playstyle and allows them to play without having to depend on popular cards that they may or may not enjoy playing. The Golem is the main focus of this deck. It depends on how you are playing and what you get at the start of a match. Clash Royale Guides. You want the skeletons it makes to have purpose ratehr than be taken out quickly, but you want to have them out. The cards in this deck have great synergy with each other. This deck is a bit on the defensive side, but translates quickly to offense. This is where the Meta begins to take an effect on decks , so you might like to unlock all the cards available now before you progress ahead.

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